Chapter 162

After Dramina finally regained her composure from the rabbit ears, Dran and the others started to prepare to sleep for tomorrow.

As a vampire, the best time for Dramina to be active is the late hours of the night, but on this particular day, the psychological impact was so strong, she ended up spending the whole night holed up inside her coffin.

Dramina stepped into her coffin with the rabbit ears on her head swaying, and Selina changed into her nightgown and slipped into Dran’s bed. All the while, Lynette stared at them from the bed that was bought for her while they were in Sanzania.

Dran and Selina, who got into the bed together, and Dramina, who was trying to close the lid of her coffin, felt Lynette’s gaze on them.

Lynette, who was lying in on her bed with the blanket pulled up to her mouth, noticed Dran and the others looking at her and then she used both of her hands to hide her face.

「What’s wrong, Lynette? You can’t sleep with a different blanket?」

Dran wondered if she needed that egg shaped device that sunk together with Bryud after all, and asked her about that.

Lynette peered through the gaps between her fingers, revealing only her eyes but giving away the reason for her stare.

「I am just a newcomer golem. So please do not mind me and do what you are going to do.」


Not understanding what Lynette said in that instant, Dran tilted his head in confusion, so Lynette repeated her words.

「A man and woman of healthy age, spending the night in the same room. Even if Master Dran were to ask Selina or Dramina to do this or that every day and every night, I am willing to accept that, of course.

So please don’t mind me, and enjoy your night as usual.

I am knowledgeable about intercourse between a man and woman, but to witness a human and a lamia, or a human and a vampire do it is unexpected, but it will be a valuable experience. Well then, Master Dran, do as you please!」

Dran could somehow hear Lynette’s breathing become rougher with excitement, and he let out a sigh.

His breath tickled the nape of Selina’s neck, causing her to shiver in surprise, and he noticed that her exposed skin was turning red.

Just by having her skin touched, Selina’s body temperature was steadily rising, and from what Lynette just said, her strong imagination must be thinking up many things, or so Dran guessed.

Dramina, who was about to close the lid of her coffin, turned her eyes shining with expectation toward Dran, and it was easy to tell with a single glance that she had regained a strong feeling of consciousness for something that she hadn’t been conscious of before.

Dran’s body was that of a healthy 16 year old boy. Just like his need for sleep and his appetite, of course his libido should match, and he should be functioning as a male just fine.

Since he was spending the night in the same room as Selina and Dramina every night, it should be impossible for him to not feel any sexual desire, but just as they had all discussed together before, they decided they wouldn’t do such things until after they graduate from the Magic Academy and get married.

As of now, Dran intended on strongly defending that promise. When that caused pain to Selina by betraying her expectations, he had distracted her by giving her an apologetic head pat.

「Lynette, I’m sorry I can’t fulfil your expectations, but I’ve decided that we won’t do those kinds of activities until after we get married. At the very least, I plan on not doing that so long as we are still students at the Magic Academy」

When Dran said that, not just Lynette, but also Selina and Dramina, looked openly disappointed.

「So that’s how it is, I apologize for assuming things without knowing your thoughts on the matter. I shall reflect on my actions. Ah, but if my presence ever does bother you, then please feel free to have me step outside for a while」

「Thanks for your consideration, I’ll keep that in mind」

Oh, dear, Dran thought to himself when he saw Selina’s disappointed face. He shrugged his shoulders and kissed Selina’s forehead.

「Jeez, it can’t be helped」

Selina rubbed her forehead with her left hand in the spot where Dran had kissed her, and she smiled bashfully.

She was a bit tired of herself for being satisfied with just that, but a happy thing was still a happy thing, so Selina was seriously happy.

Dran was relieved that Selina’s mood seemed to be even better than it was before, and then he heard Dramina’s voice reach his ears.

「Dran, Dran」

When Dran turned around, Dramina was standing there with a prideful look on her face, and with her bangs parted to the sides to expose her forehead.

It was unmistakable that she wanted a kiss on the forehead, just like the one he’d given to Selina, and she was openly self-asserting that fact. It only took a short moment for Dran to grant Dramina’s wish.


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Comment (1)

  1. ranomeinon

    Now I want to know about the rabbit ears… Damn you, Alphapolis!

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