Chapter 172: A Flash of Light

A coup d’état occurred in the royal capital Alraine.

Currently, there are two things we must do as soon as possible.

One is to get to the capital as quickly as possible.

In our case, the fastest way to move from Plainevelt to Alraine is to teleport to the Alraine dungeon and then move to the capital from there. With this method, we can honestly go to the royal capital quite easily.

However, there is a big problem with this method. We would arrive too early.

I don’t think people would notice that I am a Dungeon Master just because of that, but there is a high possibility that some people will start suspecting that I have some kind of secret. I’m thinking of using some kind of camouflage method in the future, but I want to avoid being strangely scrutinized at this point.

I have lots of thoughts about choosing the slower method, but now that the situation in Alraine has reached a stalemate, rather than taking the risk of being exposed, I think flying on Drake’s back and standing out on purpose is the correct choice.

「So Drake, transform into your dragon form and fly with us to the royal capital. I’ll share the information with Ruzark on the way.」

「Roger! It’s fine to fly at maximum speed, right?」

「Yes. By the way, how long will it take you to reach Alraine?」

「Probably about 2-3 hours.」

「Wow! That’s faster than I thought!」

「I have evolved since the time we flew during the memorial ceremony for the ranking battle, and my stats have also increased!」

「Alright. I’ll leave the information gathering to you once we get there, Nelfie. Collect as much information as you can and share it with me via telepathy.」

「Leave it to me. Intelligence gathering is my specialty, after all.」

「This is all we can plan for now. I guess a fight will break out once we reach there. Well, I’ll try contacting Ruzark now. If anything happens during that time, please handle it. Kinu, Shinku.」

「Nn.Got it.」

「Understood, Aun-sama.」

While riding on Drake, I gave out instructions to everyone and summarized the contents of the report to Ruzark in my mind.

Before the Council of the Seven Sphin Nations was held Ruzark, Zen, Legenda, who recently became the leader of the Knight’s Order, and I signed a “Master-Servant Contract”. The master-servant contract with Zen was released after the demon issue was resolved, but the other two didn’t want to.

I was wondering if it would be a good idea to make the next king “temporarily” enter into a master-servant relationship, but Ruzark said, “We don’t know what will happen in the future. The more measures we can take, the better.”

So now I have to say that Ruzark’s decision was correct…

Ruzark was currently in talks with the leaders of other countries in the Ibrudia Empire in order to compensate for the Council of Seven Sphin Nations. Naturally, Legenda was also accompanying Ruzark.

Considering that the schedule for the summit meeting is until tonight, it is easy to imagine that the meeting is in progress at this time.

In which case, by telling him about the coup d’etat, there is a considerable possibility that the other leaders would find out that we have a special communication method called “Telepathy”. After all, the people around Ruzark are the top leaders and they were a gathering of “smart” people. However, I can’t be considering that right now…

≪Ruzark, can you hear me?≫

≪Aun!? Sorry, right is not…≫

≪I know you’re in a meeting, but this is an emergency. Don’t show any panic to the people around you, and contact me back as soon as you can.≫

≪……I understand. Give me 3 minutes.≫

The urgency of the matter has been conveyed.

I mean, the fact that he can make time in 3 minutes at a summit meeting means that Ruzark is at the center of conversation at this meeting as well. As expected of Ruzark.

≪Aun, I’m here. I was able to take a 20 minute break.≫

≪Is there anyone around you?≫

≪Only Legenda. I can talk calmly now. What’s the emergency?≫

≪Don’t panic and listen to me. A coup d’état led by the first prince Fernando occurred in the royal capital. It seems that the royal capital is already completely under his control.≫

≪Wha!? What about His Majesty…≫

≪We don’t have much information on that at the moment. We’re heading to the royal capital right now, so we’ll share any new information as soon as we get it.≫

≪Understood……. I will finish here as soon as possible and then return to Alraine.≫

≪Don’t push yourself too much. We’ll do everything we can.≫

≪You’re too kind, Aun. But even so, I am the next king of the Arto Kingdom. I will do what I can do in my own way.≫

The telepathy was cut after that. Knowing him… I guess he’s trying to complete the meeting early, even if it’s impossible, and use any means to return as soon as possible.


When I noticed the sound from afar and shifted my gaze forward, I saw rays of light leaking through the cracks in the cloudy sky.

As if the clouds were hinting at the future ahead.

Feeling the rain drops hitting my skin, I braced myself.

From here on out… is the battlefield.

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