Fiancée of the Wizard Volume 8 Chapter 4 Part 1

I only understood that I was being carried sideways by the man after a while. Other than that, I could not understand anything else. I was simply dumbfounded. Carried by the man’s arms, I could only look up to his face. Although he should already have noticed my gaze by now, currently, the man looked in the direction of the demon. The demon was standing calmly while commanding the large wolf.

「Suddenly, some of the priests had loosened the constraints on me——I did not expect the cause to be this. Sorry for keeping you wait, Filmina」

I almost cried upon hearing his smooth soothing echo of his voice. It seemed that although I had thought I did not want the man to come, in the end, I had still wanted him to help me. How selfish and self-centered I was.

While scolding myself so, I could not help but listen in on the man’s voice. I felt as if I had not heard it for a long time. It was a voice that was much stronger than the voice I had heard through the bracelet’s magical sphere. I could not help but feel relieved and joyful upon hearing this voice.

While the man stayed in the magic school, I could wait obediently for seven years. However, this time, the wait felt much longer than those seven years.

The demon did not say anything to the man. She simply continued smiling in a seductive manner and snapped her fingers. At the same time, the black fire, that had been erased by the morning glow colored light, started burning once again. The man put me down and reached his hand into mid-air. With a bright refreshing sound, the man’s favourite wand appeared in his hand. When he tapped the wand’s shaft onto the floor, the bracelet’s magical sphere which had been broken floated in the air, and was absorbed by the wand’s magical sphere.

「——Ah, I see. I see what’s happening. What a splendid joke you are saying, that you will make me the second demon lord」

Sarcastically, the man muttered. Narrowing his morning glow colored eyes, he gazed at the demon. Inferring from his statement, I understood that he had deciphered the conversation between the demon and I from the shards of the broken magical sphere.
Seeing this through, I finally noticed how the man’s appearance——-then, I felt that my body paled even whiter than earlier on.

「E, di」

Not just the hand he was holding the wand in, but all four limbs had fat, thick, and silverish-white shackles that had chains dangling from them. It was incomparable to the cuffs he had worn when I had last seen him. It was much larger and tougher. At first glance, I could tell that the magical constraint was pretty strong. It was heavily restraining the man’s four limbs.

Perhaps it was due to this. His splendid hair had originally resembled the darkness of the night of the new moon with twinkling stars. His jet-black hair had also originally resembled the shine of a black crystal. Currently, his hair had clearly lost its shine. His metrosexual beauty was usually sung by this world’s poets as 『alike the fairy of the night』. However, now, it was clearly much more ragged and lacked the vitality it had when I had last seen it.

Moreover, his clothes were also terribly shabby. I could tell without having to touch that his outer and inner layers were made of dirty and thin cotton. His clothing unreliably fluttered in the wind that blew from who knows where. His outfit was far from a royal head magician’s. Even peasants would wear nicer clothing nowadays. It was an outfit that was just unbearable to wear in the coldness of the middle of the winter.

Well, that did not mean the man was less beautiful. This in itself further accentuated his beauty. I could not help but gaze at how sexy he was. What a troublesome sight it was…….that being said, I should not be ignoring reality. I knew this painfully well.

The period that the man was captured by the church had been a very long time for me. But this was only my perspective. In objective terms, it should not have been too long. Yet, I wondered what happened while he was imprisoned, that he was in such a state. There was no way this could be forgiven. It was as if this man was really a criminal.

Just thinking of this made me cry. Wiping my face roughly with the back of my hand, I called once again. 「Edi」. The man’s eyes with a color that was a mixture of orange and purple turned to me. A wonderful morning glow color light was shining in his eyes. It was no different from the time we parted.

「Don’t make such a face. It isn’t much」

「What do you mean isn’t much! Besides, you always……! 」

Although to the man, he did not intend to put on a show of courage, for me it was nothing other than a show of courage. I wish I could show sympathy for him right now. Nonetheless, I almost complained further. How unadorable was I. The thing that stopped me from further complaining was this dry clapping sound. Looking in the sound’s direction, I saw that the demon was still commanding the large wolf and was clapping her hands while gazing at us.

Her slimy gaze frightened me. Involuntarily, I further cuddled into the man’s arms. As if protecting me, he embraced me with his arm that was not holding the wand. The demon looked at our interaction as if she was watching a boring comedy. Then she curled her red lips, and bowed in an exaggerated manner.

「Welcome to my stage, the pure black master」

The man did not reply. Instead, he glared at her with a piercing gaze that resembled a sharpened sword. The demon did not cower at the impressive gaze the splendid beauty was giving to her. Instead, with a somewhat infant-like gesture, the demon giggled like she was having fun.

「Have you taken a liking to my invitation? 」

「Well, not bad. Thanks to your summoning magic, I could come to Filmina without any extra trouble」

「Indeed, thank me dearly. But from now onwards, things would not carry out as you wish」

—–The moment the demon said so.

「Filmina! 」

It was so sudden. I could not even scream.

The large wolf came to us from behind the demon, and swiped at the man with its thick legs. Then, it bit on my collar and threw me far away. At this rate, I would smash into the wall. However, that did not happen. The man had swiftly regained his ground. His wand’s magical sphere gleamed, and an invisible cushion gently embraced my body.

I sighed a breath of relief at how the baby in my stomach was safe. Then, I tried to go back to the man’s place. From a sitting position, I stood up, and started walking. Then, I was stopped by a wall I could not see. I was repelled with a loud sound, and I stumbled backwards.


The man gazed at me while I blankly muttered. Then he clicked his tongue irritably, and glared forward. In the direction of his gaze was the demon. The demon had walked towards the growling large wolf. The demon stood there smiling.

「Sorry for being so rude when you guys have finally reunited. But there is no choice. This stage’s main protagonist is not this girl. That is why, I cannot return her to you」

「Filmina is not yours in the first place. Foolish misconceptions only invite destruction」

「Hehe, what a jealous person you are. Can you really afford to say that when you are being burdened with so many magical constraints? 」

「Stop the unnecessary talk. Just return Filmina to me」

「Ah, jealousy indeed」

I was trapped in a barrier made by magical powers……. rather, I was trapped in a prison. The demon who made the prison had a mellow voice that conveyed a mixture of hatred and joy. It was utterly strange.

「The girl must be so important to you. But, no matter how precious she is, wouldn’t your title of the royal head magician be tarnished since you had escaped from the church through teleportation without permission? 」

Although she made him do so herself, smiling, she purposely continued saying so as if she was impressed. The man glared at the demon. Then, the man furrowed his eyebrows as if disturbed by the rattling noise of the chains. He held his wand, and opened his thin lips.

「The title of the royal head magician is merely symbolic. It is not important to me. I would utterly eliminate anyone who would hurt things that are important to me. And, no other than you are my target of elimination now」

「Wow, how frightening. It must be stressful to even stand upright in those cuffs that not only seal your magical powers, but your physical energy as well, right? What a show of bravado you are putting up. Hehe, as I had expected from the vessel for my new master」

「What!? 」

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Fiancée of the Wizard

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