Volume 2 Chapter 4 Part 2

Katsuie rambled on and on. Her words continued on until Nobuna couldn’t bear them any longer, grabbing hold of her sword and saying in a loud voice:

「I get it already, Riku! Monkey, we need to have a talk, so come over here! 」

「Huh? Okay, okay, I’m coming, no need to act like a mob boss about it, geez. 」

Yoshiharu scratched his head while following Nobuna’s lead.

「N-No way… Nobuna-sama?! Are you really going to let this damn monkey off without any punishment whatsoever? Don’t tell me now you are going to go on a lovey-dovey date now?! Let me tag along too! I need to make sure that… 」

「Katsuie, wait here. 」

Inuchiyo hugged Katsuie who was already rushing to follow them, and she tried to break free while shouting 「Let me go Inuchiyo! I need to follow after them! 」. As such, the two of them were left alone in the room engaged in a strange wrestling match. But even though there was quite a big difference in the size of their bodies (and breasts), Inuchiyo was able to stand her ground against Katsuie surprisingly well.

「Ohhhhh….Inuchiyo, your waist is unexpectedly wide! Have you put on some weight recently? 」

「I could tell the same about your breasts, Katsuie! They’re so heavy that it is making me furious! 」

「Ehhhhh!? W-Why must all of you be angry at me today?! 」

「Touch them yourself to know why! 」

「I don’t understand a thing!! What’s going on? Is there a problem with my personality?! 」
「 No, the problem is not with your personality, but with your obnoxious chest! 」

「Ehhhh, really now, what is going on!? 」

「Those two are really getting noisy in there. I wonder what is that all about? 」

Nobuna stood at the walkway, gazing at the plains stretching from the top of Komakiyama across its whole northern side. Different from her usual happy go lucky style, today Nobuna was wearing a blue kimono. This type of attire can be worn both with her armor once battle begins and as normal clothing, and it does not particularly restrict her movements. Though she likely only considers this outfit in terms of mobility, Nobuna’s figure added a few points to it in the femininity department. As he was looking at her while sitting at the side, Yoshiharu felt his heartbeat speed up for no apparent reason.

「 Don’t tell me you started dressing more sexily because of Nagamasa’s proposal…. Damn it! 」

「You are talking nonsense yourself, Monkey. 」

Nobuna looked across the fast currents of the Kiso river, which was heading towards her and her father Nobuhide’s combined wish, the yet unconquered Inabayama Castle.

Looking at Nobuna, who kept shifting her legs in frustration while looking through her telescope, her heart’s impatience can be seen clearly.

Shifting her own base from Aoshuu to Komakiyama could also be seen as a physical representation of Nobuna’s impatience: she wanted to get closer to Inabayama Castle at all costs, no matter if it’s just by one or two small steps.

At this hastily built courtyard, if one were to look closely enough they could see exact replicas of Mino’s geography on a 3D model. The small water trenches must be the Nagara river and Kiso river, and the hill at the center of it all must be Kinkazan. Nobuna looked at the model quietly, almost as if she was thinking thinking of ways to capture the Mino province even now.

「Even though I’m so close, I just can’t get closer to it… damn it! 」

「Eh? So… we’re not going to talk about the punishment for what I did? 」

Yoshiharu scratched his head in confusion.

「Think of something. 」

「S-Something? You mean I have to come up with my own punishment? 」

「No. I mean a plan! A plan to capture Inabayama Castle! It’s impossible to conquer that fortress with just shifting my base of operations to a closer location! The reason I built a castle right here in Komakiyama in the first place was so that I could find a weak spot in that mountain fortress, but I just can’t figure anything out by myself. 」

「So even though you did all that, it didn’t work out in the end? 」

「Umm. In the end, Komakiyama is like a small hill. It cannot be compared to Kinkazan even in a million years. It can’t be used for the planning purposes at all. 」

The famous work of The Viper of Mino, Saito Dosan: Inabayama Castle.

Even without Takenaka Hanbei to act as a strategist, the besieged Yoshitatsu can still easily utilize the features and defensive qualities of that fortress to force the Oda clan’s army to go back home without coming even remotely close to conquering it. And even if Nobuna besieged the nearby town instead, she would only be putting her troops in danger of being subjected to the famous nighttime guerilla warfare tactics devised by Saito Dosan himself.

「In terms of strategies, surrounding Inabayama castle and cutting its water supply might not be such a bad idea. 」

「But even though we have Motoyasu to protect us from the east side, we can’t just let Owari be empty for a prolonged period of time. 」

「The most important thing is that when autumn comes around, the fields are going to be need to be tended, right? So a drawn out battle is pretty much impossible for us. If we want to remedy that, we might have ordinary soldiers to focus on farming when that time comes, since even if they’re warriors now, there are quite a number of them who were also farmers before. I have also gathered all the retainers to this town at the foot of Komakiyama as well as professional soldiers, but the bildup of a dedicated army consumes both time and money. 」

「Yeah, that, and burning burning other people’s houses just because they don’t want to move out immediately might be a bit too much, don’t you think? 」

Yoshiharu grumbled unhappily.

「You know Monkey, after listening to my great army restructuring plan, you should at least be more surprised about it. 」

「Aren’t you the great Oda Nobuna though? This kind of thing should be a given for you. 」

「You’re so boring. On the other hand though, it would also be troublesome if you were like Riku, who says stuff like: 「What are you saying, Nobuna-sama? I don’t understand you at all, so could you speak normally? 」with tears in her eyes, but the least you could do is to show me some actual gratitude for sharing my plans with you in some more tangible way. 」

「Nobuna, because Mino now does not have Hanbei, I think it’s far more important than you think. If we have to think of a way to capture Inabayama Castle, then it’s not like there isn’t a way… 」

「… but? It’s not like you to be this slow and hesitant about giving me an answer. 」

Nobuna’s small lips curved downwards in displeasure.

「Lately, you always seem to be hesitating about something. Stop beating around the bush already. If there’s something you want to say, just go ahead and say it. 」

「Don’t you dare forgetting about the reward for the one who conquers Inabayama Castle. 」

「 I…I did not forget about it at all! 」

Suddenly, Nobuna’s face became bright red, and she turned her head away from Yoshiharu in a hurry.

Yoshiharu did not mind that reaction of hers too much. In his mind, he was thinking about the extremely famous incident that he has seen numerous times in the greatest Sengoku era strategy game ever created,「The Ambition of Oda Nobunaga」, the incident that left its mark on the history of the entire Sengoku era: Kinoshita Tokichiro’s 「Sunomata’s One Night Castle」.

This history of the incident went more or less like this: preparing to conquer the Mino province, Oda Nobunaga was determined to build a castle at the east side of Mino at Sunomata. But Sunomata itself was right inside the enemy’s territory. All of Nobunaga’s important generals had failed to accomplish the task that was given to them, but the inconspicuous Kinoshita Tokichiro managed to accomplish it in the span of just a single night’s time.

「Monkey, I’m getting really impatient with you. Just quickly say what you have in mind, but don’t you dare tell me things like 「Let’s go and build a castle at Sunomata」. 」

「Eh!? How did you know what I was going to say!? 」

「If I could get a strategic foothold in Sunomata, the people of Mino would surely be shocked and come running to me for help. But Yoshitatsu isn’t an idiot. He will definitely stop us from doing that. So isn’t something like that simply impossible? 」

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