Volume 6 Chapter 2 Part 3



Translation: Kurehashi Aiko
Editing: Team Foxsunes

I was trying to get to the window and look outside to see what was going on out there, but then I was suddenly pulled away from it before I could see anything. When I looked behind me to see what was going on, I saw the Princess’s gentle smile that was radiant like a lily in the moonlight.

‘Filmina’ I could hear the princess call my name with her voice that sounded like a myriad of small silver bells. Then, before I could actually realize what was going on, I felt really weak all of a sudden, the strength leaving my body as if something was sucking it away from me at an alarming pace. With my knees feeling weak, I fell right back onto my seat. Looking at me with a warm affection, the Princess smiled at me once more.

Filmina, please calm down. I know that you must be worried, but please, have some faith in Agedilus, Heinrich and everyone else. They can hold on their own and they most certainly would not want you to worry about them.

Yes…… Yes, you’re right, Your Highness.

Seeing the radiant smile of the princess, I barely manage to squeeze out my own voice and smile at her in return. It must have looked really awkward. I am so pathetic. Ahh, I am so pathetic that I cannot actually stand it myself. The princess is much more reliable of a person in here, and she is even younger than me. That is why it hurts me so much. Certainly, I did not anticipate a situation like that at all, but after all this thinking that I am going to support the princess, after all that boasting here I am, unable to do anything and relying on others once again. The fact that my body can’t even move right now the way I want it to makes me feel even more miserable than I already am. In the end, the only thing I can do right now is pray for the safety of that man and Heinrich, who were protecting the carriage alongside the knights. This feeling of powerlessness was literally driving me crazy!

In a gesture of frustration I squeeze my lips together and clench my hands into fists over my knees. There is a princess who was born with the natural protection of the Goddess herself right beside me. And surely, that very same blessing of protection of the Goddess shall be granted to those who are willing to risk their lives in order to save the princess from harm. I keep telling that to myself over and over again, until eventually I start believing my own words.

How many time has passed since the battle started? I felt like it might have been only a few minutes, but for me it felt more like a few hours. Anyways, as soon as I managed to finally calm myself down and stop worrying about that man’s well-being, I could hear a loud rattle somewhere around the carriage’s doors. I cast a glance towards the princess, and she looks at me in return. Then, both of us look towards the carriage’s doors together.

But when the door to the carriage opened in a rough manner, the one who peered inside was neither my husband nor Heinrich. It was one of the people who I understood to be the attackers, this one looking tall and strong. He started to survey the inside of the carriage with a gaze full of bad intention, and once he spotted the princess his eyes shone with a nasty light, as if a predator spotted his prey. My legs were shaking. My throat was quivering, with no voice being able to escape from it. I have promised to protect the princess, but it looks like that I won’t be able to do even something as simple as that.

You’re an eyesore! Out of my fucking way!

Right back at you!

Even though my body shrunk inside when the attacker shouted at me, I somehow managed to stand in between the attacker and the princess, yelling right back at him. If I give in here and do nothing, I am going to lose all dignity as a woman and human being. Even if my resistance was to amount to nothing, I had to do something, otherwise I would not be able to live with myself.

The attacker’s eyes shone with wild rage as he approached me and grabbed me by the arm, his grip so strong that it was really painful even with the cloth of my dress getting in his way. He then raised his sword shaped like a crescent-moon high in the air, intending to bring it down onto me and cut me down where I was standing.

 –––––– Ah, I see. It appears that I am going to die.

I could feel it: the cold clutches of death coming right at me. It was a feeling that I managed to get myself familiar with, since I have already experienced something similar a couple of times throughout the last year. And you can be sure that I was not at all happy with experiencing that feeling once more. I can feel my whole body freezing in place and tensing up on the spot. However, before the sword managed to land a blow on me and cut me down, a rough and dull voice echoing from somewhere inside of the carriage managed to stop it from actually connecting with my body.

 Stop right there right this instant!

A thin and elegant hand springs up right in front of me, looking so delicate and gentle that I cannot stop thinking that a hand like that never held anything heavier than a fork in its life. There was a thin veil of light emanating from that hand, preventing the crescent –moon blade from reaching my body. Colliding with the barrier, the sword makes a high-pitched noise before being deflected from it. I watched as the rays of the sun reflected alongside the blade of the sword as it drew a magnificent parabola in the air before eventually falling out of the carriage. Most probably, it was a protective barrier created by the Light Magic.

The attacker was thrown off-balance by this sudden development, and in the meantime the Princess stood up from her seat, anticipating her opponent’s next move. The attacker eventually regained his balance and composure, most probably not anticipating that there would be a force in here he would not be able to counter and that would be able to deflect his attack as if it was nothing. And the attacker could only stand there, staring at the princess with his eyes being filled with fear and dread. Such a reaction was nothing but natural in this situation. Not only was the Princess strong, but her beauty was something that made it hard for other people to stay in the same room without feeling distressed or restless. It was clear that the Princess was a cut above everything else, right now even more so than ever.

The attacker let go of my arm, and it could be clearly seen that his hands were shaking right now. With the barrier still intact, there was literally nothing he could do to harm us. It was also hard for him to believe that someone as strong and burly as him could have been overpowered by a single, fragile-looking girl. His morale should drop rapidly right about now.

Just then, the eyes of the attacker were met with the amber eyes of the Princess, and his whole body stiffened even more in place. Then the Princess opened her mouth and spoke in a calm and composed manner.

Do not think, not even for a second, that I will let you harm that girl in any way. If you want to lay your hands on her, I am afraid that you will have to go through me first.

Your Highness!

No, no, no, no, no, no, NO! Just what in the world are you even talking about!? Even if the Princess herself is saying such outrageous things, I will definitely not allow for something like that to happen! I looked at the Princess in desperation, and the Princess looked back at me and smiled in a lustrous way that did not really fit her age. It was that kind of charming smile that could make even someone like me, the member of the same sex, fall head over heels for her in a matter of seconds.

Seeing that smile of hers and hearing her words, the eyes of the attacker lit up with animalistic fury. He stopped shaking on the spot and reached out for a small knife that was hanging in the sheath on his breast. He then let out a loud roar and leapt towards the Princess with the knife in his hand ready to strike.

Princess! I won’t let you!

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