Chapter 420: Shady Apple

「Hey, is Jean home?」
Dean’s voice resounded along with the
knocks on the door.

「 I’m here. The door isn’t locked so come in. 」
The door opened at my reply and Dean entered with a cloth bag hanging from his hand.

「Here, this is for you. Are you guys in the middle of something? Why does everyone except for Retze look so glum?」
「 Nope, they don’t, they don’t. 」
I took the cloth bag from Dean’s outstretched hand and peered inside.

Lots of slightly oval red berries that looked like a well-balanced combination of silverberries, cherries, and cranberries.

「Oh, thanks, they look a bit different from the cherries that I know. Do they make good jam? 」
I popped one into my mouth. It was sour, kinda like a very sour cherry? And a bit tangy?

「Wine and jam, both works fine. It’s not really that tasty, but it’s rare, so I thought you’d like some. 」
It seems

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T/N: * ‘shady’ apple because ‘sus’ apple doesn’t flow well 😀

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I Got Transferred in the Middle of a Mountain

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I Got Transferred in the Middle of a Mountain

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