High School Hack and Slash Chapter 110 Part 1

Marvel World

 A dry wind was blowing.

*Clank clank* Empty juice cans rolled on the asphalt road.

「Whoa, so dazzling!」

Shinnosuke, standing in the middle of the street, withdrew his arm that had been raised in front of his face.

「Huh? What the hell, is this….?」

Asphalt roads and roadside trees.

The walls of the classic condominiums that lined up on both sides of the street were scrawled with pop and psychedelic street art.

The glasses of the display windows were shattered and a rat-like Null MOB disappeared into the darkness.

Polyethylene buckets were falling over and scattering trash.

Scorch marks as if a bonfire had been built.

Yellow cabs, which had been torn apart and had the parts stolen, only had the frames remained.

The slum-like landscape was awfully modern and too realistic to be a fantasy.

In a daze, Shinnosuke looked around at the unfamiliar cityscape.

「Impossible, we are in the dungeon… Ah, that’s right! I believe, we were trying to get through the gate.」

Shinnosuke, recalling the scene of them entering the gate, looked for the party members who had come with him.

The members of the fixed party, which was formed when they first enrolled in the academy and with whom he had been challenging the dungeon ever since, were comrades that existed deep inside his heart, even if he was not aware of it.

「Really, it’s not funny, duh. Just when did I go outside…?」

The soliloquy rising from his mouth was proof that he was feeling insecure.

「Hey! Tatsuya, Yuka, Honami, Riru. Are you here?」

Clutching his two-handed sword tightly, he walked through the deserted ghost town.

For Shinnosuke, who had never participated in a raid quest and had yet to reach the tenth stratum, 『dungeon』 was a closed space consisting of chambers and corridors.

Even though it had been taught in class as knowledge, the open-world type area was beyond his imagination.

If he had been a little calmer, he should have realized the fact that he could use his skills as well as the pressure that filled the world area.

「Just where is it, this place? Doesn’t it look like a foreign city? I mean, where the hell are those guys? They’re really useless.」

When entering a raid gate, those who weren’t in contact with each other would basically be scattered and transferred somewhere in the raid domain.

The transfer point was the outer area away from the other world core (raid core).

It served as a safe area within the raid, where the miasma was thin, but the location varied.

A shadow loomed over Shinnosuke as he wandered around aimlessly.

Walking down an unfamiliar street in an unfamiliar city, his eyes meet those of an unfamiliar monster.

「… huh?」


The one that appeared, as if crossing the crossroads, was a one-eyed giant (Cyclops) over three meters tall.

As there were comparative targets in the form of buildings, the sense of distance was overflowing with an unrealistic feel to it, borderline maddening.

However, the reason Shinnosuke felt such a sense of discomfort that he stiffened up was because of its atypical physique, which was different from dungeon monsters he had encountered thus far.

A dull-colored metallic substance was making up 60% of its flesh.

With cords and pipes embedded in a haphazard manner, the limbs were completely inorganic.

It was not a machine, such as a robot or android, but a monster cyborg, a fusion of biological material and machine.

As the sole eye of the cyborg cyclops caught Shinnosuke, it extended its left arm.

Sparks flew from the tip of the multiple barrels that were bound together in a circular shape.

As the drum rotated and raised a rattling sound, a metallic clink-clink-clink sound echoed beneath the monster’s feet.

There, all that was left behind was asphalt, smashed and turned upside down as if it had been plowed.

◇ ◇ ◇

 The smell mixed with the wind makes me feel nostalgic.

What’s it again, an unhealthy air of the mixture of exhaust gas and oiliness, should I say?

Looks like I’ve grown too used to living in the nature-locked academy.

「This is the first time I’ve gone to a raid with such a modern vibe.」

Otoha-senpai, who is probably the most familiar with conquering raid quests among us, is impressed.

Even as I look around at the surrounding area, I can’t find any fantasy touch here.

It’s a normal town, but a Western style one, rather than Japanese.

There is no sign of people, but it is not so dilapidated as to be called a ruin.

It feels like we’ve gone on a trip abroad.

「…This is, a raid.」

「T, Tatsuya-kun.」

The pair, whose innocence is so charming, sport a somewhat endearing closeness level.

To be honest, we don’t really count them as a fighting force.

I wonder if it’s because they do a raid dive as part of our raid party.

I’ve come to be able to access the status information of Tatsuya-kun and Honami-san, as well.

Yeah, well, how should I put it, what charming level values.

And then, although not as bad as Doggy-senpai’s when we first met, Tatsuya-kun’s status is getting weirdly buggy as well.

The title『Murderer』 in the appendix section for instance is very unsettling.

「Alright. Everyone’s here, right?」

「The first action is to build a base of operations, I suppose. There are a lot of structures that seem inhabitable, but what should we do, I wonder?」

Rather, it’s as if we’re in the middle of a city somewhere.

Like a movie studio set or something like that.


「『Search Guide (Navigate)』.

「I’ll do a『Geodetic Examination (Dowsing)』.」

「For the time being, let’s build a barricade.」

Everyone is chattering and starting to get on the move.

「I’m going to do some light scouting in the surrounding area. I’m leaving the luggage to you.」

「Take care. Make sure not to get lost, okay.」

I can’t be of use in this kind of scene, so let’s quietly stick with the escort role.

「U, um, Touma-kun… What should we do?」

「Just stay quiet.」

「Hii, T, Tatsuya-kun!」

I hope she can be not so frightened that she’s about to cry simply from seeing someone.

「We will only be in the way, so we should be on standby without making a fuss.」

「Y, yes. Shizuka-san.」

「I, I understand…. hii!」

「You have to be quiet too, okay, Peperon~. Huh, what’s wrong?」

Leaving aside the girl who faints, I find it questionable for Tatsuya-kun to get weak on the knees as well.

「D, d-d-d… Dragon?」

「That’s right, I may not look like it, but I’m a『Dragoon』, after all. Ehehe. Cute, isn’t he?」

Peperon, growling and puffing up his throat, wags his tail.

「You get it, don’t you? By all means, never forget your promise. That you will never divulge any information about the Adept Orders, be it what you have seen here, or what you will see from here on. Otherwise….」

Tatsuya-kun, who is nodding his head vigorously, seems to be hyperventilating.

Don’t you think you’re scaring him a little too much, Shizuka-san.

◇ ◇ ◇

「『Marvel World』, was it? World of wonder? I suppose.」

「Hmm~, it’s hard to tell with only that much information….」

「These naming, I wonder who is it that give them?」

The executive Senpais members are showing a delicate look on their faces.

The place in which we are settling down is the interception base that I’ve taken out of the Item Box.

This base is more sturdy and safer than the buildings outside, apparently.

「The materials originate from an extreme class raid, after all. It won’t collapse even if a dragon gets on the tower, you know.」

「It has actually repelled both the fire drakes’ breath and ramming attacks, I suppose. There’s no doubt that it’s sturdier than the materials making up this raid.」

The Craftsmen group other than Mikan-senpai and Rinko-senpai are in the middle of cleaning the base which we are using for the first time in a long time.

The quartet, including Mirin, are also giving them a hand.

The mysterious Maid-san seems to have cleaned the base periodically, so it’s not as desolated as we expected.

It’s just that, the field is overgrown to a somewhat dangerous level, and the ramparts and main tower are covered with strange ivy that makes it look like the Demon Lord castle, but, well, it doesn’t matter.

There are also some strange monstrous birds and lizard-like creatures living there, but they seem to be not particularly harmful.

They appear to be monsters with names when I look at them through the Interface, but Yuki-chan said it was okay, so they must be a kind of null mob.

They look to be on the same level as the monsters in the dungeon deep stratums, but it’s a minor problem.

Following Peperon, Tatsuya-kun and Honami-san, who have ended up fainting from the shock of seeing the Demon Lord’s castle, have been tossed into the room.

Looks like the descent of Demon Lord’s castle, by making them turn their back and going one-two-three and there, boasted too much of an impact.

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