Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 38

As everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest, Kazuki knew this mood couldn’t last forever. He still needed to tell those who were unaware of Glacious and Etora’s demise what happened.

“Everyone, I need to tell you something.”

All eyes turned to Kazuki. Many were excited and joyful and a few were simply curious as to what he was going to say.

“This is saddening news but you all should know so keep that in mind.”

“Jeez, Kazuki you act like someone died.”

Shin was unknowingly spot on and Kazuki’s silence confirmed it. The mood did indeed fall after this and everyone suddenly became very quiet. Kazuki didn’t want to beat around the bush and just went for it.

“While some of you know there are a few among you that don’t this yet but Glacious and Etora, both of them have passed on.”

Mei who was joyfully eating suddenly dropped the food in her hands and was shocked. Before she could say anything Kazuki went on to explain what had happened. He told them about how Glacious and Etora were in a deadlock with the Ancient beast Kings and how he had tried to save Glacious and give him the upper hand by sharing some of his energy.

Though this worked at first, Fera who was waiting outside of Zetraz’s dome got inside. She killed Etora almost instantly and when Glacious was on guard against her, she had fooled him by aiming for Kazuki’s life. Glacious had sacrificed himself to protect Kazuki and in Zetrazz’s anger, he destroyed Fera’s artificial bodies sending her soul fragments back to the dark continent.

Hearing all of this, Mei and a few others were devastated. Tsura held Mei who was basically inconsolable at this moment. Tears streamed down her little face soaking both her and her mother’s dresses. Lamia as well sat there in silence her expression blank as she took this all in. Kazuki though hadn’t said the thing that still made him feel incredibly guilty even now. He couldn’t leave this part out though, otherwise, he would consider himself a huge asshole. At the very least, he didn’t wish to lie or hold back the truth. He had done that in the past to them and he knew how that had left them all in a messed up space.

In the end, Kazuki confessed and told them all what he did after his friends had just been murdered in front of him. He told them how in Glacious’s final moments were spent before he took his last breath before Kazuki then ate him and Etora.

He explained why he did this, and how he needed to become as strong as possible as fast as possible so he could destroy Fera but Mei did not take this well. She was devastated. Before Kazuki could explain more she shook off her mother’s embrace and yelled at him.


She then returned to her original Mangshi form before taking off into the skies and vanishing toward the mountains.

Tsura quickly chased after her and once more a sad silence fell over them all.

“I should go after them as well.”

Danny got up and took to the skies right after.

Kazuki looked at Lamia and his heart ached for her. Lamia’s life was filled with tragedy. She didn’t have much family in the first place. Her husband had died early on and she had to raise a child alone for many years. Besides Nunully she had Etora and Glacious. The two were like older brothers to her and they all loved and cared about one another deeply. They were a small odd family but family nonetheless. Her husband was gone and now so too were the ones she called brothers.

“Lamia, I’m sorry things turned out this way. I want you to know that it was because of your brothers that I was able to fight. Because of their bodies, I was able to protect everyone, I was able to help protect this world and this Realm. If not for them, we would all be gone.”

Nunully held her mother’s hand to comfort her.


Lamia cried painfully before falling into Nunlly’s chest. Nunully of course held her mother and she too began to cry.

Tozu slammed his fist on the table with a loud bang before standing up. At first, no one could tell if he was angry or sad until he spoke.

“HEROES! No matter how you look at it, the dragon slayer and the platinum wolf are heroes even to their last breath. I know just how strong and powerful the Ancient beast Kings were. For Glacious and Etora to fight two against three, they truly were the bravest. The respect I hold for them is immense and I am glad these warriors have become a part of Kazuki’s strength!”

Tozu picked up his cup and a few others picked up theirs as well and drank with him. Following Tozu was surprisingly Sasai.

“Looking around at this tiny world, it is a paradise in nearly all aspects. One could live here for all of their lives and want for almost nothing. The air clean, and the water fresh and cool. A place where there is no danger a place filled with calm and peace. Neither one had to leave here, and neither one needed to fight but they still did. They both knew they were at a disadvantage from the very beginning. Outnumbered by Ancient beasts, enemies with Torzz a literal Titan, and foes with Fera. Big brother you are right, those two were incredibly brave. To face such odds and still have the will to stand up. Bravery at its finest.”

Sasai didn’t wait for the others to drink with him and simply downed his drink with little effort before sitting back down.

Shaila then spoke up as well.

“It’s obvious why the two did this. How they managed to go against such unfavorable odds. It’s because they had something worth fighting for, something worth protecting. Family, friends, they gave up everything just so that the rest of us could have a chance. I just wish I could have really gotten to know them.”

She then wrapped her arms around Tozu and snuggled up close in a warm loving manner.

Kazuki was surprised at the three Ancient beasts. Sometimes they seemed to show more humanity than humans. Their thoughtfulness was something Kazuki could use more of in his life.

After they spoke, the others soon followed. Going around the table, they said a few words here and there about the two before they started to tell stories about them.

“I remember when I first saw Etora eat a whole cow. I didn’t think it was possible but afterward, when he finished it off, he looked at me and belched so hard that I was almost lifted off my feet. I laugh even now thinking about it.”

Shin started to chuckle lightly after he said all of this. His little laugh was infectious and everyone, Lamia included began to laugh as more and more stories were shared.

Lamia wiped the tears from her face.



“Thank you for telling me. I know that must have been difficult. I think deep down I already knew. I tried to deny it but something in the back of my mind never sat right. After all, they were gone for so long. Ever since I met Glacious, I knew him to be one of the strongest beings in this world. His not returning for more than a year meant something had gone wrong. I didn’t want it to be true, I just wanted him and Etora to be safe but…but…Kazuki, did their power, did it really help you?”

The last part of Lamia’s words became soft and quiet as she was on the verge of crying again.

Kazuki held Lamia’s hand this time and looked her in the eyes and spoke sincerely.

“Etora and Glacious, without what they gave me, not just I but there would not be a world left. Their strength gave me strength, their power gave me power. I owe something to both of them that I can never even hope to repay in full.”

A few more tears streamed down Lamia’s face before she smiled at Kazuki and gently kissed him on the forehead.

“Thank you.”

Nunully couldn’t be mad at her mother in this situation but she still felt a tiny bit jealous from this.

More stories were shared back and forth and after a while, Tsura, Danny, and Mei returned. Mei and Tsura transformed back into their human form and it was obvious from the moment Mei landed how much she had cried her eyes out. Both eyes were red and she looked paler and almost exhausted.

“I explained as much as I knew and as best I could to her.”

Danny already knew most of it because Kazuki had already explained it to him earlier.

Mei still looked incredibly sad but still, she walked over to Kazuki.

“Danny told me you had no choice and that we’re all alive here because of it. Uncle Dragon and Wolf were so nice to Mei Mei. If not for that nasty mean Fera, they would still be alive. I’m sorry for saying I hate you Kazuki, I…I could never hate you.”

Kazuki smiled softly at Mei and Mei couldn’t help but leap into his arms as she started to cry again.

“Big brother, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.”

Hearing these words from Mei hit something deeply within Kazuki.

Asuna suddenly grabbed Kauzki’s arm.

“Kazuki are you ok?”

Kazuki felt a tear roll down his cheek. He didn’t know why Mei’s words had affected him so deeply but they had. Feeling this hot tear on his face, Kazuki smiled.

“I think I’m fine now.”

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