Volume 8 Chapter 1 Part 6

「I don’t want luxury. I don’t care if you lose your territory. As long as I can live together with my family, I don’t need anything else, so… 」

After saying that, Patricia hesitated for a while before continuing with her words.

「… so even if you won’t be able to win the battle, please come back to us alive. No matter what hardships you may face, we want to be by your side. 」

Just with those words, Klute felt like his lost strength was on the rise again. He also thought that he was really glad that he has chosen this woman from among all the others to be his wife.

「I won’t lose… 」

He said with determination in his voice.

「Milza Kuches, the Viceroy of Dartania who killed his own father to usurp his position and defected to the factory Alliance was finally defeated by the Lords of the Artuk Treaty.

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Record of Grancrest War

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