Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 16

Zephris’s dark energy swept over the golden table revealing an Azirian. The moment everyone saw this, they all had different reactions. Mei had one of curiosity while Kazuki was slightly confused. Bozek had an expression full of disgust and anger but he knew he couldn’t speak up. Danny on the other hand rubbed his chin for a second.

“Interesting. I thought having a few drops of Bozek’s blood wasn’t enough. SO you planned on using an Azirian as a basis the whole time.”

Zephris nodded.

“Very perceptive Danny.”

“Zephris, where were you keeping this Azirian? I could have sworn I destroyed every single one of them.”

“I simply kept it near myself. You didn’t think to look at those you know so you did not see. You should think about that in the future to avoid someone stabbing you in the back.”

Kazuki’s expression darkened as he took this to heart. Zephris paid it no mind though.

“Actually Kazuki you are lucky I kept one around. Without an Azirian, it would be even harder to make the bodies you wish. You see, in order to get the bodies you want I need certain samples of genetic material. For Asuna, this is an easy task. She is a human woman and there are plenty of human women roaming around. Nunully is a bit more difficult. I don’t know how many elves exist in this Lower Realm but on this planet, I believe there are only two remaining. Lamia, Nunully’s mother hiding in the tiny world and another who I can no longer find. When I was searching for ingredients, I sensed this figure for but a moment but they two sensed me back. After that, they vanished.”

Kazuki was aware of this being, he had briefly encountered them as well when he was forcing the experts of this world to submit to him. After these experts agreed, one of them had completely disappeared from his senses. This person clearly wasn’t as powerful as Kazuki but they had some type of special ability that allowed them to hide from Kazuki. This being didn’t seem to be a threat and hid so Kazuki didn’t really care much.

“So using this Azirian will act as a replacement for an elf. Zephris do you mind telling me just how many different species make up an Azirian.”

Zephris looked at Danny and smiled brightly.

“10,784,643. That’s how many different species I’ve managed to integrate inside of an Azirian. Because of this, I have access to more than ten million different types of animals, plants, monsters, and other special beasts. In the pursuit of creating the perfect body, I have found so many different combinations numbering in the hundreds of billions but I am still nowhere near completing my work. In this world alone there are over 13 million different species of all living creatures. Every time you add a single new species into the mix, the number of combinations climbs astronomically, yet I still haven’t gotten samples of every species. Because of this, I don’t know if my work will ever truly be completed but I will never give up. I never give up. Not on my work, and not towards my revenge either.”

Zephris’s words were venomous at the end as he glared at Kazuki and Kazuki knew exactly what he meant.

“Zephris point that glare someplace else. When did I ever prevent or say you couldn’t seek your revenge. Have you already forgotten my words? I simply agreed to not killing Torzz as long as he stayed in line like a good little Titan. I never once said you couldn’t kill him.”


“I was just making sure you wouldn’t interfere if I and he go at it. So I have your word you won’t get in between us?”

“Why would I give a shit. Kill him don’t kill him, I don’t care. All I’ll say is even if I stand back and step aside, there are those that wouldn’t just watch. If you pick a fight, just remember you wouldn’t just be facing Torzz but most likely Detra as well. She will come to her son’s defense as you saw earlier during the battle. Even in that desperate moment, she gave up one of her favors just so I wouldn’t kill him. All this time she wanted to find her husband but when her son’s life was on the line she gave it up. When push comes to shove, you aren’t fighting one but two. It’s up to you in the end whether you wish to continue seeking revenge.”

“Are you telling me I should just give up? After being his and Fera’s slave for countless years. Having my soul painfully torn to shreds only for it to come back together to be torn to pieces again. You of all people should understand exactly how I feel when it comes to seeking vengeance.”

Kazuki nodded.

“I do. I have seen your memories and you too have witnessed mine. We’ve felt and shared each other’s agony. Because of this, Torzz is my enemy as well, only I promised not to kill him. After taking Fera’s life, and failing to take Sephra’s I know what it’s like to leave things finished and yet unfinished. I would never tell someone not to take what is rightfully theirs. At the same time, there is a time and a place. Opportunities might never come to the impatient or even if they come, one’s mind may be clouded in misjudgment and rashness making that opportunity a waste. The patient one though, the one whose mind is clear when opportunity presents itself and can think logically, that is the ripest time to do what must be done.”

Zephris felt a chill run through him as Kazuki spoke.

Danny was growing bored of this topic and brought it back to the main reason why they were all there in the first place.

“The Azirian holds the basis for millions of species. So using them as a foundation you can manipulate exactly what you want and take out whatever you please to grow a living creature.”

Zephris came back to reality.

“Yes. Let me show you.”

With the Azirian strapped to the golden table, Zephris wielded the Sozo glove. Many of the crystals and gems embedded in the glove lit up along with the many inscriptions on the table. The moment this happened, the Aziiran on the table split open in several spots. The center of the forehead and side of the temple. Its throat and solar plexus, left, center, and right side of the abdomen split. Groin and thigh cut open.

All of these spots did not bleed because of the Azirian’s special body. all at once, the purplish-black blood changed color until it was crimson red. Inside the head, a brian formed, and tissue samples were taken. Side of the temple, throat solar plexus abdomen groin, and so on. Every place that was once empty and simply filled with Azirian blood had now turned into something completely normal looking and Zephris was able to remove organs and bone etc.

“The Aziran’s form is in a constantly changing state but by using this table and the Sozo glove I can manipulate its body and stabilize it bringing out the exact ingredients and attributes I wish. A man’s brain, draconic lungs, Bulllizard gills, whatever I want from all the different species I’ve gathered. Azirian’s were my masterwork for a reason. I have literally engineered their bodies into a treasure trove.”

After he removed all of these parts from the Azirian, the Azirian’s body simply regenerated and laid there with an empty unmoving expression.

Taking these different parts, he dumped them inside of the empty vat made of reinforced glass and metal. Manipulating the Sozo glove, the large vat filled with water. Now all of the parts floated around inside unceremoniously. Connected to the Vat were other smaller clear containers with mana crystals embedded in them. All were covered in magic inscriptions. With a wave of the Sozo glove, the drawers on the opposite side of the room opened, and hundreds of ingredients flew over and entered the opening of these smaller containers connecting with the large vat.

with another wave, the glove activated once more and a large fire erupted beneath the giant vat along with a few of the connecting containers. The inscriptions lit up and the room was filled with light for a brief moment before it began to fade. A few of the containers began to boil while a few others simmered. Some of the containers ground the ingredients while others crushed. Fine powders mixed with liquids at certain stages that funneled into the final Vat.

Zephris took one of the drops of blood he received from Bozek and put it in with a few organic pieces of tissue from some of the Azirian parts. Immediately there was a reaction as this tissue attached to the single drop of blood and bonded. More ingredients reached their optimal point and combined with the rest and that’s when it happened. With the Azirian parts as the basis, all the other ingredients coming together, a small fetus began to grow.

“Normally this growth period would be reduced drastically by some of the ingredients but even this was too slow for me. That’s why the Sozo glove is rather important. I’d rather not wait weeks or months.”

A crystal that was half grey and half purple embedded on one of the fingers lit up with a dull grey light. When this happened the Vat responded. The fire beneath it was cut and grey energy poured from the glove, directly into the vat. Surrounding the fetus, the group of cells exploded in growth and grew at a rapid rate. From something, a woman would produce in a few weeks to a few months in seconds. After that, the child was now fully formed and aged more and more. 1 year old to two and then 5 years old to 10, 16, 20.

Once it reached this age Zephris stopped the process and smiled.


Zephris then without hesitating dove into the Vat. His body went from flesh to dark energy and passed through the solid glass object as if it weren’t there and he pieced the body. the Sozo glove fell and hit the ground and his dark energy vanished from the outside world for a moment.


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