High School Hack and Slash Chapter 176 Part 1

Rescue Operation

―― Territory『Onimenurakyo, Greater Palace』 ――

―― countdown: 07:18:00:59 ――


「Happy New Year.」

I don’t dislike this barefaced, New Year’s greeting.

It feels very Japanese.

「Like I told you, it’s not the time for such a thing, isn’t it?!」

Riru-san, putting her hands on her hips, throws in a retort.

I think greetings are important.

Nonetheless, I guess this is not the situation to be having a leisurely conversation.

「We, too, have a lot of things we’d like to ask over here, but… I mean, why do you have two onis with you?」


「Moreover, quite the cute and sexy female onis you’ve got there. The usual harem members are also nowhere to be seen, which means, you’re dragging around the onis girls you raped after losing your mind, aren’t you? You pervert, rape demon! Natural brute list!」

She disses me with great vigor.

She’s the type of person my socially inept self is not very good with.

And then, the

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