Chapter 283: Things that I Don’t Know

「It’s fine, there’s no doubt that he really likes you, Dinosso. 」

Dinosso’s spirit is a sharp-faced dragon with a body covered in flames. He’s staring at the fireplace — probably at the flames — and although it looked like he’s not interested, his tail was wrapped around Dinosso’s arm.

「Besides, there’s no rule saying we’re not allowed to interact with the spirits of other people, right? Shouldn’t you do something about that possessiveness of yours? 」
「That’s your problem!? Hey, don’t make me look like I’m a jealous, narrow-minded guy! 」
Dinosso abruptly turned to me.

「We thought that spirits possessing people wouldn’t turn their attention to another person, but it seems like we still have much to confirm… 」
Butler said with a subtle smile.

「Spirits don’t really pay attention to their surroundings, or should I say they don’t really care what happens in the Physical Realm. They basically ignore everything that doesn’t interest them, so you’re not really wrong, I think? Like, they notice what’s going on around them if you call out to them? 」

「But normally, folks can’t talk to spirits, you know? 」
Dinosso looked dissatisfied for some reason.

「Well, I can’t See them, so I dunno. It’s hard to understand the mind of spirits — yeah, I’m saying normal folks can’t, okay, so stop tickling me. 」
Vine stretched out of Retze’s sword and started poking him.

「Yeah, yeah, I know, I’ll add fertilizer to your pot when we return to Canum, so stop it! 」
Vine was probably satisfied with his answer; it smoothly pulled back to the sword.

「Argh, dammit!! Hey, it’s only because Vine just comes on strong, alright!! 」
Everyone’s eyes turned to Retze. Dinosso and Butler were staring at him sharply, sending him in a fluster.

「Should I spoil my spirit too? But I don’t know how to. 」
「I also do not know how to distinguish too much pampering. 」
Butler and Dinosso consulted each other. Meanwhile, Ash continued scratching Az behind her ears.

「Well, there are spirits that don’t have a clear consciousness to begin with, and there are many spirits who don’t like showing their true appearance even after getting along with them…Since I learned that Retze can’t See and can’t release mana, I tried choosing a spirit that’s okay with showing itself, can absorb mana on its own, and can also be satisfied with an energy source other than mana. 」
I refrained from getting spirits that can’t absorb mana unless it was actively given to them, as well as spirits that would suck all they want.

Spirits who absorb mana consciously can control the amount, but some spirits exhibit other traits, like unconsciously sucking mana just by being present. Some spirits also wanted to show themselves but couldn’t. Spirits are extremely diverse, even in their personalities.

「Thanks, really, I’m grateful, but I’m not sure if I’m maintaining a sword, tending to a plant, or taking care of a pet. 」
「It’s communicating with spirit, communicating.
「But it’s different from how I imagined it… 」
Retze’s eyes glazed over as he stared at the sword stuck in the bucket. Anyway, he seems to be fond of it, so I’m glad.

「Where did the spirit of the former High Priest’s son go? 」
Dinosso asked after he adjusted his mood.

「Temple, probably. It lived there for a long time, so it has lots of spirit friends, it seems? 」
「I see, so it returned to the place it likes after being liberated, huh… 」
Dinosso seemed to have calmed down after drinking Butler’s tea.

Ah, the tea set we’re using is the crude metal one I brought to the dungeon. There’s two choices, either bring the heavy but durable metal set, or opt for the lighter wood set. Maybe I can make something durable and light, like Alumite?

…I have a feeling that I might end up making something that can’t be seen in public.

「Regarding the release of spirits, is it possible regardless of whatever contract it is? 」
Butler was the next one to ask.

「No idea. I only experienced it twice, and both of the contracts weren’t strong to begin with, that’s why I released them. I guess a contract that was made with both parties willing might be difficult? 」

Zabuton’s contract was quite complicated, but it was worn down and thin from age. Either the mana of the person who created the contract had diminished, or the object on which the contract was written had deteriorated.

「Back when we returned to the Ducal House, I learned that the box where Father kept Az’s contract broke and the parchment with the magic circle drawn on it was charred. It’s said that there’s a backlash of mana when destroying a magic circle. Don’t be reckless. 」
Ash said with a scary expression.
Eh, was there a backlash? Eh, the box was destroyed because the backlash wasn’t on me, but on the people near the magic circle? Did I put the folks in Ash’s house in danger?

「The box was just a precautionary measure just in case. If your power was weaker when he broke the contract, the damage would be inflicted on you, Jean. 」
「I’ll be careful. Thanks. 」

「Come to think of it, how old are you now, Jean? 」
Ash changed the subject, still with that scary expression. She’s probably embarrassed.

「20, I finally reached the legal age to drink alcohol in my previous world. 」
「You’re that old? 」
Retze seemed surprised. What the heck do you mean?

「Right, Jean doesn’t drink the wine he serves. 」
Ash seemed to be recollecting; her brows were knotted. It’s much better than her earlier Ashura face, but I guess I’m right, she’s knitting her brows out of habit.

「In my previous world, minors can’t drink until they’ve become adults. I abstained from drinking alcohol from that world. 」
「So you really are a child huh, as expected. 」
Dinosso, what do you mean “as expected”, huh!?

「You seem to be quite young for twenty… Jean-sama, what is the lifespan of the people in your world? 」
「But don’t possessed folks generally look younger than their age? 」
Retze commented on Butler’s question.

「On average, around 80 years old? As for the age based on my appearance — no, the age of this body…well, I didn’t ask, come to think of it. 」
My height shrunk, so maybe I’m actually younger now?

「But it’s your own body!! 」
「I just asked for a suitable body that can fit in this world. I don’t have any idea about the beauty standards here, after all. Ahhh, I should’ve asked for height and muscles back then….!! 」
I lamented while answering Dinosso.

I had a lot on my plate back then, and I still hadn’t come into terms with what happened to me, so I couldn’t care less for my appearance.

「No way, that’d be too creepy if you look like Khan while poking pill bugs. 」
Retze quipped.

「Hey, don’t drag me into this all of a sudden, will you? 」
Khan spoke up after listening quietly all this time.

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I Got Transferred in the Middle of a Mountain

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Comments (2)

  1. Maverun

    Can’t un-imagine khan poking pill bug…

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