Last Embryo Volume 3 Chapter 9 Part 1



Translator: DarkHeartedAlchemist

Suddenly and without any warning that would indicate such a drastic change whatsoever, what was just a silent drizzle of rain just moments ago had now turned into a violently raging torrential downpour loud enough to erase the sound of footsteps of the people outside as well as any signs of their presence.

The region of Brazil they were currently in was known for how soft its ground was, so with that much rainwater falling from the sky in such a short amount of time it would not be all that strange for a landslide of cataclysmic proportions to occur at any moment now. However, as dangerous as that sounded, in the current circumstances it actually worked to Pritt and Izayoi’s advantage. If the landslide was indeed to occur, it would be a perfect cover up for any of the damages that a potential battle might cause, so if they wanted they could fight a bit more seriously without the need to restrain themselves all that much. In the worst case scenario they could always try changing their location to the rainforest if things got too heated, but for the time being, their current location couldn’t have been more ideal.

This place, an abandoned part of the Favela slums filled with abandoned buildings was truly a blessing to them. Most of the buildings here were either already destroyed or on the verge of collapsing, thus eliminating the need to worry about doing unnecessary damage and putting people’s lives in danger, because while they were on their way here, none of them sensed the presence of a single citizen in their nearest vicinity. For whatever convenient reason, the residents were nowhere to be seen.

For Sakamaki Izayoi, these were the most favorable conditions for cutting loose he could ask for in the Outer World.

「. . . . . . . . 」

Not paying any mind to the rain which was falling on him like a hail of sharp natural bullets, he calmly towards the source of the murderous hostility which was apparently waiting for him straight ahead. Actually, that hostility and its sheer volume were bothering him more than the curtains of falling rain that has left him drenched to the bone in literal seconds.

In one of their previous conversations, Prithvi Mata, the Earth’s Mother Goddess described the Amazon rainforest as 「Stagnant」, but the pressure Izayoi was feeling all around him right now could perfectly fit that description as well, coiling around his body like a slimy, invisible snake, making him feel as if every step he was taking was exceedingly heavy, as if he was walking through the bottom of the ocean with its currents beating against him. To put it in simple words, whoever the enemy was this time, their bloodlust defied any and all common sense. H just could not wrap his head around how one was able to direct so much bloodlust towards someone one had never even met before? Or maybe it was someone whom they wronged in some way in the past? Be that as it may, neither option was out of the question, but given the circumstances, the latter was somewhat more probable, especially since as far as Little Garden and its denizens were concerned, there was more than enough people, demons and Demon Lords in there who would like nothing more than to sink their fangs into both Pritt’s and Izayoi’s throats and rip them out. With that in mind, it would not be strange at all for some of their old enemies to target them now when they were technically at their most vulnerable, however…

「Damn, whoever they are, they must be pretty darn strong.Like, unironically, and I’m stating that in all seriousness.Just who in the hell are they?Judging by the pressure I’m feeling and the density of their Divinity, I would hazard a guess that they have to be at least as strong as Kouryuu and Karyou, if not even stronger than them.」

「I don’t know about that.Their presence is similar to that of a Divine Spirit, but at the same time it also resembles that of an Avatar. Whoever they will turn out to be, one thing is for certain: they are quite a unique individual.」

Thanks to the unrestrained hostility of their opponent, at the very least they didn’t have to bother with looking for them, because they were making their exact location blatantly obvious, meaning that they didn’t intend to hide their Divinity level at all. Both Pritt and Izayoi were certain that they wouldn’t forget someone so strong, but no matter how hard they were digging through their memories, no one in particular was coming to mind.

However, one thing about this whole situation was crystal-clear to them. Whoever was waiting for them ahead, must have been the same as the Demon Lords in terms of power. Initially Izayoi thought that they were in luck about having to fight them in these ruined slums, but the closer he got, the more he realized that if they are going to clash, then not only the slums, but also the entire city might be turned into a smouldering wasteland.

After walking a few more meters ahead, they were finally close enough to their opponent to see their silhouette amidst the raging storm.

(. . . A woman?)

The one emanating the bloodlust and hostility towards them was a woman with white hair and red eyes much like those belonging to the girl they took in their custody now. Judging by all of her characteristic features, she must have been another albino. She was pretty tall, but her face still had enough youthful features in it to indicate that she has yet to reach adulthood. Her white clothing pointed at her being another subject of experiments, or at the very least something similar of the sort, probably coming from the same research facility as the girl who was now sleeping soundly on Pritt’s back.


She called out to him all of a sudden.

「Something’s not right here. Or rather, something is very wrong with her. Her aura is definitely a one belonging to a Divine Spirit, but her body is without a doubt that of a human. And not the one possessed by a Divine Spirit or an Evil Spirit either. The way I see it, she probably assimilated some kind of higher spiritual being, but as to what might have been the trigger, that I cannot say.」

「It would seem so. But at the very least this takes care of clearing one missing part of our puzzle. She must have been the one who destroyed the Star Particle Bodies research facility.」

Izayoi declared that with absolute certainty in his voice. But that was a conclusion that pretty much everyone would have arrived at if they saw the white-haired girl’s appearance. The incessantly falling rain must have washed her hair and skin clean, but the same couldn’t be said about her clothes, which were deeply stained with a color. A very particular, distinctive one. The crimson-red shade of blood. And that girl was covered in it from top to bottom.

Izayoi didn’t know how long ago did she destroy the facility, but whenever that was, she didn’t even bother to try getting the bloodstains off of her clothes. She also didn’t pay any heed to the chunks of human flesh that were still clinging onto her skin. All that she cared about was slaying those who were labeled as enemies. All those who would stand before her and dare to oppose her. She would simply assault them with the entirety of her endless resentment and mercilessly annihilate them all until there would be nothing, not even a single spec of them left.

Whoever that girl was, she was not directing her hostility towards just Pritt and Izayoi. Her intense bloodlust was not something that could be constrained to just an individual or two. She was, simply speaking, cursing the entire world and everyone and everything that lived in it with all of her being.

She just stood there, looking like she was on a nightmarish trip to hell and back, waiting for Pritt and Izayoi to approach her in the middle of this ruined district filled with nothing but derelict buildings with a singular purpose in mind: to bare her blade filled with grudges, resentment and hatred at them and the entire world that took her soul, toyed with it however it pleased and then tossed her to the side.

When they finally came close enough to have a conversation in the middle of the rain falling all around them, the red eyes became focused on them and them alone and her pale, white hand rose to her chin as she took a mocking pose and spoke first.

「. . . . . .Well, well, well, look what we have here. 」



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