I Became A Zombie Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Black Lightning

The door to the boss room opened and we stepped inside. The room was as large as the boss room in Foret Noir Labyrinth. Two giants were waiting in there…

A cow-head brown demon wielding a huge hammer with both hands, Gozuki, and a horse-head bluish black demon wielding a huge single-edged sword, Mezuki. Both were B-rank upper demons.

「Two upper B-ranked creatures at the same time is troublesome. Guess I’ll have to focus down one at a time.」

As I took a step forward, Cow-oni and Horse-oni slowly readied their weapons and started to move.

「Kinu, support me from the side. Let’s kill one of them first.」


I took out the Red Ogre’s Iron Club while thinking which one should be defeated first.

「We’ll kill the horse-oni first. Use your magic to keep the cow-oni in check.」

In response to my order, Kinu immediately fired an energy ball at the cow-oni. At the same time, I dashed toward the horse-oni while trying to slow down the movement of the cow-oni with a Lightning Ball.

I aimed the first shot at its left side to wait-and-see how the magic would affect it, but cow-oni dodged the attack. The enemies moved faster than I expected. As soon as I took a step back to gain some distance, the horse-oni immediately started swinging its sword at me.

Although I was fast enough to dodge the sword, I aimed to destroy the weapon and struck the giant single-edged sword with my Red Ogre’s Iron Club. I hit the sword with the intention of blowing it to pieces, but our power was evenly matched.

Something made me feel uneasy. Even from a glance, the horse-oni was far superior to the Red Ogre, which should be of the same rank.

「Don’t tell me these guys… are named monsters!?」


Suddenly I heard a crash from behind.

I immediately returned the Iron Club into my magic bag, kicked the horse-oni in the stomach, and turned around to find Kinu lying near the wall.

I rushed over to her side and checked her status. She had 210 HP remaining and her condition was “fainted”. I quickly took out a potion from my magic bag and sprinkled it on Kinu, but the “fainted” status effect hadn’t healed.

My stomach turned as the worst case scenario crossed my mind, but looking at her status, she seemed to be fine.

I stood up and walked towards the two enemies.

…………I’m pissed off.

I was pissed off at the guy who put Kinu in this state, but most of all, I was furious at myself for “misjudging the enemy’s strength” and for the “wait-and-see”.

「Electrification, Thunderclap.」

As I whispered, black lightning surged around me.

I felt like something broke inside me…

「Don’t think you’ll die easily… you damn livestock!!」

I sprinted at full speed towards the cow-oni. The cow-oni seemed to have completely lost sight of me, as it didn’t notice me when I sunk my right fist into its face.

The gigantic body was sent flying, but I circled around faster than that, and kicked the back of the cow-oni to send it flying higher, followed by three shots of Lightning balls. Then, I jumped up even higher into the air than the cow-oni, taking out Red Ogre’s Iron Club from my magic bag and smashing it into the cow-oni’s abdomen with blunt force.

The cow-oni was hit with enough force to create a small crater when it crashed into the ground. It vomited a pool of blood before dying.

Immediately after knocking the cow-oni down, I activated Air Step and instantly moved from the air to right beside the horse-oni.

At the same time as I landed, I swung the Iron Club with both hands at the monster’s chest.

The horse-oni was blown away, slamming into the wall. It was limpless, but I didn’t care. I dashed at full speed to build up momentum and jumped to land a knee kick right in its face.

The monster’s head was crushed between the wall and my knee. Blood spurted out of its eyes, ears, and nose. The horse-oni collapsed… not moving again.

After defeating the two bosses, I turned around and saw Kinu standing up and slowly walking towards me.

「Kinu! Are you okay?!」

I rushed over to her, as she was happily wagging her tail.

I was glad that she was alright.

When I checked Kinu’s status, her HP had recovered to 510. Perhaps she used the healing skill.

And then… I noticed that her level was 30.

「Kinu, you evolved…」


She let out a cry in response, slowly closed her eyes, and relaxed her body. Kinu’s body then glowed.

(Kinu, don’t tell me that you endured the pain of evolution until it was safe… just so I wouldn’t worry in the middle of battle…)

As soon as I understood Kinu’s kindness, the kindness which put me before herself, I felt unworthy but also warm and tingly inside.

I held back my tears while gently stroking Kinu.

(No, hold it in! So that when Kinu opens her eyes, she wouldn’t have to worry…)

When the light subsided, Kinu’s beautiful golden fur became even more lustrous and her tail increased to five.

Kinu opened her eyes.

…I think I was smiling

…I was trying my best to make a proper smile, after all.

Kinu stood up, gently brought her face closer to mine, and wiped the tears from my cheeks.


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