Nanana’s Buried Treasure Volume 7 Chapter 7.13

「By the way, Nanana-chan is completely ignoring it.」

We don’t talk about it out loud but we both Tensai and I have a mutual understanding. We both know that there was something fishy about what Sansa-san was doing.

「Well Juugo, I like that.」

「Yeah, don’t look at me like a window-shopping girl looks at her boyfriend saying ‘I want that!’「

「Who are you calling your girlfriend?」

「Don’t react to my analogies. And especially not in a way that makes it difficult for me.」

And Yukihime-san, watching us from the Sakura Team base, calm down here. You are emitting a very dark aura.

Eh, whatever.

「Nanana-chan, you’re too strong.」

As expected, when Sansa returned from the robbery room, she was in a terrible mood.

「What a joke, that’s not possible. I’m going to destroy her!」

When Sansa-san returned to the base, she was muttering these things under her breath and looked absolutely murderous.

As soon as she sat down in her chair,

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