Over the Infinite Chapter 19 Part 3


「Even so, if it brought unity to the country by making me the scapegoat, I accepted that torture as my final task in life. 」

「You were thinking of the country until the end. 」

That’s an extreme level of self-sacrifice. It’s too noble to even comprehend.

「And during the torture, I finally realized something. 」

「What… did you realize? 」

「I became a masochist. 」

「Are you freaking kidding me!? How do you become a masochist from that!? 」

I don’t get it. What is this guy even talking about?

「When I think about it, I never really had much curiosity about women. But that last week, constantly being hurt and showered with abuse by the very people I tried to save, was a moment of indescribable bliss for me. 」

Looking to the side, Yuki had

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