The Present is Me


「The results from Libya’s report are in, you say? Tell me about the contents.」


Vasa began reporting to Castor.

「The warheads camouflaged as supply containers fired by the mass driver from Planet Libya had all managed to hit their intended targets. The difference was less than two meters.」

「As expected of a Super AI.」

「Indeed. However, the results were not as good as we were hoping. There were zero personnel casualties, and at the very least, it was not the base where Astraea’s main terminal was hiding, unlike what we had surmised.」

「So, it was a miss. It was Astraea that once managed weapons development on all three planets. Even though Libya’s raw performance is superior, I imagine it would still be possible for Astraea to predict her move and react accordingly.」

「It is an expert in combat and tactics after all.」

「I take it that all three locations were a miss?」

「Yes. The main warhead seemed to have hit some kind of facility, but it didn’t even have Therianthropes within it. It seems to be a welfare facility for Familiars. There were apparently two humans present, but their current statuses are unknown. They were probably the Familiar’s caretakers.」

「Just two humans? And all the rest are Familiars?!」


Castor blatantly displayed an expression of disgust.

Even if they misread the targets, it would still have been better if the facilities were unmanned. There was practically no use for a facility housing only Familiars.

「There is no merit in destroying a mere petting zoo. Ignore it.」

「Agreed. There isn’t even any reason to waste time and resources dispatching patrol crafts.」

Castor covered his face with a palm.

Come to think of it, he had been performing such a gesture often after taking on Metal Iris. Just when did he first perform such a gesture, Castor inwardly asked himself. Ah, yes. It was when they first saw a panjandrum……

「……I am only being reminded of unpleasant matters. It is really deplorable that Libya’s last operation before it broke down produced such results.」

「Agreed. Though the Super AI did do its utmost. Is its ego truly lost?」

「It looks like the only Super AI working with the Stones is done for.」

「But we do still have Hermes, do we not?」

「Yes. But we don’t know how effective it is in comparison.」

Hermes, the god of cunning. It was the name of the Ancient Greek god of thieves and travelers. Since he was born, he had the makings of a thief. He took the guise of Ares, the god of war, and continued to drink the milk of the goddess Hera, stealing the love of a mother for her child.

He also had matchless lechery, was a master of schemes and combat stratagems, and was also a titan-slayer.

It was thanks to Hermes that the Stones were able to go to war against humanity.

「 Then shall we cancel the plan to send troops to the mountain range and have them converge with the central forces instead?」

Vasa made a suggestion.

「Very well. There would be some worth to taking over that facility if one of their spaceships was stationed there, but…… there were no signs of such as ship as well, correct?」

「According to the report, there were none.」

「The Super AI bacically cannot lie to its users. Also, there is no way for the current Libya that is devoid of self-awareness to lie in the first place.」

Alberto also agreed with Vasa’s suggestion.

「At the very least, the fact that we’ve managed to confirm that the Silhouette Base wasn’t located in those three coordinates can already be considered a satisfactory result. We can simply take time searching for it once we’ve taken P336 down.」


Castor nodded in agreement.

In the end, they decided to proceed with amassing their forces and concluded that the mass driver attack was a failure.

A week had passed since the mass driver attack.

「……Unit 5, do you read me? Kou, are you there?」

「Is that you, Matt?!」

Kou couldn’t help but exclaim Matty’s nickname.

「I’m alive and in good health. The communication, information, and administrative authority to this place had probably all been cut off.」

『Hold on. I’m also here.』

『This is an emergency. I also have some things to say. Forgive me, but allow me to join this call.』

Asia and Astraea barged in on the transmission.

「It’s you two. This saves me some trouble. I and the Familiars are all safe. The impact had almost no effect on the underground facility. The projectile that landed was thin and needle-like.」

『You mean that thing was the one loaded with an AI strong enough to wrestle control of the entire Silhouette Base’s systems?』

「That’s right.」

Kou and the two AIs froze up.

「The access authority would probably be returned to Asia and Astraea after a month.」

『Why do you know so much? Hmm? Just make your appearance already, Ms. Mastermind.』


Asia addressed the “mastermind” behind Matt.

『That’s you, right? Libya.』

『Do forgive me. I am not an existence worthy of bearing the name of such a great goddess.』

『So, it IS you!』

Kou thought that they definitely were sisters.

He then faced Matt once more and nodded.

The image that appeared only displayed a vague silhouette.

However, both eyes of the silhouette had long, thin, shining pupils reminiscent of a reptile’s.

『You were placed in the same predicament as me and had all the major facilities under your control taken over, analyzed, hacked, and eventually destroyed. But you…… Wait! Don’t tell me you transferred your consciousness to a biological body?』

『As expected of my sister. We truly are triplets. My AI self had basically collapsed and only the function to maintain the planet remained. Since I had no processing power left, I had resorted to transferring my consciousness into this biological body. Therefore, the content of the re-supply container was me, Libya.』

『Why did you do something so reckless? If you’ve transferred your consciousness to a biological body, then your main body is…… Your consciousness wouldn’t be able to last long inside that body! You know that, right?!』

『The present is me. Please accept this gift, Asia.』

『You calling me “sister” doesn’t make me happy at all though……』

Asia retorted with a blank gaze. She appeared a bit disgusted.


Libya then exuded a dejected atmosphere.

『I don’t want such a present either. Please return the underground arsenal facility of the Silhouette Base to me.』

Astraea also displayed a disgusted expression.

『Now, now. Don’t be like that. Let me tell you this then, Asia, Astraea. I will return full authority over the Silhouette Base and the underground arsenal to both of you after one month.』

「Why do you need that long though?」

『You will find out in a month. I will take over the weapons development and production duties here in place of Asia and send the finished units over to P336 afterward.』

Kou could no longer follow what was going on.

「She’s not a bad AI (person). I can guarantee that.」

『Of course. Be that as it may, I am still guilty of handing over various technologies to the Stones even if it was against my will. Hence, I intend to make amends here.』

『It’s nothing but a bother to me though.』

Astraea didn’t hesitate to show her displeasure. After all, the facility was originally hers to begin with.

『Just leave it to me, Astraea. I will make sure to build some amazing weapons here with Matt. I have plenty of material to use after all!』

『Stop. Please, I beg you. Don’t do anything. Don’t touch anything. Please. Nothing good will come out of the three of you collaborating to make weapons!』

『Eh? You’re including me too?』

Asia was a bit shocked that Astraea included her.

This was the first time Kou had seen such a desperate Astraea.

She must have experienced something quite impactful in the past.

『Don’t worry, Astraea. We’ll steer this ship in the right direction.』

『More like steering it right off a cliff. Please come to your senses already.』

『Matt, listen up. Make sure to give Astraea one heck of a surprise for me.』

「Got it!」

『This is actually the reason why you saved Matt who’s a Development Engineer, right?! I’m already beside myself with trepidation. Isn’t that enough already?』

Libya simply ignored the desperate Astraea.

「I more or less understand what’s going on now. I didn’t really want to if I could help it though. By the way, Libya. I want to confirm something. Is Abel-san also alive?」

Kou wondered if these Super AI really were existences who transcended humans. He was already having some doubts about that.


「Matt and Abel-san were both present in the Silhouette Base. But where is Abel-san?」

『What are you talking about, Kou? The only human I encountered here was Matt.』


Even Matt was surprised by Libya’s answer.

It was yet another unexpected variable.


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