Volume 4 Chapter 3 Part 4

「….Everything is going to be alright, Yoshiharu. Mama is here, I’m right here. The terrible dream is already over, so just act like a spoilt child as much as you wish. 」

Mitsuhide used a voice full of maternal instincts and said that to Yoshiharu.

「….Mama, it’s so scary… I want to go home… I want to see my friends, I want to go back to school, I want to… I want to see you, mom… 」

「Geez, Yoshiharu really is a coward. Seems like you really are from a very peaceful future, but you have already tried your best Yoshiharu, your very best… you have proved that you are a courageous and strong child, so you can rest now. You have done more than enough on your end. 」

Her two hands hugged Yoshiharu’s head tightly as he plunged his face deeply into the pure breasts of hers that had never been

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Ambition of Oda Nobuna

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Ambition of Oda Nobuna

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