Volume 5 Chapter 3 Part 2

Kuki Yoshitaka then made sure to explain:

「The western ships and merchants are only able to act scary and menacing. They can’t be considered part of our active military strength, but just their existence alone should be enough to give the Takeda fleet quite a scare. 」

「Good grief… 」

Hattori Hanzo muttered.

「Sagara Yoshiharu, with this, the battle on the sea should be considered even, but on the land we are still lacking in numbers. Where is your Sagara Corps? 」

「My corps are currently disbanded, and its members are working directly under Nobuna. Instead, I brought Kazumasu-chan’s army from Ise, as well as Giovanna-chan, over for support. Kazumasu-chan, it’s time to show us your worth as one of the Four Generals of the Oda clan, please! 」

「This isn’t even Tōtōmi; we’re already in some backwater place. It stinks of Miso here! 」

Kazumasu pinched her nose as she walked over to them.

「Ohhhh, so

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Ambition of Oda Nobuna

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Ambition of Oda Nobuna

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