Volume 5 Chapter 4 Part 6

「What have you done. . . WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? ! ! ! ! ! !  That. . . .  that thing. . . .  Arjuna and I were suppressing it! I . . . .could not have done that myself because I was not an Aryan. . . .  but together with Arjuna. . . . . together, the two of us, we were able to keep it in check. But now . . . . now that we have been separated. . . . we cannot hold it back anymore. . . . ! ! ! ! YOU! BECAUSE OF YOU. . .  EvErYtHiNg Is GoINg to DiE Now. . .  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !」


The anger that he was directing towards them right now was not the one at having been cut and separated from his Divinity. He was angry about something else. But. . .if it really is how he says it is and him and Arjuna were suppressing something withing themselves, then that begged the question: what the hell is that black wind, if it is something capable of possessing a demigod and blocking even the heavenly light of a genuine Divine Spirit. . . ? Krishna had many different stories about him, but not even one of these ever mentioned him controlling a black wind of any sorts.


「Oh fuck no. . . .  do not tell me that there was something else lurking inside of him all this time?!」


That was something that no one of the people present here, the ones who devised the strategy that would allow them to defeat Krishna in one fell swoop, could have ever expected, but apparently that is how it is: this young man who calls himself Krishna had something else, some kind of monstrosity parasiting on his divine energy.


In the meantime, the black wind was spreading further and further away from him, until it covered the entirety of the Lost Continent of Atlantis with a darkness that was deeper and darker than that of the night itself as it continued to swirl around and howl ominously with a momentum so violent that it began to thwart even the breath of the earth’s life itself, causing it to slowly corrode without even an ounce of life left in it. And it was all bursting forth from Arjuna’s body without ending, creating a scene as if the 「Hell’s Cauldron」itself has been opened.


The black wind was erupting forth and hitting the heavens with such force that it could be clearly seen even from the Giant Spirit Train where all of the Investors for the 2nd War for the Sun’s Authority were located. As it was making its rounds circling all around Atlantis, Mikado Tokuteru looked at it directly through one of the panoramic windows on the Viewing Deck.


「. . . *Tch!* So you were the source of the 『Winds of Decadence』 after all.」


And he looked at the monster that was awakening with the same kind of stern expression he was wearing on his face when he was ruling the Indian Pantheon of the Gods as its Chief God.


Even though Izayoi, Asuka and You were all experienced and seasoned warriors now, faced with the enemy that was now before them, they found themselves trembling more than they initially expected due to the feeling of intense intimidation.


Surrounded by the bursts of black wind spilling out of him, Krishna slowly rose his body from the ground. And once he picked himself up, there was only one thing that his eyes were fixated on. . . Kudou Asuka’s sword.


「The cut of tat blade contained within itself neither hesitation nor fear. It might be nothing more but a vessel, but it would seem that an ultimate Holy Sword has finally been completed. King Gilgamesh. . . .  Queen Erin. . . . . it seems that simply destroying the Star Key was not enough after all.」


「Eh. . .?」


Krishna spoke with a voice that emitted an entirely different atmosphere than before. Asuka tried to raise her voice, but as soon as she did that. . .  Krishna simply disappeared from where he stood.


「MASTER. . . . .! ! ! ! ? ? ? ?」


Realizing the peril that her Master has found herself in, Almathea immediately transformed herself into her protective Fortress form to black the strike that was inevitable coming towards Asuka. However. . .


「GHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !」


. . . . even though Krishna’s attack just now was nothing more than a simple forward thrust with his claws in a straight line, it easily broke through even Alma’s protection. But Krishna’s evil claws cared little about the screaming Almathea, so he ignored her completely and aimed his next strike directly at Asuka.


However, before he could get close enough to tear her throat to shreds, he was intercepted by Kasukabe You, who stopped the advancement of his right arm with an even greater speed and power.


「Nu. . . . ? ! ! !」


「You bastard. . . . .WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO ASUKA?!!!!!!」


This roar filled with hatred and bloodlust seemed to have shaken the entire forest to its core. In the next moment, bursts of golden flames that were shaped like wings have erupted from both of You’s hands, and their power was easily enough to mercilessly turn everything around her to ashes. The heat of the flames burned the air itself, the wildflowers the came into contact with even a single one of their sparks disappeared from existence in less than a second and whoever would be foolish enough to breathe in the air that they burned would end up having their lungs burned to nothing but piles of coal. That power, which was generated from You’s 『Genome Tree』 continued to flow throughout her entire body without stopping, strengthening her beyond her limits. Using that power, You grabbed Krishna’s skull like a wild beast and slammed it into the ground beneath her while she released more and more golden flames from her hands the entire time. When the golden flames that seemed to be burning directly into his soul engulfed him, Krishna laughed at this unexpected peril he found himself in all of a sudden.


「Haha. . .  hahahahaha. . . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! well, well, well. Flames of the Divine Beast, The Great Garuda, huh? I have to admit, if it was not for this body of mine, they world have been more than a little troublesome.」


「. . . ! ! ! ! ! ! 」


The Great Garuda’s Golden Flames, said to be able to purify and completely annihilate everything that is wicked and evil. . . they are. . .


(They are not working!!!)


Astonished by that discovery, You threw Krishna in the direction of a nearby mountain before he could have used that momentary gap in her unrelenting attacks as an opportunity for launching a counterattack. He got squashed against the side of the mountain with a shockwave that felled all of the nearby trees. . . . but it still did not look like his body had any signs of any lasting injuries or even scratches being inflicted upon it.


「Izayoi, Asuka, be careful! I think this guy might be immortal or something!」


「HUH! ! ! ? ? So you want to say that whoever this guy is, he actually has the real Krishna’s body?!!」


According to the legends that surrounded Krishna, he cannot be harmed or killed by any attacks that are not targeted specifically towards the weak points on his body, which essentially makes him exactly the same as Achilles, the immortal hero of the Trojan War from Greek Mythology.

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