Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 214 Part 1


Arios and his group were heading towards the recently discovered monsters dwelling near the royal capital.

Apparently, the monsters were using some sort of abandoned village in the mountains as their base of operations and were causing harm to the people frequenting the nearby roads.

Their goal was to get rid of said monsters.

Normally, Arios had no intention of dealing with normal monsters.

What he thought that he had to deal with was at least the threat of a genuine Demon, or something that was even above that level.

The Demon Lord’s Four Heavenly Kings and the like of them were the prime examples here, so it was only natural that Arios would not want to be bothered with any kind of threat that was below that level.

His reason being that the small fries could always be left to the Adventurers to be taken care of.

But by doing that, wouldn’t it be responsible for harm coming over innocent people?

Arios did not know that, and he never exactly cared.

He would never be bothered to think about such trivial matters.

So he would usually ignore any such requests, but……

This time around things were different.

「Come on, Arios-sama. We are almost at our destination. Let’s keep up the good work!」

A woman in knight’s armor approached Arios with a smirk on her lips.

Her golden hair was neatly trimmed at the length of her shoulders.

Even with her armor on, you could clearly notice the well-defined curves of her body.

Monica Eclair…… That was the name of the owner of this beautiful body that would make any man look after her while she was walking down the street.

She was a member of the King’s elite Royal Guard.

The natural question to ask here was: why would a member of the Royal Guard work with someone like Arios?

The answer here was simple…… It was for the purpose of surveillance.

Arios’ actions as of late had become way too much for the Crown to simply tolerate.

Not only has he grown too conceited, but his actions also caused death and destruction, bringing the lives of many innocent people to ruin.

However, there was no way that Arios, the Hero, could be kept locked away in prison.

But at the same time, some actions had to be taken in order to correct his less than desirable character.

So the King decided that the most logical conclusion here would be to put Arios under surveillance.

With the keen eyes of the Royal Guard stationed on his back almost all the time, reporting his every move, there was no way that Arios would even be able to do anything even remotely stupid or irresponsible.

That was the King’s intention when he chose Monica as the right woman for the job and sent her to accompany Arios in his travels.

At first, Arios was pretty adamant about not accepting Monica as an addition to his Party, and even tried to drive her away from the group, but……

It was the King’s decision to dispatch Monica together with the Hero’s Party.

And as expected of the King’s direct order, even Arios couldn’t openly go against it, so he had no other choice but to reluctantly accept Monica into his ranks..

And now……

In order to show Monica that Arios was actually doing his job as a Hero properly, he had taken on the task of killing the monsters that were playing the nearby roads around the royal capital, and his Party was now en route to get rid of the main cause of the problem.

「God damn it.」

Arios clicked his tongue and started to complain, doing so just quietly enough so that Monica would not be able to hear him.

Why do I have to do something so bothersome?

Why do I have to be monitored by some stupid bitch?

Now, even though this entire situation was Arios’s fault, he continued to curse Monica in his own mind without realizing the truth.

On the other hand, Aggath, Rin and Mina were now talking to Monica in a rather friendly manner.

「Hmm, I see, I see…… So, that’s how you view certain things, huh, Monica-dono? I guess you try to look ahead into the future more than any common man out there.」

「Oh, no, I’m not even close to doing that. In fact, I’m a long way off from achieving such a lofty goal. Besides, there are other way stronger and way more talented people in the Royal Guard besides me. Also, Aggath-san. There is no need for you to address me in such a respectable manner. Please, call me Monica. After all, for the foreseeable future, we are going to be the members of the same team.」

「Alright then. If that’s what you want, I am going to call you Monica from now on.」

「Say, say! Monica!」

This time, it was Rin who spoke up.

「Yes, what is it?」


Rin stared at Monica for a long moment.

「You have amazingly beautiful skin, don’t you?」

「H-Huh? I-Is that so?」

「What kind of care do you use to achieve such an effect? Can you share some info with me? Hey, come on now, Mina! Surely you must be interested in that as well, right?」

「No, I don’t really care all that much for stuff like that, and besides……」

「See? Mina is interested in that as well! So come on! Tell me all about it!」

「Ahaha….. I haven’t done anything special to my skin, so I don’t even know what I am supposed to tell you here……」

「Huh!? No way, seriously!? So, does that mean that you are only doing the bare minimum and you are achieving such magnificent effects!?」

「Well, yes, basically.」

「Uwaah…… Now I’m beginning to lose my confidence in my own looks. Hey, don’t you think so too, Mina? Monica surely has some sort of foul play involved here!」

「No. As I said before, I am not all that particularly interested in the topic, and besides……」

「Hey, wait a freaking moment? Maybe that has something to do with your daily life or day-to-day routine? Come on, come on, come on! Monica! Spill the beans already!」

…… and the conversation would just go on and on like that.

The entire Hero’s Party, with the obvious exception of Arios, had accepted the existence of Monica rather easily.

Originally, her existence was something that they had to come to terms with, since it was the King himself who appointed her as their new team member, so they could not hope to disobey the King’s direct order……

But more importantly, they all liked Monica’s friendly and earnest personality, which was like a breath of fresh air for the Party in which the atmosphere was growing more and more stale by the day.

The Party was coming more and more to the point of falling apart due to Arios’s insufferable tantrums and questionable actions……

But it was then that a neutralizing agent in the form of Monica was introduced to them.

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