Volume 2 Chapter 4 Part 18

「I think that if the Werewolves are offering themselves to do this, then we should just let them do this. 」

Confirming the determination of Ion and the other Werewolves by looking at their fearless expressions, Siluca offered her words of advice to Eugen, who was still hesitating about what to do. Deadri also nodded to support Siluca’s claim, although she did so much more timidly.

「N-No, that is… 」

Eugen frowned and stumbled with his words for a bit.

「The loss of our queen was enough of a loss to the Werewolf clan as it is, so if we do not avenge her, we would lose face even further. On top of that, even if some of us were to die in the process of avenging the queen, it would not affect Artuk itself. 」

「But that does not mean that you should just sacrifice yourselves without thinking! 」

「Just hearing you say that is enough for us. This was originally our battle, and Artuk has already helped us more then it should have. We started this, so let us also finish this, 」

Ion said with a determined expression.
「Not only that, but it seems that the Vampire Kind himself wants to face the Werewolves instead of us humans, seeing as how he did not allow that Lord to enter the castle even if he opened the door for him. 」

Siluca continued to offer her arguments, this time with a firmer, more insistent tone of voice. Deadri also nodded strongly this time.

「I feel the same way. 」

Saying so, Theo asked Eugen to make a decision.

「I understand. In that case, we will ask the Werewolf tribe for their cooperation in apprehending the Vampire King. But if they run into any trouble, we will stand by so that we will be ready to rush in anytime. 」

「Thank you. Even if we are annihilated, I will not allow our debt of gratitude towards Artuk to be forgotten. 」

After Ion said that to Eugen, he faced Theo and Siluca next.

「I am especially grateful to you guys. Without the two of you, we probably never would have discovered the truth behind the deaths of our tribesmen. 」

「No, you do not need to thank us. And we are sorry that we could not be of any more help to you. 」

Siluca lowered her head slightly. Losing Clara felt like an irrecoverable loss for her as well.

Theo silently shook hands with Ion.

「Well then, we better be on our way I guess. 」

Ion smiled and turned to face the castle. Then he transformed into his Werewolf form, and all the other Werewolves changed along with him and then they howled all at once and rushed into the castle.

* * *

As the pack of Werewolves rushed into the castle, Dimitri’s lips curved up in a slight smile. Of course this was the result that he wanted. He was also well aware of the fact that Elmer and his men used cowardly methods to kill the Werewolf Queen, but he did not feel any sort of resentment towards them because of it, but since he has his own honor, he thought that the least he could do was to allow the Werewolves a chance to confront him head on.

That is why he openly declared his intention to go to war with Artuk. After his fight with the Werewolves, his intention is to abandon this castle altogether, and to that end, all the important members of his household have already left its premises as well.

「Come on now then, let us bring an end to the age of twilight! 」

Dimitri said loudly and bared his fangs, his eyes glowing red. Then he floated gently into the air.

The new king of Werewolves jumped at him first. The claws on both his hands, which were crossed in front of his chest, swung open the double doors.

The moment his sharp claws tried to tear Dimitri apart, he turned his body into a red mist and instantly moved to a different location.

「What? 」

Ion turned around in astonishment.

「At my level, both the outside and inside of my body are engraved with Arts. That’s why I can do such handy tricks. But as I continued to absorb more and more Chaos into myself, there soon was no more places for me to engrave the Arts on, so I did the only thing that I could possibly do in that situation: engraved all of my leftover Arts into the very soil of The Forest of Eternal Darkness. Now tell me, are you guys having fun yet?! 」

「I think we will be able to entertain you even more! 」

When Ion shouted, the brown fur that covered his body glowed. Surrounded by a light that resembles gold, Ion bared his sharp fangs.

「I will show you how wolves hunt! 」

The other Werewolves also did the same thing as Ion and had their fur start glowing with various colors. Then they started kicking the floor, kicking the walls, and even kicking the ceiling as they ran around the huge hallway of the castle.

「Nearly 2000 years have passed since I have made an oath that I will never allow myself to become anyone’s prey. I managed to fulfill that oath so far, and I do not intend to break it now. 」

Dimitrie responded calmly as he continued to dodge the attacks of every Werewolf that were coming towards him, and once one of them got close enough, he placed his hand on his body and touched him lightly. The fur of the touched Werewolf then lost all of its luster as the Werewolf himself fell onto the floor with a silent thud. Then he returned to his human form and his body started shaking violently. His skin was pale and as cold as ice to the touch.

「At this point, you can think of my whole body as if it was made of my fangs! 」

Dimitri giggled. As he fought the Werewolves, he gradually remembered his past, the good old days when he was still intoxicated with destruction and slaughter.

「I am looking forward to it, Adele. To the day when I can fight by your side once more. The time when we unfold an eternal feast in the world of eternal darkness! 」

Dimitri dodged the swarming Werewolves by turning himself into a fog, and then he proceeded to paralyze them with his gaze so that he could absorb their vitality after exposing them to even the slightest touch of his fingers. Eventually he got bored of it, and decided to go back to the tried and true Vampire tactic where he blinked behind one of the Werewolf’s back and sunk his fangs into his neck in the old-fashioned way.

「Ahhh… 」

The Werewolf returned to her human form and let out a short groan.


Ion cried out, because that Werewolf was one of his younger sisters.

「You are beautiful both in your wolf form and in your human form. You most definitely are worthy of eternity. Therefore, you have two options now: you can either become another one of my wives, or you can become a corpse instead. So, which one is it going to be? 」

Dimitrier asked her.

「What a coincidence. I was always on the lookout for home good man… so it is such a shame that you are so physically disgusting! 」

Arte replied to him with a grin.

「So that is the fate you have chosen for yourself, huh? Shame. 」

Dimitri concluded while sucking up Arte’s vitality.

Arte’s face instantly lost all the blood from it, and her body trembled violently. However, she soon lost all of her strength and her whole body become limp, before it turned into a black mist and evaporated without a trace.

「Remember: I gave you the courtesy od choosing. 」

Before Arte’s Chaos had a chance to solidify itself into a Chaos Core, Dimitri absorbed all of it into his body.

「It was delicious. Both your blood, and your Chaos. 」

「How dare you do that to my sister!? 」

Ion let out an angry roar. However, Dimitri could not know that what he did to the Werewolf girl was similar to the ancient rite of Werewolf burial, and that something that he could not predict was about to happen, and so he was slow to react to the two streaks of white light coming from behind him.

「What I did you… 」

Dimitri dodged, but then the trajectory of the two streaks changed so that they followed after him relentlessly. Realizing that he cannot dodge them, Dimitri transformed himself into a fog and instantly moves. However, the two beams of light suddenly split into two in the air, and one of them headed for where Dimitri had moved again.

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