Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 19

Mei was laughing like a wild hyena but she couldn’t help it. Asuna struggled to balance herself and came off like a newborn calf while Nunully was just now extracting her head from the ceiling. Danny was the only one who was fine so to speak. He glanced at his hands and could feel the warmth of the still-heated room on his skin. Without a thought, a tear fell from his eye.

Mei saw this and stopped laughing.

“Eh, big bro I wasn’t laughing at you. I was laughing at big sis Nene and Asuna. Don’t cry.”

Danny himself couldn’t believe that he had just shed a tear. Slowly wiping it away he shook his head.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. My body is just having a reaction to having a new form. When I died, I thought that was it. I never imagined that getting a new body was possible. Even when Kazuki said I could get one, even when I watched Zephris make them, I still wasn’t prepared to actually have a body. This sensation of a tear, the warmth of this room, to be able to feel with the body and not the soul, there is something truly special and indescribable about it.”

Danny stood next to his old body and looked up at its tall metallic frame. Placing a hand on this Golem, he only felt a coldness from its surface.

(This was me, this was my body, and now no more. I am reborn anew.)

“Kazuki, Zephris, thank you for this.”

Kazuki gave a nod but Zephris kind of huffed.

“Hmph, what are you thanking me for, I simply gave you a human body. Out of all the beings in this wide world and you chose human from all the samples. Not even a mix of elf or dragon like the ladies but just plain boring human. How boring.”

Danny didn’t mind. When it came to a body, he only had one thought and that was to be as close to his original self when he reunited with Tsura. Even though his body was not technically the same before he died, with Zephris’s creation it looked exactly the same, well, with a tiny bit of added height and width. Given the accelerated growth, his body took in nutrients at full capacity as it grew. Back on Earth Danny was basically a shut-in.

He did nothing physical and ate as a teenager would, shitty. Now though this body received every nutrient and the muscles and skeletal structure were made as close to perfection as Zephris’s skills allowed. Because of this, Danny was taller and leaps and bounds stronger than in his previous body.

Not just him but Asuna and Nunully were improved and enhanced as well.

“Hey if you’re done laughing little Mei, the least you could do is help me up.”

Mei smiled before rushing to Asuna’s side and gently helping her to stand. Asuna’s legs were still a little wobbly but she was getting better and better. Nunully as well had come down from the ceiling and was just starting to walk. Each step she took she would slightly dent the ground. She was starting to get the hang of her newfound strength.

Zephris looked Asuna and Nunully over, a proud look on his face. He pointed at them.

“Danny you see these two. Both are a mix of elf and dragon. Coming straight out of the vats they are already stronger than you are physically because of the samples they chose. Their compatibility with magical energy will be several times higher and their capacity for magic as well. Not only that if none of you continue to advance in the ways of magic and your progress stops here, but the two ladies will also both live 10’s of times longer than you will. Now, do you regret picking human?”

Danny shook his head.

“No, I feel I am exactly the way I need to be for now. For the first time in what seems like forever, things appear just right, at least they do for me.”

Zephris threw his hands up in defeat.


After that was said, Nunully took a step forward into the light, and everyone felt their breath leave them.

Nunully was already a gorgeous creature before she died. No, her beauty was enhanced even more. After becoming part dragon, her elf-like ears had even more of a sharp point that combined with her angelic face made her stand out even more. Her full lips and saphire eyes that could steal any room she walked into, this made everyone become silent for a brief moment.

Even little Mei who could notice beauty but never really put any more of a thought into it beyond recognizing it, even she felt awestruck. She questioned if Nunully was even real for a second. She quickly walked over and just like what she had done to Zephris, Mei immediately pinched and squeezed Nunully’s cheeks.

“Ow, what are you doing Mei Mei, that hurt.”

Mei’s eyes widened in shock.

“No way, how can big sis be so beautiful.”

Nunully could see that everyone was staring at her and she quickly looked around for a mirror. She tried to use her magic to create one from ice but she didn’t have a magic tool with her.

Zephris knew what she wanted and made three separate mirrors from ice and tossed them to each of them.

Danny held the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. He was expecting his normal appearance but his face was actually a little more handsome than before.

Asuna as well took a look in the mirror and blushed slightly. Because they were aged a few years older than what they were previously, they each had a more mature look than before they died. Of course, it was only slightly seeing as they now had the appearance of 21-year-olds. Asuna also admired her own figure. Again a few years added to her body really brought out and enhanced her curves. Her breast became fuller and now that she was taller, her legs were longer and accentuated her entire body.

Nunully stood next to her and placed a hand on top of her own head and then the other atop Asuna’s. Asuna was just slightly taller by two inches. Nunully had always been shorter then Asuna by a few inches and she thought finally after growing taller in the vat, she would hold the advantage over Asuna but she was wrong. She grew taller and so to did Asuna by seemingly the same amount.

Asuna chuckled and nodded along.

“Still can’t beat me Nene. Face it, you’ve lost.”

Nunully was about to pout before she glanced down at Asuna’s full chest. Nunully then looked at her own and smiled. Cupping her breast which were plumper than before, she smirked.

“You grew up but when it comes to breasts, it looks like you only grew so much. My win.”

Asuna’s eyes went wide and she looked between her breasts and Nunully’s. She then quickly grabbed Nunlly’s chest to compare surprising Nunully but very soon Asuna’s face dropped and Nunully stuck her chest out even more with a proud smile.

After a moment though Mei jumped on both of them laughing the entire time.

“Hehe both of you may be bigger there but since you were just born, doesn’t that now make Mei the big sis and you two are the little sisters. Hehe, that means from now on you two have to listen to big sis here got it. I’ll take both of you little ones under my wing and teach you everything ya gots to know. If ya understand then say yes big sis, hehehe.”

Nunully and Asuna both exchanged a look before chuckling.


“Okay big sis, what’s your first order of business?”

“Yes litt, er big sis what should us your little sisters do first?”

Mei was surprised and didn’t know what to say. She didn’t expect Nunully and Asuna to go along with it and became lost.

“Er, eh, um.”

Asuna flicked her little forehead playfully.

“Bzzzz. Times up. Since you couldn’t lead us correctly you have just been demoted back to little sis.”

“Eh, wait, that’s not fair.”

Nunully laughed at Mei.

“Better luck next time Mei Mei.”

The three ladies all shared a laugh before Zephris started to brag again.

“Kazuki do you like what I’ve done. I recreated their bodies from your memories. I also added a little oompf if you know what I mean.”

Kazuki wanted to roll his eyes at Zephris’s obviousness but at the same time, he couldn’t be mad. Since both Nunully and Asuna were happy as well, Kazuki was just glad that they were happy. It would have been a nightmare if Zephris did this and both Asuna and Nunully were pissed. Still, the so-called enhancements were natural given their body type and didn’t look out of place or wrong so everything worked out.

“Now that everything is done, shall we go gather up everyone else and show them how great two dead people look?”

Mei, Nunully, and Asuna all chuckled hearing this and they became excited.

Zephris though seemed annoyed.

“Seriously Kazuki. You come here and get me to put in this back-breaking work for free and as soon as it’s done you just up and leave without so much as a thank you.”

“Hehe, just messing with you. You’ve already done more for me than you can imagine. Without you, I would still be suffering in that glob of Miasma. My soul would be torn and gathered only to be torn apart again forever. No thank you required.”

Kazuki still thanked Zephris anyway. Even if he did help Zephris, Zephris helped him as well. The two would not be here if they hadn’t had one another’s back.

“Thank you Zephris. With your help, I have Asuna and Nunully again and even Danny is alive.”

Zephris could feel Kazuki’s sincerity and he actually felt it. He had been cursed and stuck in a mindless monster for so long and never had someone close in such a long time yet with a split-second decision, he had exchanged memories and experiences with Kazuki and found an ally or maybe even a friend.

Before Zephris could say anything back, Asuna and Nunully walked over and gave Zephris a peck on the cheek and both said.

“Thank you.”

Zephris was shocked and stunned. He then glanced at Danny but Danny waved his hands.

“Don’t look at me, I’m not kissing you.”

After that, Kazuki opened a new rift and everyone disappeared inside.

Zephris stood there stunned for a moment. As he rubbed his cheeks where he was kissed, he couldn’t help but think.


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