Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 5 Chapter 7.5

I was so hyped up that I decided to attack Taisei with the now large pole. I forgot, however, that we were in an alley and it wasn’t very wide.


「Oh.. .」

The elongated pole is too long and gets stuck on the wall. Meanwhile Taisei who had made an approach kicked me in the stomach causing me to stumble back and fall to my knees.

「Are you an idiot? 」

「No, I’m not an idiot. I just made a slight miscalculation… Um, nyoi-bo-san, could you become a little shorter please? 」

When I asked this the nyoi-bo shrunk to just the right length. Apparently it will listen to my requests to some extent. To be expected from a Nanana Collection. This is funny.

Now that I figured out the nyoi-bo, I’m curious about what the other Nanana Collection I just got does. What is this paper-like thing? It looks a little oddly shaped. There are some letters on it but it’s too squiggly to read.

「For now, take this! 」

I tried shouting with enthusiasm, hoping something might happen again. There was a whirring sound and smoke spewed out from the strange paper. I got scared and let go of it.

What emerged from the smoke was…

「Yu…Yumeji-san!? 」

Why is Yumeji sitting on the ground? And she’s not wearing her school uniform today, she’s dressed like a naughty teacher.

Dammit Yama! What the heck did you transform the Shikigami into? 」

「Sh..shikigami? Like that kind of Shikigami? Like the Onmyoji Abe no Seimei? 」 (TN: Abe no Seimei was an onmyoji of historical prominence during the Heian period in Japan)

For a bit Taisei had a disappointed look on his face, but then nodded after thinking about it.

「That’s right. It’s paper that transforms into whatever you imagine it to be. 」

「No way! This Nanana Collection is amazing! So, in other words Yumeji-san is a Shikigami. So she’ll listen to anything I say. Could you please get up? 」

The Shikigami/naughty teacher Yumeji stands up with no expression on her face.

「Raise your hand. 」

Shikigami Yumeji raises her hand.

「Please get in a sexy pose for me. 」

It’s a sexy pose showing a lot of cleavage.

「Whoa, it really listens to whatever you ask of it! Well since it’s a shikigami, it’s meant to attack your opponent though. Go ahead Shikigami Yumeji-san! 」

While waving her hands about and shouting like in an anime, Shikigami Yumeji starts running towards Taisei.

Seeing this, Taisei prepares himself… Wait, why is he standing with his arms outstretched. It’s as if he’s saying ‘Come and jump into my arms’.

Then it hits me.

Oh shit! That wasn’t just a shikigami I sent out. That was a shikigami of naughty teacher Yumeji-san! She’s going to jump into Taisei’s arms. I won’t allow it!

Stop! Cancel! Umm…. Go back! 」

Sexy Yumeji returns to the original paper form in front of Taisei.

Whew, that was close.

「You really are an idiot」

Taisei picked it up with an astonished expression on his face.

「Dammit! It was an ingenious trap that played mind games with me. 」

「I didn’t think you’d fall for it though. 」

「Hold on a minute Taisei. Let’s have a little serious negotiation here. Please sell me that dream Shikigami. How about 30,000 yen? 」

「That’s a real price, yo! 」

「That’s right, a real price! I want to buy it for real! 」

「I’m not selling it! It’s not supposed to be used for that kind of thing! 」

Taisei throws the shikigami paper. Then a large Tiger appeared. It growls and looks at me.


With that signal the tiger attacked.

「Seriously!? 」

It opens its mouth and latches onto the nyoi-bo that I am holding

I managed to hold on, but then the pulling force hit me. I was suddenly grabbed by the scruff of the neck and yanked backwards.

I got up quickly and saw the tiger with the nyoi-bo in its mouth. The tiger shakes its head and throws the nyoi-bo into the air. Taisei catches it.

「Well, it’s about time to call it a night. 」

Amagi Taisei is holding the nyoi-bo in one hand and has the tiger at his feet.

I honestly agree.

I can’t win this. In fact, if this continues it will seriously be life-threatening.

Someone do something quick. I’m begging.


「Did you get the clue? You’ve got to be kidding me…」

「The way will be opened. 」

Asumi was stunned by Tensai’s words. She immediately turned her attention to the clue left on the bulletin board.

Asumi, who knows the full text of the hint 《Maria’s Prayer》 that was posted there, immediately understands.

It’s certain that Tensai got the other clue. And it’s all revealed in an instant.

「Christ… no 《Jesus’ Prayer》 huh? So that was the clue you got. 」

「You understand where this is going, as expected of the student body president. 」

「That’s my line detective-kun. I’m amazed you were able to figure out how to decipher them in the blink of an eye. 」

「The same goes for you Asumi-dono. Magdalin….no, 《Maria’s prayer》 is all you needed to understand everything. 」

「I won’t deny that. 」

「I’d really like to say that both our teams are 50=50, but it seems that is not the case. Jesus’ prayer is very important. More so than Maria’s prayer. 」

That’s right. There is a big difference between Asumi (who only knows 《Maria’s prayer》) and Tensai (who knows 《Jesus’ prayer》). It might even be possible that the password can be cracked using 《Jesus’ prayer》 alone.

But still…

「I think it will be difficult to solve it in time. 」

「Oh really? We already know the first four characters are ‘Na na tsu no’ (TN: Seventh) 」

Asumi’s eyes widen. Maria’s prayer which she had memorized flashes in her mind. Then she closes her eyes with a sour expression on her face.

It’s not wrong. But I don’t know.

「Tensai, why did you mention the password as soon as you figured it out? By telling me you are teaching me a lesson right? 」

This is provoking us, but also it’s letting us know part of the password.

The answer to Asumi’s question surprised her.

「Nishi-dono, I have plans for later tonight. To be honest, I don’t have much free time. So what do you say? Shall we make a deal? 」

Asumi considers it, although she is cautious about the sudden negotiation. And the answer she gave was…

「No thank you. 」

I don’t know what kind of conditions you intend to impose on me, but I am not going to accept them. Losing the Nanana Collection that Taisei wagered is not acceptable. On top of that, we will make Tensai and the others join us in the 《game》 and be a perfect team.

There is no room for negotiation.

Asumi glanced at Tensai’s cell phone, which was placed on the table. If the password was texted to her phone, in a worst case scenario I could take it…

「I’ll go ahead and delete the text that has the password in it. 」

「Gah! 」

「Now the only place it exists is in my head. 」

Tensai taps on her forehead. Did she read my mind? That plan won’t work now. This isn’t a good situation.

「I’ll say it again, Nishi-dono. I’m busy tonight. Honestly, I just want to end this farce and go home. 」

「Why don’t you surrender and tell me the password? Then you can go home right away. 」

Asumi grins and Tensai shakes her head.

「Unfortunately I can’t do that. I have no intention of transferring schools either. 」

「I wonder if our community is really that unattractive. 」

「To me it is. 」

「I see…」

「Don’t be shocked. I’m not that interested in the Nanana Collection to begin with. 」

「Is that so? 」

「Yes that’s so. So to be honest, I have no interest in this 《game》 at all. 」

Hearing this surprised Asumi.

「You aren’t interested in the 《game》…」

「That’s right. In other words, even if the worst case then time runs out and I get to go home. 」

「No way! 」

Asumi stands up from her chair as she says this. Some of the supermarket staff look over wondering what’s going on. Asumi noticed the attention she was getting and slowly sat down, but still couldn’t hide her agitation.

This is totally unexpected. Isn’t it impossible that someone who is uninterested in either the 《game》 or Nanana Collection would be taking part in this competition?

If what Tensai –kun is saying is true, then it’s bad news. Tensai-kun and I have very different ways of thinking about this 《game》. We are in completely different positions. Tensai-kun may really not care if they run out of time.

Wait, calm down. There is still time. Just as Tensai deduced, the password from  《Jesus’ prayer》 is not impossible for us to predict while knowing the password from 《Maria’s prayer》. The difficulty is overwhelmingly high, but even so it’s not impossible… And if she keeps telling us the password as she has been doing so far…

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