Beast Tamer Who Got Kicked Out From the Hero’s Party Chapter 217 Part 1


Has it been a few hours since we left the city?

The city’s walls were long gone from our view now, and the scenery outside of the window was largely unfamiliar to us.

The sound that was the most consistent here was the sound of clattering and turning wheels.

Occasionally, a horse would neigh and the driver would pull on its reins.

And with a slight clatter, the carriage would slightly rock from side to side.

It must have been because the wheels would encounter a pebble or a bump in the road.

「Ahh…… Uuh……」

「Hoo boy, this is bad…… This is really, seriously bad……」

Sora and Luna both looked pale on their faces and looked as if they were about to get sick any moment now.

It turned out that both of them had a really nasty case of travel sickness.

Apparently, if you’re not used to it, this situation where even the slightest vibrations continue for a while during the trip can cause you to become sick.

Of course, this carriage has been designed in such a way that it would counter the vibrations and rocking by being laid with cushions, but…….

But still, it was not nearly enough to erase all of the tremors completely.

「Sora, Luna, are you guys alright? Do you want some water, perhaps?」

「I-It’s okay…… If we were to drink any water now…… It would only have the reverse effect……」

「Hoo boy…… This is bad…… This is really bad…… Like, REALLY bad, I tell you……」

Luna was not her usual bright and cheerful self……

Not to mention Sora’s vocabulary deteriorating at a rapid pace.

This was only showing that they were not really handling this ride too well.

As for everyone else……

「Nyaah…… Feeling the breeze washing against my face when we ride like that surely feels nice……」

「There’s something very satisfying about a journey in a horse-drawn carriage like that.」

「It feels so relaxing…… it makes me want to…… fall asleep……」

「Mmmhhh…… A leisurely trip just like this surely feels nice……」

Everyone else seemed to be really enjoying the ride.

It seems that Sora and Luna were the only ones who suffered from motion sickness.

Traveling by carriage, we would arrive at the royal capital in about five days’ time.

There was still some time left before the Promotion Exam would begin, so there was not going to be any problems even if we were late to some extent.

「Excuse me. If you find someplace where you could stop for a moment, do you think that maybe we can catch a short break?」

So I called out to the driver to see if we could get even a short break for Sora and Luna.

「Ugh…… Rein…… You don’t have to…… worry about us……」

「I know that you want to play tough, but it doesn’t look or sound all that convincing when you are so blue on the face. Besides, we still have plenty of time left before the Promotion Exam, so there is no need for us to rush things or anything like that. So let’s take a break for the time being and figure out what to do next.」

After the next half an hour or so, we finally found a place that was suitable for a rest stop.

It was a place made specifically for the people passing by in their carriages.

It was a place that looked pretty much like a parking lot, and in addition, there was even a space just for camping right next to it.

The road to the royal capital was a long and tiring one, so it was only natural that there would be rest stops like that scattered here and there alongside the main arteries.

「How long would you like to rest here?」

When the driver asked me about that, I stopped to think for a moment.

I then looked at the sky and saw the sun right above my head.

It must have been just past noon.

As expected, staying here overnight…… This is not a realistic option, no matter how you look at it.

I would like to rest for at least an hour or so before we leave this place, but……

If we don’t do something about Sora and Luna, they are just going to go through the same kind of hell when they get back onto the carriage.

If only there was a better way to make their ride feel more comfortable……

「For the time being, let’s take an hour or so.」

I replied to the driver, and then I helped both Sora and Luna to get off of the carriage.

They were both so limp and weak from their motion sickness and the ride so far that at the current moment they were even unable to move properly on their own.

So in order for them to get some much needed rest, I carefully laid them down on the benches that were set up across the rest area.

「Are you okay, girls?」

「I-It’s no good…… Sora is…… Sora’s body…… It won’t be able to hold for much longer at this rate……」

「Rein…… Just leave my corpse behind here…… No matter what…… press forward…… don’t let it…… Hold you back and slow you down……」

「Are you sure that you are not over-exaggerating things a little bit?」

Listening to both of them right now, I couldn’t help myself but to chuckle slightly.

At any rate, it seems that they both had more than enough energy left in them to talk.

It was a good idea to get them off the carriage for the time being, since that allowed them to recover to a certain extent.

However, it did not seem to me that Sora and Luna would be able to move around on their own anytime soon.

So if we try to get them into the carriage once more when they are like that, the story would just repeat itself and we would be forced to make yet another stop before long.

So then, what should we do so something like that won’t end up happening?

It’s a real pain in the ass that we do not have a dedicated Healer in our party at a time like this.

Because if we did have a Healer with us at a time like this, they might have done something to ease Sora and Luna’s discomfort with either Healing magic or potions or medicine of some sort, but……

Unfortunately, no one in our party, myself included, had any knowledge in that particular field.


It was at that moment, when I was lost in my own thoughts, that Kanade came running towards me.

「Just now, I heard someone screaming from over there!」


Kanade pointed towards the furthest edge of the rest area, and possibly somewhere way beyond that.

I did not happen to see anything in particular there, but still……

Since it was Kanade, a member of the Cat Spirit Tribe, who said that, then she must have been right about that. There was no doubt about that in my mind.

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