313 – This Ain’t an Interrogation Okay 

Translator: SFBaka

Editor: Thor’s Stone

After unpacking our stuff, we went to the living room to relax. A short while after, Mei and Kugi-chan arrived at the penthouse through the private elevator.

“Welcome back. Your room is beyond that door over there, so unpack your things inside first.”

“Yes, My Lord. Thank you very much.”

Kugi-chan politely bowed to me before entering the room i pointed to. The luggage she brought with her only consisted of a single cloth-wrapped parcel. It was quite small. It’s like she was traveling with almost no other possessions other than the clothes on her back.


“Yes, I shall now give my report. In conclusion, the probability of her being a genuine citizen and official priestess of the Holy Vuelzarus Empire is almost 100%.”

“You do have enough of a basis for that evaluation, right?”

If Mei says it’s almost 100%, then she should have a solid basis.

“Yes. First of all, she downplayed the matter earlier by saying that the place she lodged in was merely a small embassy of the holy empire, but it was actually what you’d call a temple or cathedral. I checked the facility’s construction records and confirmed that it is officially registered as property of the Holy Vuelzarus Empire’s main governing body. At the very least, the Graccan Empire recognizes their claim on it.”

“In other words, the chances of her being an unscrupulous scammer or a collaborator of outlaws are slim.”

“That appears to be the case.”

“I see…… So I suppose we should treat her as the genuine article huh.”

I expected that about 70 or 80% of it was BS, but to think it was most likely real. Well, this sure is awkward…… Now I wasn’t sure just how far I should entertain her. Given what she said about her duty, she’s probably planning to be with me for life huh? Don’t you think that’s too heavy a responsibility?

I glanced at Mimi who was sitting next to me. She seemed to be thinking about something with a troubled expression on her face. Un, how cute. No, that’s not it dammit!


Now that we’ve confirmed her claims, I didn’t know how to react except for groaning in worry. I mean, that girl just suddenly offered her entire body, heart, and soul to me y’know. It’s true that Kugi-chan was cute, but I honestly already had my hands full. There’s Mimi, Elma, Mei, and recently, Tina and Whisker. I think I’m already way over my head by laying my hands on five girls, but…… Well, I’ve already gone and done it, so I guess worrying was just natural. I suppose I’ll just go with the flow like always then.

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. It was a very beautiful room…… I honestly feel it’s a bit too much for someone like me.”

“Just try to get used to it. We’re almost always going around like this after all.”

“If that is your wish, My Lord.”

After saying so, Kugi-chan let her gaze wander around with an embarrassed expression on her face. I was currently sitting in the middle of the sofa in the living room with Mimi to my right. Elma was to my left. There were no longer any spaces where she could squeeze herself in.

“Over here, Kugi-chan.”

“Go ahead and sit here.”

When the mechanic sisters, who were sitting on another sofa right across from us, made some space and called her over, Kugi-chan went and sat down between them with a grateful expression.

“First, let’s work on establishing a mutual understanding of one another, Kugi-chan. So let’s do some quick introductions. I’m Hiro. I often introduce myself as Captain Hiro. I’m a mercenary affiliated with the Mercenary Guild and am ranked Platinum, which is basically the highest rank you can achieve as a mercenary. I played an active role in several high-profile jobs for the Graccan Empire and was awarded a medal of honor as a result, along with getting recognized as a First-Class citizen. Also…… Err, was there anything else I missed?”

“Master has gained peerage as an honorary viscount of this empire and was awarded the prestigious First-class Star Cross medal.”

“I see. As expected of My Lord.”

I’m not sure what exactly she’d supposedly understood from all that, but it did look like she already gained her own personal impression of my various achievements and was impressed.

“I’ll go next then. I’m Elma. As you can see, I’m an elf. I’m also a mercenary affiliated with the Guild like Hiro. I’m a Silver ranker. Due to a number of reasons, I’m now working together with Hiro here. I’m his partner, basically.”

“Partners in both a public and private sense, mind you.”

“Now look here…… No, I suppose that’s true. Since we’re gonna be living together from now on, I guess there’s no point in hiding it. Just like Hiro said, we’re partners. Not just as fellow mercenaries but as lovers as well.”

It looked like Elma got embarrassed by openly saying we were lovers. Her ears became bright red. I was getting an impulse to touch them, but I’m sure she’ll give my flank a killer pinch if I did so, so I held myself back.

“I see. I understand.”

It was quite a bold and straightforward introduction, yet Kugi-chan still nodded in response without even batting an eyelid.

Hmm? It’s kinda different from what I was expecting her reaction to be like. I expected her to at least act somewhat more perplexed after hearing about the stuff regarding male-female relationships.

“I’ll go next then. I’m Mimi. I owe Hiro-sama my life and am now staying by his side as a ship operator. I also handle trading and procuring loot and supplies. Also, I’m officially Hiro-sama’s legally-wedded wife. His wife, okay.”

It’s important so she said it twice eh? I get that. And then, Mimi proceeded to press closely onto me and hug my arm tightly. Un, my right arm is experiencing pure bliss. But it looks like Mimi’s acting all wary of Kugi-chan huh. Her reaction this time is kinda similar to how she acted when we first met Mei.

“Yes, I shall address you as Mimi-sama then. I will be in your care.”

Kugi-chan acted quite calmly again and took Mimi’s self-introduction in stride with a gentle smile on her lips. Un, I don’t get it. I really don’t get it. Apparently, Mimi felt much the same way I did and displayed a somewhat disappointed expression on her face.

“Hm, it should be Mei-san next, right?”

“I am Master’s exclusive maidroid. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, I think there is no need to give a lengthy introduction.”

“Is that so? We’ll be goin’ next then. Sup, I’m Tina. This is my twin sister, Whisker. I’m the older sister by the way. We’re employed by Space Dwerg, and due to company orders, we’re working as mechanics for Boss right now. Me and Whee here are also Boss’s mistresses!”

“B-Big Sis……!”

Whisker’s face turned red as a ripe tomato after hearing Tina’s rather bold and open introduction, and the latter only laughed nonchalantly in response.

“I see. In other words, all of you are receiving the favor and affection of My Lord.”

“F-Favor…… Well, I suppose you can put it that way, yeah.”

Now that Kugi-chan pointed it out, I really went and did quite an outrageous thing, didn’t I? It would take one heck of a miracle to pull something like this off back on Earth without any resulting messy complications. Was it due to that peculiar sense of values that applied to those living long-term inside starships that I wasn’t really clear on? It all does feel kinda strange and mysterious, doesn’t it?

“How wonderful. The balance of this world is being kept stable thanks to all of you. I hope I will be able to partake in those efforts in the future as well.”

Kugi-chan said some incomprehensible stuff and clasped her hands together, as if in prayer. She then bowed her head.


We all tilted our heads to the side because we just couldn’t make sense of her recent words and actions. What do Mimi and the other’s relationships with me have to do with keeping the world in balance or whatever? Just what the heck was this girl saying?

“In other words, thanks to all of you, My Lord has not fallen to a negative state, so the current situation is preserved.”

“I don’t get it at all. I honestly didn’t understand a word you’ve said.”

“Simply put, everyone’s existence has become essential for My Lord. It is because everyone is with you that you are able to be your current self, My Lord. And it is because of My Lord they were able to become their current selves as well.”

“Basically, you’re saying our relationship with Hiro was something predestined, am I correct? Are the teachings of the Holy Vuelzarus Empire’s faith system centered around fatalism?”

Elma furrowed her brows as she analyzed Kugi-chan’s words. Fatalism huh…… I didn’t really like it since it kinda felt like people would just look at the results and simply dismiss everything as fate or something. If there really was some sort of uber-mystical scroll that records all past, present, and future events, then I suppose that would fly somehow, but if something as ridiculous as that doesn’t exist in the first place, then it’s gonna be like the chicken or the egg dilemma huh?

“It’s not like I’m not interested at all in all this philosophical and metaphysical talk, but let’s shelve those for now. I suppose that should be about it for introductions, right? So let’s move on to a simple question session next. Just a casual chat.”

“I see. So you are going to interrogate a newcomer like me now, are you? I do not mind. I have nothing to hide.”

I shook my head in denial and looked straight at Kugi-chan who was displaying a completely obedient attitude.

“It’s not an interrogation, okay? We’re just gonna have a chat. We’re not all that familiar with the Holy Vuelzarus Empire, so I was thinking of asking you all about it. Since we’re gonna be living with you from now on Kugi-chan, it’s an existence we can’t possibly ignore, right?”

“I see. That really might be the case. We do not require anything from you My Lord, but if knowing more about us will be of help to you, then, by all means, feel free to ask. And My Lord, please address me simply as Kugi. I’m not that young anymore, so being called ‘chan’ is a bit–”

“That so? Well, if that’s what you want, Kugi. Now then, can you tell us more about the Holy Vuelzarus Empire?”

“Of course. Please ask away.”

Kugi nodded confidently in response. Her confident look was pretty cute.

“I’ve only heard this in passing, but they say the Holy Vuelzarus Empire places great importance on being pure-blooded, and other races that aren’t deemed as pureblooded citizens are treated as slaves. If that’s true, then I believe we would have trouble getting along.”

“That’s just a big misunderstanding. There are certainly some who value lineage among us, but we have no policy of rejecting other races at all.”

Kugi replied with a very serious expression. I see. Well, it was a pretty distant country, so the rumors about it might really have been distorted along the way and became removed from the actual reality of the situation.

“Then what about slavery?”

“I think this misconception originated from others witnessing our handling of prisoners who are undergoing the indoctrination program.”

“Indoctrination program huh…… It practically gives off dangerous vibes, doesn’t it?”

“U-Um, can you elaborate more about that……?”

Elma and Mimi started drawing away from Kugi as they nervously asked questions. Un, I’d like to hear more about that as well. Depending on how things go, I might find myself on the receiving end of such an indoctrination program after all.

“I’ve heard that the participants of this program are taken from problematic elements who commit unilateral incursion and aggression against our country, such as terrorists and pirates. We inform them about our great mission so they would not make such grave mistakes again, and also offer them a chance at redemption by allowing them to participate in our undertakings.”

“Err, isn’t that no different from brainwashing……?”

“In a sense, that might be the case, and it can’t be helped. However, sinning requires punishment. I think it is just proper for them to atone for hindering our mission through their own actions. At the same time, it is also important to impress upon them the importance of our mission so that they will not make the same mistakes.”

“It…… does make some sense, I guess?”

Whisker tilted her head as she reacted to Kugi’s assertions.

Well, they were just being made to take responsibility for getting in the way and causing damages after all. And at the same time, they were also being made to understand and eventually sympathize with the thoughts of their captors. It does seem somewhat appropriate for dealing with problematic elements like hostile parties and pirates, I guess? It feels like I’m just trying to convince myself here.

“In the case of this empire, captured pirates are either sentenced to life imprisonment or subjected to human experimentation, so Vuelzarus does seem comparatively more humane, right……?”

“Pirates are fine…… but what about the prisoners from other countries?”

“I guess that would depend on the treaties between countries fer the handlin’ of war prisoners or somethin’.”

“According to what we’ve heard, it doesn’t seem to be as scary a country as what the rumors paint it out to be, don’t you think?”

“It’s probably due to the differences in racial and national customs…… It’s a nation that apparently has no intention of expanding its territory and actively supports other nations in dealing with threats and disasters such as space monster attacks. It can be said to be a fairly mild-mannered nation, but it also places emphasis on pure lineages and racial exclusivity. Its reputation regarding dealing with other races is that of a very rigid and strict country. Actually, apart from our usual notion of a country, it can also be regarded as a nation completely led by a single sovereign race.”

“We do not place as much importance on pure bloodedness as others might think, and we also do not subscribe to the idea of exclusionism. However, we have a solemn and important mission to fulfill and are united in working toward it, but other races, unfortunately, do not possess such a sense of duty toward our cause.”

After hearing Elma’s summary, Kugi reasserted her viewpoints with a resolute attitude. In the end, I suppose the reason why the citizens of the Holy Vuelzarus Empire like Kugi were seen as a closed and exclusive race was due to this so-called mission and the single-minded attitude of the populace toward it.

“I think I’ve gained some understanding regarding your home country now, so let’s leave it at this. Anyway, let’s take a break for today. I’m rather tired, so I’ll just rest up while looking up info on lightweight power armor models to decide which shop we’ll visit tomorrow. Either way, it would take some time for them to prep the Antlion for delivery and complete the refurbishment of Black Lotus, so let’s take it easy for now guys.”

“Right. Kugi…… Can I call you that?”

“Yes. Please call me anything you’d like.”

“Thank you. Anyway, since we’ll be living and working together from now on, I believe we should work on getting to know each other better, and I also agree on taking it easy for now. You’re fine with that, right, everyone?”

Mimi and the mechanic sisters nodded in agreement to Elma’s words. Mei remained silent, but that just meant she had no objections either.

“That’s it then. Let’s get some grub first, shall we? It should be about time for lunch, right?”

The colony has no proper day and night cycles, but it’s been a while since I ate my last meal in the Lotus, so I was getting quite hungry. It’s not exactly like the proverb ‘eating rice from the same pot’, but having meals together is still a nice way to facilitate communication between our group.

Novel Schedule

I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary

Schedule will be reduced when the goal is reached

Balance: 0

Comments (5)

  1. RPGsus

    Religious fanaticism, but their doctrine is… world peace? Galactic peace?

    1. Crimson Mornarch

      It’s kinda like the modern day Vatican, but in space. So a Space Vatican. I read enough Isekai to know that there must always be a somewhat strict and fanatic religious organization in said world or galaxy in this case.

    2. G0emi

      No. Not peace. They give a damn about how neighboring countries eat each other.
      They care about how their world will not get disturbed (thrown off balance) by “cheat characters” getting sucked into it from another dimension due to the mistake they made “centuries ago”.
      A very important difference.

    3. Yamato

      I’d say something like inter-galactical harmony, where the world is to be created and destroyed by its denizens and not extraterrestrial species like “people from a higher universe” or “space monsters”?

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