Volume 10 Chapter 1 Part 5

「However, now that he has made his announcement public, it is more than certain that many of the believers of the Order of the Crest, including the ones from Matre, are going to follow the pope’s orders. The Pope has been repeating the words 「holy war 」 for many years now, and has been preaching that if you do not participate in it, you will not be welcomed into paradise after death. 」

「So, in light of all of that, what will you do? What are we going to do? 」

Marine asked Theo for his judgment.

Theo didn’t answer right away. His expression showed deep distress.

「…There’s no point in staying here. Let’s continue our march. 」

After quite some time, Theo opened his mouth and spoke again. However, that only postponed his judgment. This was unusual for someone who always made decisions intuitively. And then he became silent again.

「… *sigh* Tell all

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