Chapter 45

Episode 64: Trust

「Celestia, good morning♪ I love you♪」

「Good morning, Mom♪ I love you too♪」

I woke up to the sight of Mom in front of me, feeling such happiness as I headed to the living room.

「Good morning, Ren♪」

「Good morning, Selen-sama♪ Did you sleep well?」

「Yes, you look like you enjoyed your time with your mother (laughs).」

「Do I? Maybe it’s just because you’re not used to seeing me without my disguise (laughs).」

As Selen-sama and I exchanged morning greetings, Mom also came out of the bedroom.

「You two really get along so well. I was a bit worried about your life at the academy, but seeing you both like this puts me at ease♪ I’ll make something simple right away, so please take a seat and wait.」

「Mother, after breakfast, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you, if you have time.」


We finished breakfast with ham and soft-boiled egg sandwiches and tea.
After that, we decided to hear what Selen-sama had to say, so our city tour was postponed.

「Shall we hear what you have to say, Selen-san?」

「Yes, during this vacation in Spica, I believe there’s no imperial escort following me. I got my father to agree under certain conditions to let me go without one.」

「Indeed, the shadows have reported that they didn’t detect any guards or spies. And those conditions involve a report on Ren, correct?」

「Yes, exactly. However, I won’t submit the truth in my report. I cannot betray Ren, who trusts me so much despite the risk to her own life.」

「Selen-sama, is it really okay to go against the Emperor?」

「I’ll report that Ren is a talented hunter working in Spica. It’s not a complete lie. That’s why I’d like you to take me to the dungeon.」

「You want to go hunting with Celestia so you can report her as a skilled hunter, right?」

「Yes, I believe experiencing it firsthand is the best way to report.」

「I think it’s fine, but… Mom, what do you think?」

Since I couldn’t decide on my own, I turned to Mom for advice.

「I think it’s a good idea. Let’s report it to the clan and get her temporarily registered. Brad, you understand, right?」


At Mom’s command, Brad-san headed to the Hunter’s Guild to handle the paperwork.
Selen-sama seemed surprised by Brad-san’s sudden appearance…

Hopefully, during our trip to the dungeon, Selen-sama can learn to sense presences as well.

「Selen-san, I need you to understand that I cannot tell you everything about Celestia. This is a battle that involves both Celestia and me, and we cannot drag the Empire into it.」

「Understood. If I ever become the Emperor of the Empire and find myself in a position to help you, would you tell me then?」

「What…? If you do become Emperor and are willing to help, I’ll tell you everything. If you choose to sever ties with the Empire and fully support us, I’ll tell you as well.」

I already trusted Selen-sama, but through this conversation, it seemed that Mom came to trust her as well.
However, will there ever come a time when Selen-sama will help us?

If that day comes, I would be happy, but it would also mean walking down a harsh and difficult path…
I can’t help but wonder if that would truly be the right thing to do.

Episode 65: Selen’s Equipment

Starting today, we will be heading to the dungeon with Selen-sama.

「Selen-sama, do you have any equipment?」

「I have what I used at the academy.」

「So, no actual battle gear… (sweat)」

This is troublesome.
If we’re going to a dungeon, she’ll need proper equipment, or it could be dangerous.

『Hey, Parallel Think Butler, do you think we could make some equipment for Selen-sama with the materials I have?』

『Yes, shall I put something together that seems suitable?』

『Wait a moment. I’ll ask for her preferences first.』

Although I can’t make anything too extravagant, I decided to ask Selen-sama what kind of equipment she’d prefer before making it.

「Selen-sama, about your equipment. I’m thinking of crafting something from the materials in my magic bag, but do you have any preferences?」

「If possible, I’d like something that matches with yours, Ren.」

「Okay! And would a fan work as a weapon?」

「Yes, since I mainly use magic, I’m not too particular about weapons.」

『Parallel Think Butler, did you catch that? Please go ahead and make her equipment based on that.』

『Understood. I will place it in your magic bag when it’s ready.』

Now the equipment should be taken care of.

Next, I had to figure out the team for the dungeon.
I thought of having Brad-san and Mystique-sensei join Selen-sama and me.

While considering that, we had a visitor.

「Missy, it’s been a while! You’ve grown so mature and beautiful, I almost didn’t recognize you.」

「Sensei! It’s been a while! As always, you look as youthful as usual, typical of an elf (laugh).」

「Today, I’d like to see how much you’ve grown, so I’ll be joining you in the dungeon.」

「Hehe, you’re in for a surprise (laugh). Oh, and this is my classmate, Selen. She’ll be joining us today, so please take care of her!」

「I’m Selen. I look forward to our adventure today.」

「I’m Mystique, an elf. I taught the missy magic when she was little. Brad and Gai should be here soon. Once they’re gathered, we’ll head out.」

「OK! Selen-sama, come with me for a moment! Let’s get changed into your new gear.」

I handed her a matching set of gear: a fan made from a mithril and orichalcum alloy, a dress, chest armor, greaves, gauntlets, and pauldrons.

「This… is this mithril and orichalcum? And this dress, it’s made from fibers woven with orichalcum, isn’t it? Such expensive equipment…」

「Being a hunter lets you collect things like this!」

*Note: Normally, these materials would be impossible for most hunters to gather. The ones here were obtained from gacha.*

「I see… (sweat). Even nobles would struggle to get gear of this level. Being a hunter really is an incredible job.」

「Alright, now that we’re changed, let’s head to the dungeon!」

Once we finished changing, we returned to the kitchen, where Brad-san and Gai-san had already arrived.

「Celestia, don’t forget to apply your disguise before we go to the dungeon, okay?」

「Ah, thanks, Mom (sweat).」

After putting on my disguise, I was ready to head out to the dungeon.
But first, I made sure to say goodbye to Mom.

「Mom, I’m heading out. I love you!」

「I love you too, darling!」

We exchanged words and hugged tightly.
Everyone watching smiled and got a bit teary-eyed at this familiar scene.

Episode 66: The True Nature of Monsters

We were supposed to head to the 【Spica Magic Cave】 from the carriage stop, but it turned out our clan, 【Light of Hope】, already owned a carriage!
It made me happy to realize that everyone had been working so hard in their hunter activities.

Since we had some time before reaching the dungeon, I decided to explain about monsters to Selen-sama.

「What do you think is the difference between humans and monsters?」

「Isn’t it the difference in species? Humans and demons, right?」

「That’s not correct. Demons and monsters are completely different. Demons are a race, like humans, elves, and dwarves, but monsters are a collection of magic essence that fills this world. When defeated, they return to magic essence, and over time, they’ll regroup to become monsters again.」

「So, it’s impossible to eradicate monsters?」

「Since they’re not exactly living beings, no, it’s not possible. However, monsters have a unique presence that’s easy to sense, so when we enter the dungeon, you’ll be training to sense that presence.」


By the time we finished our conversation, we had arrived in front of the 【Spica Magic Cave】.
After completing the entry procedure at the Hunter Association’s dungeon branch, we were ready to start the dungeon hunt.

「Sei, I want you to focus on learning to sense presences, so don’t do anything unless something gets within your range!」

【Sei】 was my new nickname for Selen-sama, while she decided to start calling me 【Sere】.
This was Selen-sama’s idea, and it seemed easier for the other clan members to understand too.

「Gai will lead, and Brad will guard the rear.」

「Everyone, thank you for your support.」

「Hehe, it’s like seeing a fresh newcomer. It reminds me of the first time I went into a dungeon with you, missy.」

「Sere, how old were you when you first entered a dungeon?」

「I believe she was seven years old at the time. Even at that age, she was taking down monsters left and right, much to my surprise.」

「Sei, you’re losing focus on sensing presences! There are five goblins approaching just ahead!」

「I’m sorry…」

It seemed she was too absorbed in the conversation to notice the approaching monsters.
Given her lack of experience, it’s understandable, but she’ll need to be more cautious.

「Sei, use magic to attack. Focus on sharpness. Also, can you handle multiple targets?」

「No, that’s too much for me!」

「Alright, I’ll leave one to you. I’ll handle the rest!」

「Wind, become a blade! 〚Wind Cutter〛!」

Selen-sama’s 〚Wind Cutter〛 cleanly sliced through one of the goblins.
I skewered the remaining goblins with my 〚Multi Stone Spear〛 spell.

「Missy, looks like your skills have improved even further…」

「Imagination is the essence of magic, after all♪」

When I replied with that, Mystique-sensei gave me a beaming smile.

「Now, let’s keep moving! Sei, keep your focus on sensing presences.」

「Got it. I’m sorry about earlier.」

「Don’t worry, we’re not in any danger of being ambushed.」

We continued progressing through the dungeon, repeatedly fighting monsters while Selen-sama trained her ability to sense presences.

Before descending to the second floor, we decided to take a lunch break.
I set up a barrier to keep monsters away.

「Sei, how’s the presence sensing going?」

「Hmm… I’m starting to feel a sense of something off.」

「Oh, if that’s the case, you might fully get the hang of it by the end of the day♪」

After an hour’s rest, we resumed our dungeon exploration.
I really hoped that Selen-sama would master her sense for detecting presences by the end!

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