Volume 3 Chapter 7 Part 8

「…Correct~. Because I would rather face Shingen on the battlefield than let Kichi-nee-san turn me into tanuki soup… *shiver* 」

「Though Motoyasu’s thinking was not as revolutionary as Nobuna’s, your endurance to maintain the current state of affairs has been recorded in Japan’s history. 」

From the history that Yoshiharu learned, the Edo Shogunate that Tokugawa Ieyasu, so as to say, Matsudaira Motoyasu established had once successfully let this country to enjoy 300 years of peace. Of course, this peace was built upon the ideology of closing the doors of this country to anything that was foreign to it. If Nobuna lived, then Japan and this world’s history would face a huge change. In light of this, Yoshiharu believed that Nobuna will definitely leave Motoyasu in charge of state affairs.

「And you, Juubei, you and me will one day be together with Nobuna, and sail from the base at Kyushu and head

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Ambition of Oda Nobuna

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Ambition of Oda Nobuna

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