363. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [134]



Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

363. Country of Sakura, Cherin and the Seven Holy Swords [134]

「Deal, undo your ability.」I said.

「Arara, what kind of joke is that? Why would I get rid of such pleasant cries? ―More importantly, this is a great opportunity for us to have some fun.」

He said. with an ugly smile.


Any more talking would just be a waste of time.

I reached my right hand to the empty space.

「Destroy -〈Zeon〉.」

In response to my call, the true black sword appeared as if tearing through space.

My soul dress appeared more quietly than it has ever before. I gently grasped the condensed darkness in sword-form and slowly moved it in front of my navel.

「Hoh, hohoho! So this is the rumored “Black Sword”! Despite being so far away, I can feel the tremendous “pressure”. Seems like I need to get a little serious…」

Deal held his sword properly for the first time and took a clear fighting stance.

「Here I come.」

「Sure, I am ready.」

After Deal’s short response, I kicked the ground powerfully.

At that moment, an explosive sound reverberated through the air.

「Wha, he disappeared!?」

I stepped deep into Deal’s flank – into the certain kill distance.


Deal hurriedly moved into a defensive position, but it was too late.

「Sixth Sword – Dark Roar!」

I unleashed a huge slash clad in jet-black darkness at point-blank range.



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Dropout Swordsman that Became Unparalleled

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