Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 6 Chapter 1.2

「So President Yuiga. Why did you summon me and Tensai like this? 」

The reason Tensai and myself came to the adventure club room today was because we were invited by President Yuiga.

「That’s a weird thing to ask, Juugo. I just wanted to have a strategy meeting as we usually do before a 《ruin》. We can confirm the situation and exchange information and opinions. And also so we can show each other our Nanana collection items. 」

「I see. But that’s not all, is it? 」

President Yuiga chuckled as he saw my expression.

「Don’t glare at me like that. When you glare at me like that I get scared. 」

「You’re absolutely right. 」

Don’t be so quick to take his side, great detective.

「Well, enough of the joking around. I just wanted to make sure we’re all on the same page before the 《game》 starts. 」

「That being said.. 」

「Simply put, there is only one winner of the 《game》」

「Well that’s what we are asking you. Are we going to participate as a group or as individuals? 」

「Let me be honest with you. The winner of the last 《game》 was Kasumi Konjou, the first president of the adventure club. Even Konjou-sempai would say ‘That victory was not just mine alone. It was a victory that we all achieved together.’ In other words, it was a victory achieved by the entire adventure club. In fact, if the contestants are going to be sifted through with several stages, then it would be beneficial to have us all participating as a team. 」

I immediately thought of the members of the 7th High School student council who we fought the other day. The community includes several people such as Asumi Nishi (who is the student council president), and Taisei Amagi (who is also known as the 《strategist》) who has a large number of Nanana collection. I’m sure there are many more too.

It’s true that there are great benefits to participating in the game as a team.

And that’s why, 「I’ll participate as an individual. 」 「Got to go as individuals. 」

Tensai and I answer the same way at the same time.

「May I ask why? 」

Even after hearing our disappointing answer, President Yugia has a refreshing smile on his face and doesn’t seem fazed.

「Because I want the winner’s prize to myself. Well, If you want to give it to me if we win as a team, I wouldn’t mind participating as a team with the adventure club. 」

As expected, President Yuiga just smiled and didn’t respond to such a selfish suggestion.

I continued.

「I’m willing to fight with you if the situation calls for it, but I’m not willing to work with you in any other real sense. At most we can take advantage of each other. 」

「…Those are pretty harsh words to hear. 」

「After all, that’s what this club is about. 」

I proudly declare what I had always thought.

President Yuiga doesn’t answer. He just stares at us, neither denying nor confirming.

「Kuukuukuukuu, Nyahahaha! 」

Despite me and Yuiga glaring at each other it was Tensai that suddenly started laughing.

「Huh? What? 」

「That’s such an interesting line Juugo. That’s what I like to hear from you. 」

「Huh? What am I being praised for? 」

「Those are the words of a truly evil person who has survived in a world of deceptions and betrayals. Combined with looking as if he’s killed a few people, it’s the most evil thing I’ve ever heard him say. 」

「Yeah, that’s insulting. I’m definitely being looked down on right? 」

「Hey, I’m honestly admiring you. You’re a good rival. I hope you continue to be a bad guy in the future. 」

The arrogant great detective still maintains her stance of trying to lead me astray and make me a villain.

「I wonder if Tensai-kun and Juugo-kun are alike in that way? 」

When President Yuiga asks this, Tensai snorts and says ‘No way’.

「I don’t have an evil mind like Juugo. I just don’t make a hobby of doing meaningless things. 」

「This is meaningless? 」

「I mean, there’s nothing for me to gain by joining forces with you this time. 」

「Um, I think what you are saying is even harsher. 」

Even if that’s what you are thinking, how could you say that right in front of him? Although even being told this, he still gives off no reaction and continues smiling.

「I understand what you two are thinking. I’ll take it into consideration. 」

「So Tensai, what do you think? 」

「About what? 」

「That refreshing smile of President Yuiga? 」

As I walk home alongside Tensai, I recall the exchange we just had earlier.

「I guess he expected our answer to some extent. 」

That refreshing smile that didn’t break even after hearing that we wouldn’t be participating as a group, that must be why.

「….or rather, doesn’t it mean that the negotiations that led to the first adventure club were about taking advantage of everyone to begin with? 」

Tensai laughs at my question of suspicion.

「I’m sure of it, seeing how quickly he backed out. Just like you right Yuiga-dono. 」

「I can’t help but feel like the assumption of complete betrayal has become common in this club. Same old same old…」

「That being said, I think you bit off a little more than you can chew. 」

「You think so? 」

「What is that? Coming from a man who has been betrayed so many times in the past but never seems to care, to say to his face ‘At most we can take advantage of each other’? …I don’t even need to ask. You are talking about Saki Yoshino right? 」

「Well. 」

I was surprised to hear it, but to be honest she’s right.

Not long ago Saki Yoshino, (AKA Yun-chan) stabbed President Yuiga and ran away.

Everything happened so fast that I couldn’t understand it all.

And what’s even more puzzling is that President Yuiga, who was stabbed, was trying to cover up Yun-chan’s crime. Perhaps it was because of that that the police, who had been investigating the case, simply backed off at a certain point. The case was settled as a serious injury that President Yuiga accidently self inflicted.

What’s most confusing of all is that Yun-chan (who calls herself organizer M) is organizer of this leprechaun sponsored 《game》. Behind her incident there was a large scale cover-up. And above all that since she calls herself the organizer of the《game》 there can be no doubt about her relationship with the leprechauns.

As someone who knew Yun-chan up until that point, I couldn’t believe that Yun-chan could have a connection to the leprechauns.

At some point, her ordinary daily life dramatically changed.

I think that’s the best way I can express what happened.

That certain point, of course, is when President Yuiga was stabbed.

What exactly happened at that time?

I still don’t know the answer. I do know though that President Yuiga knows something and is hiding it.

Up to this point I’ve been betrayed by President Yuiga many times. But I didn’t think much of it. I have been brought up with a family motto that it is wrong to allow oneself to be deceived, and I have seen how hard he works to find the 《ruins》 and obtain the Nanana collection.

Well, as long as you can accept that he is that kind of person, you can get along with him.

If I had to say whether I like him or not, I’d say I don’t dislike him. I think of him as a back-stabbing good looking guy, but he is also a very straight forward and hard-working President.

President Yuiga may not be at fault this time. However I have trouble trying to separate Yun-chan’s case, and in addition to that the reason why Tetsu-kun stopped coming to school after the Tanabata Festival, from our club President.

For the past few weeks when he hadn’t seen the girl who was his kohai with a smile on her face, and her friend with the sullen expression on his face, he found himself feeling irritated and angry.

I’ve had a nagging feeling that has been with me for a long while now. That should be settled this evening though.

All I have to do is ask Yun-chan, who is acting as Organizer M, about the truth behind it all. If Yun-chan is there, then I’m sure Tetsu-kun will be there too. We will just have to complain to Tetsu-kun to convince him to come back to school.

If possible, I’d like to spend time with them as friends who attend the same school again.


I somehow felt someone glaring at me. When I looked next to me I saw the great detective with a displeased look on her face.

「What’s the matter Tensai? 」

「Juugo, you are my rival. And a great detective’s rival must be a top notch villain. 」

「You know, I’m tired of hearing that. 」

「Just keep on committing villainous acts to satisfy your evil desires. 」

「What’s the point of that? 」

「Don’t think about being cool. That’s my job as the great detective」, the great detective says with a sad face.

Stop doing such a good job of reading my mind though. For real!

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