Chapter 31: Invasion of S-rank monsters


Just as we applied for clan registration at the Adventurer’s guild, four adventurers fell through the entrance door. All four were covered in wounds. One of them was seriously injured.

「Kinu, please heal them.」

「Nn. [Healing].」

The wounds on the seriously injured person began to close slowly.

I also helped with the healing with recovery potions, but the recovery was slow with potions.

The remaining three gradually recovered. When one of them managed to speak, the guild master Sparz came running over.

「What happened?」

「A black dragon is heading towards this town! Judging from its size, it must be an S-rank monster…」

「What!? Where is it now!?」

「In Morphia Forest. Judging from the direction it’s moving in… the probability of heading to this city is very high…」

「Damn! Why is this happening at this time…」

「For the time being, why don’t we carry the seriously injured person to the hospital?」

When I suggested it, several of the staff carried the seriously injured person out of the guild.

I had a bad feeling about Morphia forest, but even so, a dragon huh…

「Aun, no, the members of Black Thunder, please come to my room for a moment.」


As soon as we gathered in the room, Sparz began to speak.

「As you all know, the ecosystem of Morphia Forest has started changing since about two weeks ago.

That’s why I dispatched the A-rank party [Illusionary Spring Breeze] for this investigation. That’s the 4 from earlier.

Currently, there are no S-rank parties in this town. Even when dispatched from the nearest city, Miralda, the dragon will enter Recuria before they reach here.

So… I’m sorry to ask you to do something like this, but could you somehow slow down the dragon’s progress…

In terms of strength, the only people I can make this request to is Black Thunder… Please!」

Sparz bowed deeply.

「I see. Well, I don’t mind accepting it. Is it okay if we count this as a nominated quest?」

「Y-You’re accepting!? Of course, I’ll issue this as a nominated quest!

I’m really sorry. The matter in question should originally be a nominated quest for S-ranks… I will be sure to compensate you with a solid reward!」

「We can talk about the reward later. For now, please tell us more about the details and a strategy.」

「First, as you heard earlier, a dragon is on its way to this city.

According to [Illusionary Spring Breeze], it’s an S-rank monster.

I have requested help from Miralda’s Adventurer’s guild using a communication magic tool. I think the S-rank party will arrive here in half a day at the earliest, or within a day at the latest.

We don’t know why the dragon is heading to this city, but the evacuation of the citizens will be the top priority.

I don’t mind if you just buy time until the evacuation is complete. Just slow it down somehow.」

「Understood. I mean, it’s alright even if we subjugate it, right?」

「Of course. I wish that could be done, but it’s too dangerous. I can’t ask you to go that far…」

「Alright. We’ll leave right away. Kinu, Shinku, you two okay with that?」

「Nn. No problem.」

「I go where Aun-sama and Kinu-sama go. You don’t need my approval.」

「Right, let’s go!」

「I am really sorry… Please buy us enough time…」

After saying that, Sparz bowed his head deeply again.

「Hey, at times like this, you gotta send us off with more enthusiasm right, Guild master?」

「…Huh, yeah! Off you go fellars! Leave the city to me!」

「Ah! Leave the rest to us.」

As soon as we left the city, we saw a huge dragon flying towards us from the direction of the forest.

The speed was much faster than I expected. I mean, it can already be seen from the city. I hope this doesn’t cause any panic…

「I’ll go ahead first and knock it down. Please catch up as soon as possible. -Thunderclap.」

I activated the skill and ran ahead.

When I got close enough to the dragon, I jumped up without killing the momentum, took out the Iron Club from my magic bag, and slammed it on its face.

The dragon was slammed to the ground by the attack, but immediately stood up and looked at me.

…It’s pretty big when you see it up close. It could swallow even an Ogre whole. Spreading its wings makes it look even bigger.


With a tremendous roar, the dragon jumped into the air and attacked with a horizontal sweep of its tail. I dodged it by jumping into the air with Air Dance.

The attack speed itself is at a level that can be handled, but the power behind the attack is quite dangerous.

「Aun, are you okay?」

「Yeah, we are fast enough to avoid its attacks. But it will be troublesome if it flies into the sky, so aim for its wings with magic, Kinu. Shinku, provoke the dragon so that it doesn’t target Kinu.」

「Nn. Understood.」「Okay!」

After Kinu and Shinku arrived, I concentrated my attacks on its wings too.

We’ve been doing quests together for the past week, but we’ve basically only dealt with monsters that can be subjugated alone. So it’s the first time the three of us have to cooperate as a party to subjugate a monster.

However, we were fairly well-balanced and were able to communicate with each other.

Shinku tanked the attacks targeted towards Kinu, and when Shinku took damage, Kinu healed her.

If things go on like this, we’ll be able to subjugate it in a stable manner.

And when the attacks on the wings finally went through and the dragon fell from the sky, Kinu talked to me via telepathy.


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