Inyouchuu Kyou Chapter 1 Part 1

CHAPTER 1: The Signs of the Lewd Banquet

It all started about three days ago ——

「Fuhiiih…… We’re back!」

「We managed to successfully complete the job. That Otoroshi is not going to cause trouble to anyone else any longer.」

Two girls have returned to the Black Cat Extermination Brigade’s Branch Office, which was located in a small, run-down apartment in the middle of town.

One of those girls was Shiratori Mikoto, a tall and bright girl with a well-developed body wrapped in a white school uniform, and had her long red hair tied in a ponytail.

The other girl was Kayama Sui. Not only her breasts and butt were really huge and plump, but also her arms and thighs, every part of her body looked extremely soft and pleasant to the touch. She was wearing a light blue dress with a large collar and her long, slightly wavy dark brown hair was falling onto her shoulders and back. There was a smile on her face nad she was radiating a positive attitude.

Both of them were true eye-catching beauties, with their breasts being so big that their tops seemed about ready to explode at any moment now.

There was a certain elegance about Mikoto, and Sui was emitting an aura of gentleness. If those two were to casually walk down the street, there was no way that people would not look back and stare at them with their jaws hanging wide open.

But even though their looks were the absolute top, it was something that did not really matter here all that much.

The important thing was that these two girls were in fact Exorcists.

Although Sui was still an “apprentice” Exorcist, which meant that she was not yet suitable for carrying out missions on her own and needed to have a partner with her, she was still doing the job of exterminating and exorcizing youmas, a creatures that defied all logic and natural laws, with great efficiency.

—— And just like that..

The two of them have just managed to exterminate a youkai called “Otoroshi” that has been haunting the suburbs area for quite some time now.

「We also examined the seal that was initially binding it, and we have properly renewed the seal. So could you please report it to the client and…… Oh? Oh my?」

Wiping the sweat from her face with some dry towel, Mikoto threw herself down on the sofa in the living room that was also serving as their office. Then Mikoto finally noticed something strange. She turned her eyes to Sui, who was standing with a suspicious look on her face, looking around.

「…… That’s strange. Why is no one here?」

She looked around the empty office some more, and then she tilted her head.

Requests to exorcize various youma and demons were not all that common to begin with, but even so, it was certainly strange that no one else was in the office during the daytime. It was also not impossible that they might have had some unexpected visitors, unexpected phone calls, or that even so thieves might have broken in, hoping to steal something of value from the office. That is why it was imperative for the office’s operations to always have at least one person stationed in, just to be on the safe side.

With that thought in mind, even when Sui looked at the window, she couldn’t even see Chief, who was always taking a nap there throughout the day and night.

「Could it be that everyone else went upstairs?」

While Sui looked up towards the ceiling and spoke up in her usual, soft tone,

「Even though it is still so bright and early outside?」

Mikoto’s chest bounced heavily, stretching the fabric of her uniform to its very limits, and her long ponytail swayed as she turned around, her thin eyebrows distorted suspiciously in a frown.

The most likely reason as to why the office was currently deserted, was that Tachibana Yamato, who was entrusted with the answering machine while the two of them were gone, wanted to buy some snacks and drinks, so he left the office unattended for a while, thinking it would not be such a big deal.

「As always, that Yamato has little to no sense of urgency, I swear to God.」

Mikoto puffed out her cheeks and taunted her colleague, all the while making Sui look a little bit troubled by this.

「W-Well, I mean…… Yamato-chan certainly has that sort of thing to himself, but isn’t it a bit strange that even Chief is nowhere to be seen?」

「Yeah, now that you mention it, it is indeed quite strange…… Hmm? W-Wait…… No! No way……!?」

Mikoto’s face, which until just now looked so relaxed and carefree, turned pale in the blink of an eye.

The building where the Black Cat Extermination Brigade’s Branch Office was located was a small house where currently five people were living at the same time: the branch’s Chief, Yoru, Tachibana Yamato, Mikoto, Mikoto’s younger sister, Shiratori Takeshi, and Sui, an Exorcist apprentice. And at the current moment Takeru was so badly injured in one of the previous battles with the youmas that there were times where she was unable to even get out of bed.

The doctors said that her condition was not “life-threatening”, but that might have been only because her case was treated like a normal, ordinary condition. It is said that the youmas’ claws and fangs could carve deep wounds into areas beyond the limits of normal medical science. And even though Mikoto did not want to think about it, it could have very well meant that…….


Mikoto, who had a premonition of the worst situation possible having taken place, ran up to the second floor where the living quarters were located.

Without even knocking on the door of her younger sister’s room, she rushed it while opening the door with a bang.

「T-Takeru!? Are you alright, Takeru!?」

It was a simple room of about six tatami mats, and what greeted Mikoto upon barging in was nothing out of the ordinary.

In the dim darkness of the room with its curtains closed, there were several people sitting inside —— for some reason, they were gathered not around the bed, but around the desk on the other side of the room.

One of the people inside of the room, Yamato, was seemingly sitting in a chair and operating a computer,

「Ah, welcome home, you two.」

He greeted them with his usual stupid expression on his face, with a voice that sounded even stupider. He might have looked human, but he was actually a half-human, half-youma, and in times of need or a serious crisis he could even display signs of possessing supernatural powers. However, at the current moment he looked and behaved like your typical, run-of-the-mill young man that you would find literally everywhere.

「H-Huh? Ahh, y-yeah, right…… We’re back……」

Yamato’s laid-back demeanor put Mikoto at ease, and she suddenly realizes that Takeru was actually sitting right next to Yamato. She narrowed his cool eyes behind her intelligent-looking glasses as she was gazing at something displayed on the monitor,

「T-Take…… ru……?」

「Hmm? What’s wrong, Sis? You need me for something? Or is there something on my face?」

Asking her older sister that question, Takeru slightly tilted her head in surprise.

「N-N, actually…… Umm…… Because the bottom floor was completely deserted…… I thought that something might have happened…… like your condition worsening all of a sudden…… Ahh, geez!!」

Mikoto’s cheeks blushed furiously at her own embarrassment, and just as she was about to start making excuses for her odd behavior, she suddenly rolled her eyes and swallowed her words in an instant. Looking over Yamato’s shoulder, she saw a naked man and woman on the faintly shining liquid crystal display.

But it was not that that man and woman were JUST naked.

It was a still image of some Internet gangbang movie.

Actually, the man was not alone. There were in fact many other naked men, some of them being clearly black, with their genitals completely exposed as they were surrounding a lone white woman in the center of the screen. They were swinging their long and thick meat sticks around in a flashy and showy way, and they looked incredibly aroused and agitated, rubbing their glans against the woman’s cheeks and mouth and forehead, some of them thrusting their dicks in the woman’s hands.

Needless to say, while all of that was happening on screen, the naked woman was straddling the waist of another man who was lying on his back on the floor.

The worst part of it all was that there was a really lewd and really charming smile on her lips.

Her disheveled black hair was cascading on her back and shoulders, sticking to her cheeks because of drops of semen and her sweat all over her face. Those large lumps seemed to glitter in the lighting of the set where the scene was taking place.

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