High School Hack and Slash Chapter 81 Part 1

Special Move: Karmic End


「Alright. Thank you for your hard work.」

The sleepy-looking stone-age girl collects the girl who has screamed and ended up fainting.

It’s not that she’s really sleepy, but apparently the sleepy face is her default.

「Alright. Next person, go on ahead.」

「Do, do I really have to do it too? I mean, why does everyone scream and faint?」

「… Haa. You will understand once you receive mercy from Toma-sama. It’s okay….」

「… Ah … It was awesome, ah… It’s okay.」

「Yes. It’s okay.」

「You don’t look okay to me, you know?」

If I have to describe the situation, I would say it is a mysterious belt conveyor.

「U, uu… I understand. Please take care of me.」

With a look of determination, she takes off her panties, turns her back on me and gets down on all fours.

This will be the fourth and last girl, and although it’s too late for it, I’m reflecting on the fact that I may have been letting myself get swept by the situation too much.

The first three are munch-munching bear skewers with a melty look on their faces.

「As… As expected, it’s huge… S, so full….」

「It’s okay. She’s all wet after watching everyone getting fucked. Go at it with everything you’ve got.」

「T, taking it as someone else’s problem…. Hii!」

When I get past the resistance at the entrance, I end up sliperily going all the way to the back in one go.

With a snap, the caveman girl takes an SS with her student’s handbook.

Saying「Here it is」, the face of the girl shown to me is that of the eye-rolling ahegao-san.

「I’ll forward it to your handbook later, Toma-sama. Please add it to your first penetration SS collection.」

I have no such collection.

I don’t have one, but I shall gratefully accept it.

「I also took some selfies of myself, so please be at ease.」

I can appreciate her uncompromising attitude.

However, the problem is that I don’t know the principle of this action.

No, could it be due to the bear meat skewers, I wonder?

I get the feeling that it was a mistake to let this girl explain the situation when the second one woke up and ended up raising symptoms of panic.

I could only catch fragmentary words such as「female pig」, 「sexual venting」, 「meal」, and so on.

The second girl, who took off her panties with a look of despair and resignation on her face, is now munch-munching a bear skewer as one of the melty group.

「Hii, hii, hii… Ah… Ah… Ahn….」

「In no time at all the female pig is acclimated. She’s sticking out her tongue and showing a goofy face.」

「D, don’t report every single thing… Ahn, hii.」

「All that’s left now is the special move (Karmic End): penis of absolute penetration (Over-Greed gear).」

I have no damn idea what they are talking about, which on the contrary feels refreshing.

「The real life special move (Karmic End) was awesome….」

「It sure was awesome, wasn’t it….」

I hope the melty group can just be quiet and continue munch-munching.

「Fwaaaaaah! Karmic end ish sho aweshoome!」

◇ ◇ ◇

 I think they are finally in a state where we can have a talk.

To be frank, though, the feeling of it being too late for such a thing is tremendous.

「Yes. With this, I believe you understand now.」

The sleepy girl who comes from the Stone Age is Mirin, a『Craftsman』.

「Yes. I understand… Toma-sama’s karmic end was amazing.」

The one plopping down with a face as if her soul has come out is Shinobu, an『Officer』.

「It feels like my hole is still gaping….」

The one placing her hand on her stomach with a melty look on her face is Serie, a『Debauchee (NEET)』.

「Toma-sama, please put me, this female pig, into use again.」

And the one on all fours while pointing her ass my away is Nodoka, a『None (Novice)』.

It is conversely rare for someone to not have a class change yet at this time of the year.

Just like her name, she is a tranquil child.

「Ahh… Being a female pig used for Toma-sama’s sexual venting, it feels so good ~.」

「Why are you wagging your ass at me?」

Also, she has this zealous and mysterious obsession with being a female pig.

「It’s okay. We’re aware of your circumstances, Toma-sama. All women are female pigs, meat toilets that you have no choice but to use to relief your sex addiction.」

「That’s one outrageous slander, though.」

「It’s okay. We understand. We’ll keep it a secret from everyone.」

The girls look at each other and nod in agreement, but which part are they keeping a secret, I wonder?

Why am I getting such a mistaken valuation?

To begin with, I have never met these girls before, and this should be our first meeting.

For them to suddenly start revering me and referring to me with a sama, I just don’t get it.

I also feel a vague sense of discomfort in the intonation of the name they’re calling me with.

And, I have no intention to hide it, but neither have I shown it off, so it’s a mystery that they know about the existence of『Gaki Lord War Casket (Over-Greed Gear)』.

「Amazing… The penis of absolute penetration (Over-Greed Gear) is just too amazing….」

Nodoka, hoisting up her ass, is wriggling and writhing.

It’s just a trivial matter, but everyone’s Interface operation locks are somehow open.

It seems that these four girls are recognized as party members and I am treated as the leader.

The three girls – except for Nodoka, who is wriggling at my feet – are surrounding the campfire and beginning to roast more bear meat.

Bear game has a pretty wild character, but I wonder if they’ve taken a liking to it.

Well, compared to the meat of a wild game, monster meat tastes strangely delicious.

Moreover, there’s the tendency where the higher the level of the monster, the tastier it is.

Shaving off the burnt parts of the sizzling, roasted meats, the girls eat them like they do a kebab.

It’s like they have suddenly become tough, or maybe they have ended up blowing it all up after having a one-eighty turn.

「I’m cumming… I’m cumming… I can’t, anymoreee…」

「Then I will… Alright. Please, thoroughly. Please use this one as your cock’s case, Toma-sama.」

In place of Nodoka, who has ended up twitching and drained of strength, Serie offers me her ass.

Licking off her fingertips, which are coated in bear grease, she dives those fingertips into her nether region, before then spreading and showing her own secret place.

She is a girl with a somewhat floaty and otherworldly feel to her.

Moreover, not only this girl, but all of them are healthy, with their bellies bulging out from heartily eating the bear meat.

「Hnn, hnn… I’m terribly sorry. Since your meat’s is simply so tasty, Toma-sama.」

Serie, pressing her hips against me on her own accord and gulping down, licks her lips.

*Hahn, hahn, hahn* She begins to shake her hips following her own rhythmic pace.

Nodoka, who has been twitching, also reaches out her hand and begins to munch-munching, eating the bear kebab, even as she has a melty and goofy look on her face.

Isn’t this a little abnormal?

Maybe there are some strange ingredients mixed in.

「It’s okay. It feels like I’m becoming so full of energy.」

「Yes. It sure is delicious. I feel like I could eat as many there is to it…. Haa, but I’m not sure why, but my body is getting really hot.」

Shinobu, who has been holding herself back until the end, twists her thighs together and stares at me and Serie with moist eyes.

「… The one serving as the next female pig is me, right?」

「Even if you don’t make such wistful eyes, if everything goes according to the reference scriptures (Rose School), I believe we’ll end up taking turn for the whole night.」

「I, I’m not. I’m not staring at them with such eyes. B, but to do it for a whole night, I think I’ll end up breaking.」

「It’s too late for that now. Once a female pig has been enthralled by Toma-sama, she is nothing but a meat toilet to be used to relief his sex addiction, while being made to realize that she is absolutely no match for his lover, turning into an onapet that is unable to get away from him and continues to serve him obediently.」

「That’s just too cruel.」

Somehow, they are getting all lively as they engage in some mysterious talk.

◇ ◇ ◇

「Yes…. I am Toma-sama’s female pig onapet.」

「Shinobu-chan is an easy girl.」

「Having been made to taste such amazing stuff over and over again, it can’t be helped. Nmm, you’re good at cooking, Mirin-chan.」

「The bear soup is delicious… Ah, Serie-chan, pass the salt.」

The group of four have become pretty close overnight.

In the early morning forest, light shines through the overlapping branches and leaves overhead.

If I remember it correctly, it should have such a fancy name of the Angel’s Staircase.

The fog that was hanging over us also has cleared up, so I guess there would be no obstacle in us hiking up the mountain.

We have to head to the campground and meet up with the others as soon as possible, otherwise, it’d be troubling if things lead to some strange ruckus.

「Toma-sama… Please show some mercy to this female pig onapet.」

Coming out of the sleeping bag we used together and wearing nothing but a shirt, Shinobu droops over.

The purchasing department-marked sleeping bag can be coupled into a huge bag of sleeping bag by connecting them by the zipper.

There was by no means any wicked ulterior motive behind it, as the idea was to use each other’s body heat to keep us from exhausting our stamina.

「Shinobu-chan is not coming back, huh….」

「She was made to serve as Toma-sama’s hug pillow, so it can’t be helped.」

「Shinobu-chan’s sleeping face is in heaven state all the time.」

「Haa… This penis of absolute penetration (Over-Greed Gear) is really awesome.」

Shinobu is a Dakochan doll as she straddles me face to face.

Well, leaving aside such morning grooming communication.

After cleaning up the encampment, we start our march toward the campground.

As for directions, I periodically access Shizuka-Net to make corrections.

Distance-wise, we’re not even one mountain away, should be, but we’re by no means able to proceed straight ahead.

It’s like a maze, or that the space is distorting, or something like that.

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