High School Hack and Slash Chapter 134×1

Academy Bulletin Board

Academy Official Bulletin Board

【Main Tournament Opening】 Inter-club Tournament Main Thread part31 【Shimotsuki Cup】

300: Anonymous Holy Knight

It’s just impossible for our club, which is made up of third step and higher classes, to fail the qualifying round, right?

301: Anonymous Assassin

Loser dog GW

It’s getting off-topic, so just go to the bitching thread

302: Anonymous Beast Fist Emperor

The first round was worse than expected, wasn’t it?

I can relate to you wanting to bitch about it

But come back once you’ve become fourth class, small fry GW lol

303: Anonymous Explorer

I’m from the stand spectator group, but it was amusing and exciting, you know?

There were a lot of new faces playing an active role, after all

I enjoyed it more than the cripple bunch mowing down their opponents

304: Anonymous Spirit User

The ranking of the clubs is going to change a lot, isn’t it? Given things

305: Anonymous Hikikomori

Here I’ve come, a small fry from an enjoy club!

I’m over the moon to have achieved C rank without incident!

306: Anonymous Tracker


Enjoy club has no need for a clubroom, right?

Really, just drop dead

307: Anonymous Mold User

The screams of the self-proclaimed dungeon group that failed the quailing round makes my meal taste so good lol

308: Anonymous Hatamoto

It’s going to get stormy again, so don’t stir them up lol

309: Anonymous War Maiden

Just forget the whining of small fry

This is a place to exchange information, you know

310: Anonymous Surveyor

So scary, so scary

This is the real great dungeon cripple

311: Anonymous Gladiator

But you see, even if you say information exchange…

In the end, all that remained on the second day were high rankers we’ve gotten familiar with, you know

There were some new faces newbies in the mix, too, though

312: Anonymous Hafuribe

If it’s those on the level of current A-ranked clubs, I guess there’s no way for them to lose

There are some idiotic bunch that failed the qualifying round, though

313: Anonymous Kirigakure

I’m not going to say who, but it’s the bunch from the Overrun Brigade, huh

Serve them right

314: Anonymous Bandit King

Kukuku… Those guys are the weakest of all the Hyaha-type clubs

It’s a disgrace for a villain to lose in mere qualifying round

315: Anonymous Spirit User

Boss, what are you doing? lol

It’s not a good idea for someone who’s pretty much a unique class holder to make a post, right? lololol

316: Anonymous Bandit King


317: Anonymous Grappler

Boss descends here and there every now and then, so if you make a retort about it, you lose

318: Anonymous War Maiden

‘Sup ‘sup Boss

GW with the regular subjugation of the stalker bastard who’s following around the concubine

319: Anonymous Violent Warrior

He popped up again this time, didn’t he?

That Autist-man sure has an abnormally strong mentality, doesn’t he?

Is his heart made of diamond or something?

320: Anonymous Ninja

Come to think of it, when there was some dude who started slugging it out with Boss, I laughed, but

I got to see a pretty, crazy hot match

Moreover, it seems that he’s a not yet known first year

321: Anonymous Fortune Teller

At once, he’s being used as a toy in the nickname thread, you know

A tonfa user yankee, he’s one cool guy

322: Anonymous Alchemist

This year’s first years sure are a bumper crop of monsters, aren’t they?

Dangerous guys are mixed in here and there

I guess they’re still lacking in level, but you see…

323: Anonymous Oiran

Though, there were also some who were like monsters in another sense, you see

The berserker who suddenly went crazy and started destroying the stage was so scary that I couldn’t help but laugh

324: Anonymous Heavy Fighter

That was crazy bad, wasn’t it? lol

As he let out howls, he smashed up the crazy sturdy raid stage

The situation was so nonsensical that it made me think: what was he trying to do? lol

325: Anonymous Knight

You mean the match when the audience seats blew up?

I wonder what was it that caused the explosion

326: Anonymous Spirit User

The Resu-Kome duo said it was an outburst of Hero skill, but

Is there such a thing as a destructive skill that can smash through the barriers?

Even a fourth step Magi type can’t penetrate them, can they?

327: Anonymous Jingikan

Maybe an anti-rampart destruction weapon from a treasure chest?

Though, if it can produce that kind of power, it’s probably disposable

328: Anonymous Phantom Thief

We have a similar item in our club, but it’s something like a trump card against raid bosses, you know

It’d be such a waste, so we can’t afford to use it in things like battles against human

329: Anonymous Dragoon


The smell of elixir syndrome

To being with, you see, rather than a barrier penetrating attack from the stage

Don’t you think it’s more likely that some merry criminal set off an explosive device in the stand seats?

Or maybe they were so excited that their skills went out of control

330: Anonymous warrior

Sound plausible

It seems that during the period of tournament, the miasma pressure in the Colosseum is raised to the middle-stratum level, after all

331: Anonymous Convict

Even if it’s not during an event, the Tartarus arena is like a dungeon

You can do a lot of things there, you know

A lot of things

332: Anonymous Secretary

Since it’s on dungeon level, that means monsters are going to POP, too, right?

That’ll be so dangerous that you can’t play there, duh

333: Anonymous Plunderer

They don’t spring up, you see, these things

The miasma that leaks out does cause Null Mobs to spring up in the vicinity, but never in the arena

This is for sure

I don’t know the reason why, though

334: Anonymous Elemental User

They’re going to pop, you know?

Rather, it did.

When we were waiting for our match, a wraith-like thing walked right past the dungeon cage.

335: Anonymous Holy Knight

Alright, that’s a lie

I bet you were abusing the arena, weren’t you?

336: Anonymous Samurai General

No, I saw them too, you know

Skeletons were springing up all over the underground area

I thought they were Mobs summoned by Necromancers or Officers, so I ignored them with ease

337: Anonymous Debauchee



338: Anonymous Spirit User

Hey, hey, c’mon, hear me out

I’m from a team that came out in the tournament today, but you see

The wall in the waiting room suddenly exploded, and a monster peeked through the hole it made

No one believed me, but I think it was the Evil God that was sealed up in the arena

Evil God resurrection, don’t you think that’s crazy bad?

Please, someone believe me….

339: Anonymous Guide

Yes, yes

Let’s stop making multi-post just because you fail to bait anyone, shall we?

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Private Server Bulletin Board

【Inter-club Tournament】Rose School Information Exchange Thread part611【Burst Libido】

821: Anonymous Fujoshi

A beast lol

822: Anonymous Fujoshi

A beast lol

823: Anonymous Fujoshi

A total beast!

824: Anonymous Fujoshi

A real beast lol

825: Anonymous Fujoshi

The thread is going to get buried with beast comments lol

826: Anonymous Fujoshi

It’s so wild that I get wet no matter how many times I watch it

827: Anonymous Fujoshi

When I watched it from the stand, I made a strange voice lol

828: Anonymous Fujoshi

I made a strange voice (2/20)

Even when I re-watch it now, I make a strange voice

829: Anonymous Fujoshi

I made a strange voice (3/20)

Even when I re-watch it now, I make a strange voice (2/20)

830: Anonymous Fujoshi

It was real bad lol

The wimpy display of the Hero was simply unbearable

831: Anonymous Fujoshi

Hero-chan cried in a nice voice~ lol

832: Anonymous Fujoshi

>>518 video

Is it for real that it’s not something staged?

833: Anonymous Fujoshi

For real

The academy newspaper did a great job for once

I thought it was going to get taken down, so saved it at once

834: Anonymous Fujoshi

Ah, I should’ve come

I mean, Oiran-douji-sama is really too much of a beast lol

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