Chapter 286: Tricky Temple

We headed towards the temple after we were done with our breakfast.

「Oh, right, I heard there’s a strange phenomenon occurred in the room where they safekeep the 『Spirit Bough』earlier. 」
Retze said as we climbed up the stairs.

「Strange phenomenon, is it? 」
「The cushion on which the Spirit Bough — it’s just a replica, though — was placed had suddenly been torn out of the blue. 」
Retze answered Butler’s question, but he glanced at me while saying the word “replica”. Yes, yes, I know that I’m the only one who doesn’t know which place has fake and which has the real one.

「You’ve been with us all this time, so how did you know about that? 」
「Do you know, coachmen pick up information from their passengers’ conversations more than you’d expect and they also tend to gossip with other drivers while waiting for clients. 」
Right, Retze went to sit with the driver on our way back from the Labyrinth.

The structure of the temple here didn’t differ that much from the house of the spirits in Canum. There’s a spacious courtyard within the building, they have flowing water, and flora and fauna abound. The establishment was huge and the rooms and hallways were extravagantly grand.

The entrance to the 『Fae’s Bough』in Canum was free, but here they firmly ask for donations. I thought we could just give a little bit more than the minimum amount, but Retze surprisingly gave a relatively hefty sum.

He doesn’t come off as a devout believer, though. As for me, I feel a bit complicated paying money to a temple. If we’re talking about the deities, they’d probably appreciate it more if folks were to send something luxurious that they can consume rather than giving them money.

「Heh. That’s quite surprising. 」

We passed by trees with white branches and thin leaves that allow light to pass through, silvery herbs, flowers with white and yellow centers, and a stream that flows beside white garden stones, looking like it’s peeking through the shrubbery here and there. The path we’re walking on was created with fine white and transparent sand.

「The design would’ve looked more cohesive if they added a splash of contrasting color, like red or blue, as accents. 」
How to put this, it feels a bit lacking on top of being obviously over-designed by putting everything out in display.

Maybe it’s because I saw the scenery of the forest where I got X-Stick that I think this garden is lacking. That was beautiful, after all.

「This temple mainly worships the Light Spirit, and water too. Their deity is the Virgin Goddess Namina who governs light and purity. 」
「Alright, lemme crush this place. 」
「Hey, don’t suddenly spout dangerous stuff like that. 」
My prompt decision after Dinosso’s explanation was immediately rebuffed.

Curse you, Lightball!!

「…Shrum also worships the Virgin Goddess Namina too as of now. 」
Retze muttered.

「Ahh… that fickle country just builds up temples without any loyalty, and they periodically change the deities they worship to whoever has the most followers — I’ll hear you out later, so don’t use abusive language inside the temple, alright? Even if we’re far from her, her kin and underlings are probably here. 」
Dinosso patted me lightly on the head, followed by Ash.

Ah, wait, hey, Ash? I don’t mind if you touch me in normal ways, so can you stop taking every opportunity to pound me like mochi? I don’t know how to react if you do that. Ah, but thanks to you, I feel better.

Hmm, underlings, huh. What about Zabuton? We get along, and to think that it’s probably her underling…Isn’t it a pain-in-the-neck having a boss like that?

「The temple here doesn’t have anything to do with the one in Shrum, though…the relationship between the spirits isn’t clear. 」
Retze shrugged.

It’s fine, I already activated【Cut Ties】. There’s no way information about me would reach Lightball through the spirits. That’s because among the skills I got from the spirit deities, 【Cut Ties】and 【Liberation】are the more effective towards spirits compared to humans.

「Jean, Bough. 」
Ash pulled my hand and we briskly walked through the courtyard towards the room where the replica was stored for safekeeping.

A bright and somewhat harsh white light poured down like a spotlight from the circular opening on the ceiling, illuminating the Spirit Bough that was placed on top of an intricately carved pedestal.

The bough was made from gold, with teardrop shaped transparent jewels and amber-colored gems hanging from its tip. It’s probably 10 carats or so? It’s a smooth yellowish golden color.

「So this is the “cushion” they’re talking about, huh. 」
A thin cushion made with pale cream-colored thick fabric and embroidered with gold thread was sandwiched between the bough and the pedestal.

Yes, that’s right, it’s a new Zabuton… Ash and the others might be imagining the cushions that I laid on top of the chairs in the dining room of the Canum house, but this is actually what I was referring to. Yep, this flattened cushion-like thing.

For some reason, I feel that it’s my fault that the old cushion exploded. And for some reason, I have a feeling that Retze, the guy who brought that topic up, might discover the truth.

Come to think of it, Spirit Zabuton also returned to the temple, right? It might be dangerous to meet Zabuton again if there’s someone who can See here.

「Because of the matter with the former acolyte, the bigwig who is the sole person who can See here went to the Adventurer’s Guild early this morning. 」

Retze, when did you ask about that? Eh, don’t tell me it was when you gave that cloth bag!? Aren’t you being too diligent at gathering intel?

Never mind getting information, I didn’t even realize the danger of an encounter until just now!

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I Got Transferred in the Middle of a Mountain

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Comments (2)

  1. AiRoe

    The way Retze just casually gathers information here and there is ❤️❤️

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