Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 4 Extra Story




ZYU-GO Amnesia Game 



  He saw an unfamiliar ceiling when he opened her eyes. He scratched around his nose for no real reason and then lifted up his hazy head followed by his torso. 


  And then he noticed his body was aching all over. To be precise, the top of his head, neck, and spine. What is this severe pain? It feels like my head has been smashed by a brainbuster at full force against the floor. 

  He adjusted his neck which was aching and looked around. His eyes then met someone else’s in the room. 

 「Oh, you are awake.」

  She looked away from the TV she was watching and down at me sitting on the floor. It was a girl sitting in the bed wearing a one-piece dress. Her big eyes and full lips were her prominent features and her hair had a cute ribbon on it. It felt like she was in somewhat of a bad mood though. 

 「Ah well, that’s what happens since you did something stupid like that.」

  He looked towards another voice that he heard and saw a blonde girl sitting across the table. She was a petite girl and her beautiful wavy hair was bleached. She was grinning with somewhat of a brazen look. She was looking straight into his eyes with her brown eyes which showed her headstrong attitude.

 「D’arc is out shopping so wait for a bit.」

 「Haa.」He responded to the blonde girl’s words and then looked around while keeping the unfamiliar two girls within his peripheral view. There was a TV, bed, computer desk, and a refrigerator on top of that. The things in the room were placed efficiently and from the looks of it, it seemed to be someone’s room.

  The other things that catch his attention are the foldable table in the center of the room, the pile of playing cards, and sweets placed in an disorderly manner on top of  that.  Oreos are a distinctive sweet with cream sandwiched between chocolate cookies. There are a lot of them and they are in four piles. There was also a thing laying on top of the corner of the mountain…wait, is that a person?

  A lady was sleeping there 「Hmmm」「Zzzz」 making sleeping sounds like that…more like she passed out from being drunk. 

 「She reeks of alcohol.」

  He reflexively pinched his nose. When he looked carefully, he saw that empty cans of beer were dispersed around her. The one who was sleeping so heartily, and definitely drunk, was on her belly and had an empty can in her hand. Her clothing was skimpy and he didn’t know where to look. She was sleeping deeply with a happy red face with long hair that went to her hip but her appearance was quite revealing. Her body proportions were perfect and the clothes she was wearing made her look vulnerable. Tank top with short pants from the ankle to shoulder and arm to underarm. All of that was only loosely covered. In fact the two big bulges that went up and down with her breath could be… from the openings of the light fabric…


  Could be seen in a bit…

 「Hey, you.」

  That’s what he was thinking…

 「Hey, what are you doing Jyugo!?」

  He was snapped back to reality after hearing that. He looked over towards the voice and two girls were glaring at him intensely. The glare of the girl in the one piece dress who raised her voice was especially frightening. It was a cold stare as if she was looking at a maggot. The girl in the one piece inquired once again while I remained frozen. 

 「So I am asking why you are you are sitting crossed legged and lowering your head so low that it’s almost about to touch the carpet?」

  He realized that he was in an unnatural pose since he was trying to look at the side boobs of the beautiful lady with perfect proportions. 

 「…No, this isn’t what it seems. It’s that… I was searching for my contact lens since I dropped it on the floor.」

  He made an excuse for the time being. 

 「Since when did your eyes go bad, Jyugo?」

  The blonde girl grinned, she was looking at me in a mischievous manner. 

 「Huh, what do you mean since when…Oh wait, my sight isn’t bad.」

  I just realized that.’

 「What kind of nonsense are you spewing?」

  She glared at him suspiciously. 

 「So like…who is this Jyugo you two have been talking about?」

  I expressed my confusion and the girl wearing the one-piece dress pointed at me angrily.

 「Jyugo is Jyugo. It is obviously you, Jyugo. And why are you trying to change the subject like that?」

  He came to a conclusion after it was repeated so many times. 

  It seems like my name is Jyugo. I see.

  Then he scratched his head. After that he heard the door open followed by a husky voice, 「I’m back.」. He looked at the door and saw another girl standing at the entrance that was behind the kitchen next to this room. 

  The girl who had appeared was wearing a cute, flappy dress. She had black hair and dark skin. 

It seems like she isn’t from this country. The girl holding the shopping bag came into the room and then started to look for something inside the bag. 

 「There, Tensai.」

  The blonde girl who was referred to as Tensai self importantly took the coffee milk that was handed out to her.「Good job.」She immediately put the straw in and started sucking. 

 「This is for you Nanana-san.」

  The girl in one-piece who was referred to as Nanana became happy as soon as she saw the three packs of custard pudding that was taken out of the bag. 

 「I was waiting for this. Thank you, D’arc-chan♪」

  She thanked her, quickly opened the package, and put the spoon inside the custard pudding.

 「It would be nice if you didn’t use the chan suffix…」

  The foreigner girl who was called D’arc put on a strange expression and started to take out the contents of the bag. She put the drinks in the refrigerator and put the snacks such as potato chips next to the table. The last thing that came out of the bag was an eye-catching pack of oreo. And not just one but three packages came out of the bag. Although there are 4 piles of oreo on the tissue on the table. 

  What is this? An oreo party?

  D’arc-san who was done with organizing the things she bought sat near a corner of the table.

 「Well then, let’s start again now that D’arc is back.」

  The girl called Tensai stood up, stretched her body, and sat in front of the table again. The girl in the one-piece dress (who had finished the pudding instantly) turned off the TV, stood up from the bed, and sat in front of the table. 

 「So it’s my turn to deal, right?」

  D’arc-san, who speaks in a boyish way, gathered the cards from the table and started shuffling. 

  The white table had 4 piles of oreos and each pile had around ten oreos in it. The people next to those piles were the blonde girl called Tensai in the front, the one at right was the girl in a one-piece dress called Nanana, and the one sitting at Tensai’s right and shuffling the card was the foreigner girl known as D’arc. And most of all me, who is being referred to as Jyugo, who can’t remember anything. 


  Where am I? Who am I? 

  It is a common line said by people who get amnesia. So I will say it too. Where am I? Who am I? And why do I need to play cards? What I have found out is that my name is Jyugo. I don’t know anything apart from that. But it seems like I haven’t lost all of my memory. Since I know the names of the things in front of me. Foldable table, the mountain of oreo on top of that, and the playing cards that are going to be distributed. Well just like those I remember most of the things that are common knowledge.

  The problem is that I can’t remember anything apart from those. To be precise I can’t remember anything about me and about the three girls in front of me. This is probably something called temporary amnesia. While he was thinking that, the playing cards got shuffled well and were distributed in front of the four people. It seems like the total number of the cards were fifty four. It seems like there are fifty two cards along with the two jokers. 

 「Does anyone have 3 of clubs?」

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