Volume 6 Chapter 3 Part 6

Soon after that, a force consisting of three hundred soldiers and their Lords guided by Eugen Niklae left their hideout in the forest and decided to raid the positions of Dartania’s army, which was stationed in front of the gates of a nearby fortified village. And although Dartania’s forces have been dispersed to cover all of the fortified villages in the Artuk’s territory, the numbers of the unit they were to attack was nearly twice as big as the unit that Eugen put together.

However, soldiers of that particular unit of Dartania’s army didn’t expect that Eugen Niklae would appear in this village of all possible places, and because of that, their attention was turned towards the fortified village itself rather than the outside of it.

Eugen and his people took advantage of that negligence of theirs and attacked Dartania’s forces from behind, throwing them into utter disarray. Moreover, every one

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