Chapetr 193

We passed through the double layered barrier coming from Keios and Mairahl’s hands, and through the solid black, tremendously heavy main gate of the Caravis Tower. And as we stepped inside the tower, we were immediately hit with a rough baptism.

When we entered, there was a vast plain spread out in front of us, covered in a dull silvery metal, and the field was so vast, the end couldn’t be seen by the human eye.

And from far beyond this metal covered floor, dozens of human-sized metal spheres flew toward us, with the long and thin gun barrels attached to their sides aimed at us.

Fumu, it looks like they weren’t coming all the way out here to welcome us with a gun salute. I didn’t sense any signs of life from them, and they aren’t metallic lifeforms either, so could they be autonomous weapons leftover from a mechanical civilization?

「Caravis, I’m just curious, do you know what those are?」

In response to my question, Caravis folded her arms and made a show of pondering over it seriously, as she started to look back through her memories of the past for an answer.

Even though Caravis is quick to forget things, it seems she has a place in her mind where she keeps memories which she must never forget.

It was annoying that her memories of Lenia hadn’t been included among those, but since she no longer hesitates to brag that Lenia is her beloved daughter, I can’t blame her anymore.

「Hmm, I guess not? I looked through all the battlefields I’ve been through from head to toe, but this is the result. I don’t even know the details of what they’re made of」

Caravis didn’t look particularly bothered by that as she answered me honestly. Well, whatever they are, they shouldn’t be a problem for us, so there was no need to feel bad for not knowing.

Instead of Caravis, who did not have the answer, the one who did know was Myrmal who stood behind me. She is a female angel who came to help just before the goblins’ attack, as a servant to Aldin.

「With all due respect, those are Orvias, anti-personnel defense weapons that were used by the Zergineuf Galactic Federation. It was a civilization that was annihilated when their entire galaxy cluster was caught in a ripple in space-time during the previous Great War, but I believe they were extracted from it by Caravis-sama」

「I see, so this lost civilization has come with its fangs bared」

Right as I was letting out my usual “Fumu” in response to Myrmal’s words, the flying metal spheres released glowing bluish white plasma cannonballs from their gun barrels.

「Master Dran, please get back!」

「Nuhahaha, oh, this tower has such a harsh way of greeting us!」

The ones who reacted were Lynette, who had already pulled out Gandoga, and Aldeath, who was laughing happily.

In the midst of the rain of plasma pouring down on us, Gandoga’s guns were deployed from its shoulders, and they released cannonballs that contained a large amount of compressed magic power. Aldeath swung his long spear in all directions around him, and shattered the plasma cannons that were about to hit him.

「Gandoga, initiating defensive combat measures!」

「Fufun, what an interesting tower. Sarako, Saha, come forth. If the God of War Aldeath and my followers do not lead the battle, then who will!?」

Sarako and Saha were Valkyries who belonged to Aldeath, and had been temporarily watching over Christina.

Sarako was the serious one, with her long hair tied in a braid, while on the other hand, I guess Saha was the slightly more easygoing one.

The Valkyries wore light armor that covered their foreheads, and they had white wings growing from their backs. They followed after Aldeath as he bravely rushed forward, and they all had their spears and bows in their hands.

「Yes, Aldeath-sama!」

The diligent and devoted Sarako followed only three steps behind Aldeath, and Saha, also expected to do the same for Aldeath, followed right behind her lord and her colleague, ready to provide support.

「Preparations are complete」

Immediately after that, the scene was filled with the violent melee between the plasma cannonballs and the divine spears and arrows, causing the heavens and earth to shake with the harshly shining light. In addition, perhaps because it could sense that a battle had begun, the entire space inside of the tower began to change.

Just a little ways away from us, space itself seemed to divide into numerous boxes, revealing a variety of sceneries within them, such as the earth enveloped in crimson flames, or a stormy sea with lightning coming down from black storm clouds, or a lake filled with poisonous purple water.

In the blink of an eye, our surroundings had transformed from a metal-covered heaven to a chaotic display of nonsensically arranged battlefields of ancient wars.

At the same time, the threats that were lurking in each of those battlefields peeked their faces out, and the metal spheres, the Orvias, were no longer the only enemies trying to kill us. Myrmal calmly told us the names of each of them, one by one.

「The apex of the Cervenus ecosystem in the Dome Loro Nebula, the Cerberosaurus; the bioweapon of the Messillia Empire, the Murshalia; the interstellar navigation battleship developed by the planet Gigilio, the Nercavali; and the infinitely evolving bioweapon developed by the Olymparia Union, the Heluoio… There’s just no end to them」

The scope of this great war was becoming so widespread, but as Myrmal said, the ones who were attacking us now must only be a small part of those who are trapped inside the Caravis Tower.

This wasn’t just the tip of the iceberg, but only a small fragment of that tip. If it’s us fighting them, there shouldn’t be any problems with them as our opponents, but…

「Those are names that I heard of, here and there, during my previous life. However, all of them somehow seem too strong」

The one who picked up on my muttering was Diadora, who was standing next to me.

「They might be too strong for people like me or Ryoukichi, but with our current group of people, there’s nothing that’s too strong for us. Are you saying they’re too strong for normal humans?」

「Yeah. If you think about the current world, most of the opponents here would be tough to deal with unless the level of technology improves for another five or six hundred years. I hope that the highest level of strength in this tower is about as good as the ones present now, but if it’s the other way around, it’s going to be hard to find a way to make use of the interior of this tower」

If the management of this tower doesn’t go well, I’ll just have to dismiss it as a resource for tourists to admire from only the outside.

「Let’s see, I think there were a few here and there that I would think would be hard to beat, even for me. Like that large ship over there, or that round thing with needles growing out of it all over. If it’s Ryoukichi, she can probably still handle those, but for a simple Black Rose Spirit like me, those enemies are a little too difficult」

The large ship that Diadora was referring to was the interstellar navigation battleship, Nercavali, that Myrmal had mentioned, and the round thing with needles was the Nermelon Fortress, built by some civilization somewhere. If I recall, it’s the legacy of a human civilization that was fighting for supremacy at the edges of the galaxy.

While Diadora and I were talking to each other, not just Aldeath, but all the other gods, along with their followers, jumped out and began to exterminate these lower beings who had dared to bare their fangs at them.


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