Return of the Fallen Vol1 Ch26




Author: Blue_Rat


The two guards were perplexed.

“Can you have these counterfeits, what?”

A plan quickly formed in Kazuki’s head. If he had a few of these coins, it might just create an opportunity for him.

With a nod he said.

“Yea, I’d like a few as a souvenir. I would even be willing to pay a few silver for them if you’re interested.”

One of the guards grabbed the handle of his sword and with a glare, he threatened to pull it.

“Are you trying to bribe us? That’s a crime you know?”

A large killing intent swelled from the hidden agents protecting the young heroes and like a mass wave, it swarmed onto the threatening guard, causing his face to instantly pale as a chill spilled down his spine like water from a frozen lake.

The guard began to shiver and large beads of cold sweat started to run down his face. His eyes darted in every direction looking for the cause but no matter which way he looked, he could not determine the exact location of the danger. His breathing became labored and his mouth turned dry.

Having an enemy directly in front of you that you could see and touch and knowing there’s an invisible enemy just waiting to strike, the difference between the two could paralyze one with fear and this guard clearly froze.

His partner could tell something was wrong with him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey man, what’s the matter with you? Snap out of it.”

When things seemed as though they were going downhill fast, one of the soldiers protecting Kazuki’s group walked forward and flashed a golden medallion. An insignia was stamped upon it with the image of a powerful griffin hovering over a snake.

The guards both recognized it and were about to bow down but the soldier from Kazuki’s group quickly stopped them.

“That is unnecessary. With this medallion, you can clearly see that we are from the King’s Royal Guard, so our authority is equal to that of an official. Although we are of higher status, we wish to remain anonymous and blend in with the crowd. So if the two of you don’t mind…”

The guards taking the hint handed the bag of counterfeit coins over to Kazuki but Kazuki reached in and grabbed only a few before returning the rest.

“This should be plenty. Thanks.”

The two guards, without making a scene, turned and quickly left with the old man in tow.

The soldier protecting Kazuki and his group scrunched his brows.

“Ryuta, I don’t care why you wanted those fake coins but please next time do not interfere with any guards while they are in the line of duty. Remember, you all are allowed to look around and interact but you have to keep a low profile for now. If anyone finds out that you 6 are the summoned heroes, you could attract unwanted attention.”

Kazuki retorted.

“You mean an enemy’s attention, right? But if there’s already spies, shouldn’t they know we’ve already left the castle and wouldn’t that be placing us in unnecessary danger?”

The soldier’s brow scrunched up further.

“True but with you 6 out and about, it may help to drag a few of the rats from the shadows and into the light.”

Hearing about this for the first time Danny grew nervous and almost shouted in a panic but realizing where he was, he lowered his voice and whispered.

“So are you telling me we’re just bait. What the hell I…I didn’t agree to this. There’s no way….I…I want to return to the castle right now.”

Danny was about to freak out but Shin slapped him on his back.

“Danny my boy don’t be such a wimp. Look around, we’re surrounded by six guards plus all those soldiers on the roofs, that couple over there and even that old man selling stuff at that shop. They’re all hidden or undercover guards, all with the duty of keeping you and me safe so quit being a bitch.”

Kazuki was pleasantly surprised.

(I thought I was the only one who had noticed them but Shin managed to spot nearly all of them.)

Danny’s face grimaced in anger. With new strength and magic, his personality seemed to flip on occasion from cowardly to aggressive. Though it only seemed to happen when a certain someone pushed his buttons. Danny grabbed Shin by his collar and through gritted teeth he said.

“Who are you calling a bitch?”

Shin though laughed.

“Hehehe, Now that you’re angry you’re no longer afraid, right. Next time you’re in a situation and you feel that fear starting to hold you back, just remember the anger you feel towards me now. 100% guaranteed to beat that fear back. Oh yea, and I’m sorry about calling you a bitch, but it worked, right? Hehe.”

Danny mind seemed to short circuit for a moment before he released Shin’s collar and sighed.


“Whatever, just don’t call me that again.”

Shin couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahaha, no guarantee no guarantee.”

Danny tried to grab Shin up by his collar again but Shin dodged every time and laughed.

Asuna and the others didn’t care about any of that and were instead interested in the hidden agents and wanted to look around but the soldier protecting them advised against it.

“Don’t look for them. You’ll only help to give their position away to any who are paying attention. Just continue to relax and act normal.”

Kazuki twirled one of the counterfeits between his fingers, while he thought about something when Asuna curiously asked.

“Ryuta, why are you bothering with that fake money? If you want I can share some of my winnings with you.”

Asuna shook her bag of 10 Zeni in front of Kazuki with a smug grin.

“However, that’s only if you ask nicely, hehe.”

Kazuki didn’t care one way or another but if he could actually get at least one real Zeni it would make his plans that much easier. So Kazuki grabbed one of Asuna’s hands and peered deeply into her eyes. Standing only a few inches away, Asuna suddenly got very nervous and her words started to stammer.

“Wh..wha.what is it? Why are so close?”

“Asuna, there’s something I need to ask you.”


“Will you.”

Asuna’s face started to turn pink as she felt her heart speed up.

“Will I what?”

Kazuki, without skipping a beat, wrapped his arms around Asuna and gave her a hug. With his mouth directly next to her ear, she could feel a bit heat on her neck, causing her body to slightly squirm. With a soft whisper, he said.

“Can I please borrow a few Zeni so I can hit the brothel?”

Everyone’s eyes went wide and a few even thought.

(Did he really just say that?)

Asuna’s eye began to twitch. Using her full strength, she stomped onto Kazuki’s foot.


With her now enhanced strength, the stone road underneath Kazuki’s foot had cracked open.

Kazuki grabbed his foot in pain and began to hop on one foot while shouting.

“Ow ow ow ow ow, how could you do this to me? I thought we were friends. If you wanted to go to a brothel and I had the money I’d loan you a few Zeni.”

Shin slapped his own forehead at Kazuki’s stupidity.

“Dude, how moronic can you be?”

Asuna though was sent over the edge. Throwing a solid punch, Kazuki was hit directly in the chest and his body lifted off the ground and flew back for nearly a dozen feet before he crashed hard on the ground.”

Without looking to see if he was ok Asuna turned and walked away in disgust. Kimi, of course, chased after her.

One of the soldiers protecting Asuna pleaded for her and Kimi to not separate from the group but Asuna was in no mood to hear it. The soldier looked at his leader but his leader just ordered him to follow the two. Tapping a device in his pocket, he handed out orders to a few hidden agents and they followed after Asuna and Kimi.

The leader looked at the two leaving and thought for a moment.

(This might actually be a big help. If the heroes separate into smaller groups then that may actually bring a few moles out of the darkness. They might see it as weakness from us but what they don’t know is that we have way more than just a few dozen agents watching. Master Garn, I wonder how things look from there.)

Somewhere, high above the clouds, a figure sat in a meditative position and silently floated in the air. Besides the king himself, the only other person allowed to fly above the royal capital was none other than Master Garn. With a crystal ball in one hand and a staff in the other, Garn observed the images within the crystal blue ball with boredom.

(Why is he allowing them to separate? Damn it, should I stop them? He probably assumes I’ll save the day if things go wrong. Useless. I can’t monitor them all at once if they separate like that.)

Garn was racking his brain with whether or not he should say something but in the end, decided to simply observe them one at a time. If something went wrong then he would receive a signal and rush down there right away.

After Asuna and Kimi left, Shin walked over to Kazuki and helped him up.

“That looked painful. I guess you’ll be wanting that drink now?”

Kazuki pretended to rub his chest painfully. Had his body not absorbed the blood orb and also had ki coursing through it, then Asuna’s stomp and punch would have shattered his foot and possibly turned his chest cavity into meat paste.

“Nah, not just yet. I want to look around a bit first, what about you?”

Shin’s eyes gleamed with excitement.

“That sounds good to me.”

Kazuki and the others then proceeded to look around at all of the shops and vendors. Observing all of the weird stuff, while being enticed by the delicious smells of people selling street food.

As everyone looked around for entertainment, Kazuki seemed to move with purpose. While Shin and the others picked up weapons and odd items Kazuki stood at another stall and picked something up. Behind the stall, a middle-aged man with a bald head and a scruffy beard smiled.

“Young man, are you interested in that mask?”




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