Volume 10 Chapter 2 Part 6

He proceeded cautiously, being careful not to get within range of the stone cannons on the city walls.

Lassic didn’t ride on a horse. A blow from a giant would probably be the end for both the mount and the rider. This is because horses are not as agile as humans. That’s why he chose to proceed forward on foot.

For the same reason, he also took off his armor. He had brought a shield with him, but he was quick to throw it away as well.

The city gates of Elam have already been closed, and the giant has been freed from its restraints by the humans who brought it there. As for the king of the giants itself, it remained oddly quiet.

「Is it highly intelligent? 」

Lassic asked Moreno.

「The Fomorian world is huge, and the strong are said to have been ruling over the weak there forever. However, the King of

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