Chapter 141: Showcase



Translator: Haruchin   Editor: Marky

Today’s free time was spent not in the forest, but in the attic of the house in Canum doing repairs. The inner part of the ceiling had been boarded up while leaving the beams in place. I also installed a divider so that the larger portion of the room that is just above the courtyard will be separated by a wall.

I added some shelves and other stuff in the courtyard side of the room. Currently, I’m stuffing a bed with diy springs into the inner part of the room — this is going to be the bedroom, you see. Going up the stairs will directly lead you into the courtyard side of the room, after all.

I laid a rug in the inner bedroom, put a side table by the bed and added a lamp on top. I add a shelf and an empty box. I also placed a basket with a quilt inside on top of the shelf. Yup. It’s Daifuku’s room.

After rummaging around for a bit and placing stuff here and there, I then prepared a light dinner. Dinosso and the others came just after I finished preparing the meal.


「Alright, alright, shoes aren’t allowed here, go change in these. 」
I took them to the third floor and gave them house slippers made of soft cloth sewn together. They look like the quilted ankle boots you use in winter.

「…Noth? 」
Dinosso called out to Butler while still stupefied after looking around the third floor.

「It is beyond my purview. The furniture set in a place that is out of sight are — 」
Yes, it’s just like Butler said, it should be safe.

「Alright, I’ve really confirmed it now, you and I don’t belong to the same civilization. 」
Retze was the first one to remove his shoes, change into the slippers and enter the room.

The shelves around the walls are filled with wine and glassware and the lamps hang from the ceiling at different heights. Instead of a fireplace, I stationed a cooking stove — although it’s designed more like a fireplace thanks to the stone blocks that I added — and a kettle on top.

There’s a chair with cabriole legs and thick, woven fabric seat and back. It’s stuffed, of course. I used wool since there’s no cotton available. There’s a heavy carpet, cushions perfect for lounging, and a sofa.

「It’s quite bright in here… Face? 」
The lamp on the shelf also has a reflector, but instead of using brass mirrors, I used a real mirror.

I had been experimenting on making glass panes, so I also tried making mirrors while at it, by attaching silver to glass. I ended up making silver fulminate, which then exploded — now that was quite the memorable experience. You can’t take chemical experiments lightly. I ended up relying on 【Heal】-san.

「…No, yeah. The things you can’t take out just increased, I guess. 」

Retze seems to have internally come into terms with something.

「Uwah, creepy! 」
「Hey, Dinosso, it’s your face being reflected, you know. 」
「I’m not talking about the face! 」
He retorted when I quipped after seeing him peer into the mirror with disgust.

「Such clear reflection… Please sell it to us. 」
「Hey, don’t leak that thing’s existence outside so easily! 」

I let the trio look around while I brew the coffee. Black tea for Dinosso and Butler.
Aside from the round table for games, I also placed two tea tables between chairs.

The snacks are already prepared beforehand — french fries, popcorn and jerky. I put the cups beside them. I’ll be toasting the doria gratin over the cooking stove in a while, so I’m also on standby beside the shelves.

The plan is to expose those who can adapt easily to more ingredients.

「Tea is ready. 」
「Ou. 」
「Thanks. 」
「Thank you very much. 」

The trio seemed unable to tear their eyes off from their surroundings, but they still sat down.

「Weapons — it’s today, right? 」
「Yes. 」
I replied honestly to Dinosso’s validating question.

「…You just averted your eyes, didn’t you? 」
「I tried my best, but, uh, it didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to, so, yeah. 」
I did try to ban the spirits from entering, you know.

「Yeah, don’t mind it. Yeah, we know how whimsical spirits are. 」

「I heard that even the makers of the legendary spirit swords found it difficult to create them according to what he wanted. 」
Retze didn’t say anything, but I don’t feel that he’s going to scold me!

「Just take them out for now. 」
「Well then, let us start with the little children series. 」
The table looked like it’s gonna collapse when I tried placing it on, so I handed them to Guardian Dinosso instead.

Tina’s hammer, Vak’s broadsword and En’s single-handed saber.

「The squirrel is quite adorable. 」
Butler praised me.

「When mana is poured into Tina’s hammer, it will expand the moment it’ll strike something, and that is its feature. 」
「Huh? 」

「Vak and En’s swords elongate when mana is poured into them.. 」
「Oy. 」

「One of Madam’s dual blades has an ice attribute, the other one is normal. 」
「Wait a sec, it’s way too cold to be normal! 」
「The other one ended up having ‘Energy Drain’ for some reason. 」
「Did a wraith possess it or something!? 」

I certainly thought about the damage that could be done to wraiths and vampires while smithing it, so I didn’t refute what he said.

「Ah, Noth’s weapon has the same effect. Oh, and this one impairs vision, this one has poison. 」
「Even if you say these things so nonchalantly… They are indeed effective against wraiths. Thank you very much. 」
「Hey, aren’t they all a bunch of dangerous weapons!? 」

Eh, can’t help it, you know! It’s a given, since it’s for the 「Dark Vessel」!

「Dinosso’s Great Sword is fire attribute, and it’s gonna flame up properly. This one is normal. 」
「Nothing feels normal here!! 」

「Can I not take mine? 」
Retze pulled the chair out and was about to stand up.
Please stop preparing to flee, will you.



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