Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 27

“That’s not why I’m looking like this, I’m actually a little excited. You say it’s impossible or nearly impossible because neither you nor I know how to become a Demigod but we already have a Demigod in this very Realm or have you already forgotten my aunt?”

Detra though wasn’t convinced.

“Are you that confident? Even if she can tell you exactly how to become a Demigod can you actually achieve such a feat? No, let me take that back. If it’s you I’m sure you can one day do it. I’ve seen your growth and it is a terrifying thing but is that really all there is to it. Fera, for example. Even after stealing both your Mage core and your brothers, that alone was not enough. She also had a god guiding her through the whole process, along with a godly aura to help her gain her powers. With these advantages over all others, it still took your sis, er, Fera a little more than three decades to reach that level. So even if you have Alutra helping you, she is no god, even if everything else goes perfectly and you do eventually reach that status, the time to reach it may be hundreds or maybe even thousands of years. Tell me Kazuki, do you think we have that much time? Do you think we can afford to wait that long for you to become a Demigod?”

Detra shook her head.

“We can’t wait that long, no, we mustn’t even strive for fantasy when reality is raining down upon us. That is why the first option is not an option at all.”

Kazuki could see her point, but that did not mean he would not try. Hell, at least he was determined to find out from Alutra what was required to become a Demigod. Only after finding out would he really know if it was really so far out of reach or not.

“What are the other two options?”

Detra set her cup of tea down and glanced at Fera’s corpse.

“One of the main reasons this body can’t simply be destroyed is because it is a container for the divine energy held within. If you break it, all of that energy could spill out. I can do nothing with such energy and I believe that is the same case for you as well. Yes, we can hold it with our aura but not for long. Because we can’t contain it for long, it makes handling the body itself a headache. When this energy leaks out, it can have disastrous effects to everything around it. We were lucky when your grandfather or uncle was it. Well, whenever they caught the two of you in that golden beam of light, Fera’s head or rather the fragments that were left, the divine energy inside of it was pulled into the golden beam of light and went with you. If her body was taken as well, that would have been for the best but we are not so lucky.”

“Where are you going with this exactly?”

“Maybe you can’t just go from the Convergence stage to a Demigod so soon but the Convergence stage is something special. It is literally the embodiment of evolution and growth. It is the stage in which a being can grow beyond their limits…up to a point. I’m sure once one reaches their limit in the seventh stage, that’s when they begin to look toward becoming a Demigod but with you, I believe you don’t have such a limit. With that spinning void inside of you, you managed to grow to this level. Even while fighting Fera, you grew and grew until you could stand toe to toe with her and even exceed her in physicality. Your magic power may not become more powerful, but your body should be able to keep going.”

Detra grabbed Kazuki’s hand out of nowhere and inspected it. She looked at it in detail before squeezing it with all of her strength.

Kazuki gave her an odd look.

“What are you doing?”

Detra could see she had no effect. She who could destroy worlds with ease, gripping Kazuki’s hand with everything she had, did nothing to him.

“I knew it; you really are a monster.”

Kazuki raised a brow but didn’t deny it.

“The second option is a simple one. Fera may not have been at her peak, but you still managed to overpower a Demigod. My suggestion is you grow without thinking about becoming a Demigod. Use that devouring ability within yourself and eat as many planets in this Lower Realm as possible. If you consume the planets within this Realm, maybe you can reach a place that no one has ever gone to before. Creating a body so tough a black hole can do nothing to you. A body that can no longer be harmed by magic in this Realm. A body that can not be harmed in any way shape or form. An invincible being that can move across this entire Realm in an instant and be everywhere and anywhere before anyone notices. I want you to devour this Realm.”

Kazuki’s eyes went wide in shock. Detra was essentially telling Kazuki to kill an uncountable number of innocent creatures and other living beings. A chill ran down his spine as he felt a bit of a thrill at the thought of it. That of course was almost immediately followed by a strong sense of guilt.

(To kill billions, trillions, and more just to become that strong. To even entertain such a thought…but…That strength, how powerful could I become.)

“I’ll take your silence means you have no objection. Good. Not only would you devour the planets but you would also eat many powerful beings and other creatures that try and enter our Realm. Since we can’t just destroy Fera’s corpse because the divine energy would spread out, we could still put her body to good use and leave it somewhere as bait. We coul

“Stop! I…There’s no need to destroy worlds with any creatures on them. So I will leave those alone. As for using Fera’s body as bait, isn’t that far too dangerous. If a fight breaks out, this entire Realm could be destroyed in a mere few blows. We can’t let anyone in, ever.”

“Naive. Kazuki, even if we try and keep others out, you can not hold every expert back. Eventually, one will find a crack, find a weakness, and sneak in. At that point, it may already be too late. Also, what definition do you speak of when you say creatures? Do you mean intelligent life? Are animals included in that category because there are many animals that show a high level of intelligence? Not just animals but there are other strong beings already living throughout this Realm. There are other Titans hidden away in this Realm you know that right? Are you going to spare them all? Are you going to protect worlds that hold insects and plants? In the end, you have to consider the bigger picture. What is more important, your life or theirs? The people you care about or those who are complete strangers. Things were different when you only had to worry about a single planet, but once Fera died in our Realm, don’t tell me you never thought about the future consequences.”

Everything Detra said was true. At the time, Kazuki had no time to ever consider anything outside of saving himself and the others. He never even thought about what would happen after Fera was dead and gone.

(Damn, even after she’s no more, Fera is still causing me no end of trouble!)

The second option was looking more and more tempting to Kazuki. After Detra laid it all out, he realized he didn’t care about animals or insects on some distant worlds as much as he thought, but at the same time, there was a shitty feeling inside.

(To choose those I care about over others, there is no choice; it will always be those I care about. If I have to destroy those places…so be it.)

“If that’s what it takes…I will do it.”

Detra smiled.

“Good but don’t show such an ugly expression. I only said such things so you could have a reality check. In actuality, these other creatures don’t necessarily have to die. Look around at this place. My tiny world goes on for tens of thousands of miles. Even that world you inherited from Glacious is enormous on the inside. That knowledge is inside of you, Kazuki. You could make several of those tiny worlds and make it a place for all of those insignificants if you so wish.”

This thought never crossed Kazuki’s mind.

(This is definitely an option. With Detra’s help, I should be able to create my own tiny world.)

Kazuki became excited. The guilt he had a second ago completely faded, as if it were never there.

“For the second option, we wouldn’t just be leaving Fera’s body in some random place. We could leave it at the very edge of this Realm and we could set a major trap. The very second anyone enters our Realm they would be able to sense the exact location of Fera’s corpse and they, of course, would move there as fast as possible so as to claim her body for themselves before others. Once they reach the location, that’s when we activate the trap. We could set something up to immobilize them and then we could all unleash everything upon them using our aura’s. With an aura attack from many experts at once, we could potentially destroy the enemy’s soul before they could counter-attack, leaving no damage to our Realm. Afterward, you devour them and grow stronger. What do you think?”

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