Chapter 373: Apothecary

If there is one trait that describes the inn best, it would be the intense service from the staff. In any case, Hauron is here with us, so the plan is to pin everything on him in case things go south or out of hand.

You guys must’ve anticipated right from the start that I might make a mess of things and assigned me to this room…!
Oh well, bummed as I was, I just settled with asking the servant, who wanted to serve me even while I’m sleeping, to stay outside and guard the door.

Can’t they at least stop going around half-naked and only wearing a waistcloth?


I【Teleport 】 back to the 『 House 』 at dawn.

「 Riche.」
I let Riche sniff me to his heart’s content as usual before petting and fluffing him all over.

He rolled over and showed me his tummy, and when I reached out to rub him,

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T/N: Author-sama does research when writing his chapter 😀 I learned a lot already since I started translating in the middle of a mountain XD

*Humors are another term for body fluids, and the bile here refers to yellow bile. Each of them were thought to have an influence on humans’ temperaments, personalities and health. 🙂 Men were associated with primarily being hot and dry, while women were cold and wet. There’s a lot of factors that affect the balance of these fluids, such as food and even specific flavors. Quite interesting 😀


**I found an article stating hemayu teh might be fenugreek according to Alan H. Gardiner, an Egyptologist and linguist, but it might also refer to another species of plants in case he’s mistaken. If it really is fenugreek then that means it’s a plant that have been cultivated since ancient times. Just look-up the fenugreek medicinal properties if you’re interested. 🙂

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I Got Transferred in the Middle of a Mountain

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I Got Transferred in the Middle of a Mountain

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