Chapter 119: Second Informal Meeting ⑤

When the explanation was over, I explained the flow of events to the members of [Star Supremacy] via telepathy.

After that, a master-servant contract was made with Ruzark, Legenda, Zen, and Princess Luna, and we all teleported to the Foret Noir dungeon.

「Welcome back, Aun-sama.」

When I transferred to the core room, 15 elves in butler uniforms and maid uniforms lined up to greet me.

I didn’t ask for this. Are they putting on a performance for Ruzark and the others?

「As ordered, the second floor has been refurbished into a conference room.」


「We shall inform you when the venue is ready, so please wait here for a while.」


Huh? What’s this? What happened all of a sudden?

Until now, I had hired them as butlers and maids, and also paid them wages… but I didn’t use Alrane’s clan house. Could it be that they’ve been practicing this all along?

I think Shinku mentioned before that she was going to train the elves…

「Oh, Aun. You’re back?」

「Ars, what happened to these elves all of a sudden?」

「It’s not all of a sudden? They were doing the same during the special training with Quereble…. You didn’t notice?」

「Huh? Ah, well, my mind was all about magic barriers at the time, so…」

「As always, you’re absorbed into your own pace… Well, that’s fine. The elves also wanted to support you and have been moving around excitedly. Just let them be…」

「Well, if they’re doing it because they like it then… Ah, come to think of it, did you renovate the second floor?」

「Umu, I made it perfect. You can take your time to talk.」


「Aun-sama, the room has been prepared. This way please. We shall prepare drinks later.」

「Okay. Everyone, let’s head to the conference room.」

I took the four, who were stunned by the view of the core room and the response of the elves, to the second floor.

A round table and luxurious chairs set up in a large hall which was as luxurious as a royal castle. There were large windows on the four walls and the ceiling. Light from the outside was streaming into the room. Perhaps, the evening and night sky has been reproduced for each hour so that you can tell the real time outside the dungeon.

I was going to share our biggest secret with them. If you begin with this much impact, the impact of the secret should also be softened. In that sense, I guess Ars should be praised. It seems that what I was thinking was conveyed to him perfectly.

Or rather, just how many dungeon points did he use… well, that’s fine.

「Alright, then. From here on, will you be the facilitator as usual, Ruzark?」

「Y-Yes. I mean, there are so many shocking things that I still can’t get my head sorted out…」

「Hmm, then I’ll explain the main points first. And I’ll also share my other secret.」

「I always expected Aun to have some kind of secret, but I didn’t expect something like this… Or rather, you have an even more shocking secret?」

「Hmm, I think it’s probably beyond the scope of what can be understood, so I’ll explain it in order from the start. It’s going to be a long story, so let’s talk over a drink. Also, it would be helpful if you could hold the questions until the end.」

Following that, I explained step by step from the time I obtained the magic sword Flam in the dungeon.

Being killed by Madas of the [Red and Silver Moon] party and becoming a zombie monster, conquering the Foret Noir dungeon while evolving and becoming a dungeon master, meeting Barbaru, the truth about the Stampede, about Kinu and Shinku, about Drake being forced to run amok by Bride, the other side of the slave traders raid and encounter with Nelfie and the demi-humans who were captured as slaves. The elves serving as butlers and maids were also some among them. And also being the dungeon master, I conquered not only Foret Noir, but also Plainevelt and Alraine dungeons…

Ruzarc, Legenda, Zen, and Princess Luna listened silently, even as they were surprised each time.

「I revealed it all at once, but those were the string of events so far. Well, our biggest secret is that Kinu, Shinku and I are monsters. Of course, we possess reason and intelligence, and are about the same as humans or demi-humans. But we can’t really make this public, can we?」

「Yes… and as for Aun, you were human in the first place, so you have memories and knowledge from that time. It’s hard to see you all as monsters at this point. And no matter who or what you are, it doesn’t change the fact that you are my friend.」

「I agree. It was thanks to Aun and Kinu-san that I became who I am today. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a monster or a human.」

「Thanks. I had a feeling you two would say that. But I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t worried… I am a monster, after all. People think that we have no intelligence or reason, right? Moreover, we are targets of subjugation.」

「But Aun and Shinku-san are the oni-race right now, aren’t you? Doesn’t that mean you are demi-humans?」

「Well, that’s probably the case. I mean, we don’t know much about it either. I should have already died, in the first place, but why did I become a zombie monster and why am I able to absorb the dungeon core?」

「So that’s why you’re investigating your grandfather…」Zen.

「Yeah. I thought grandpa might know something, and I wanted to learn more about myself. I don’t even know about my own origins. I don’t even know my parents nor their faces.」

「Let’s wrap it up for now. I know your secret now. On top of that, I will cooperate so that you do not suffer any drawbacks. You guys have risked your lives for the sake of this country, so I have trust and confidence in you. Do we have a common understanding up to that point?」Ruzark.

As I glanced at the others, Legenda and Princess Luna nodded. As for Princess Luna, it felt like she was resolved. Legenda still looked confused, but she said she trusted us. She wouldn’t go against Ruzark’s decision, so I can rest assured.

「Then let’s end here for today, and continue the discussions regarding the Council of Seven Sphin Nations tomorrow.」

Thus, the number of people who know our secret has increased by four. But I felt glad to share. There was also a part of me that felt guilty for hiding things from my friends.

Over the next few days, the plan for the Council of the Seven Sphin Nations, the proposed agenda, measures against the demons, and such were roughly decided, and it was decided that we would depart for Ibrand, the capital of the Ibrudia Empire, in two weeks.

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