Volume 7 Chapter 3 Part 6

The battlefield now spans several countries, and the battle continues to go back and forth between the two sides…

However, that was precisely what Aubest planned.

Earl of Leclerc leads a mercenary group. They are powerful, and if they collided with them head-on, it’d likely inflict great damage, even to the heavily armored Heavy Knights of Waldrind.

Therefore, they moved from place to place, and when the Earl of Leclerc’s army came too close to them, they barricaded themselves in the castle and attacked them from there. The heavy crossbows of the Heavy Knights of Waldrind demonstrate their tremendous power best when defending castles. Thanks to that they couldn’t win, but they didn’t lose either. That’s the kind of battle they’ve been fighting for the past six months.

It costs a huge amount of money to maintain a mercenary army. And in the cities they occupied, there were many people who committed assault

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Record of Grancrest War

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