Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 39

With breakfast long past, Kazuki decided to tell everyone the rest of the news.

He told them about Fera’s body and how it was leaking divine power and how this would attract strong experts into their Realm. Everyone was shocked. Just Kazuki and Fera fighting nearly broke this Realm, if more people around their strength showed up, the devastation was obvious.

“Kazuki is there no way to avoid the fight?”

Surprisingly it was Triska who wanted to avoid a fight. Kazuki just came straight out and said it.

“I spoke with Detra yesterday. She says there may be a way to permanently seal this Lower Realm. In that way, nothing will be able to enter nor leave this Realm. A God could still destroy our Lower Realm but Gods could already do that in the first place so that isn’t the real issue.”

“Wait, How is that not an issue? You’re telling me we could all be destroyed at any given moment on a God’s whim with that calm expression. How does that not bother you!?”

Kazuki wasn’t too worried because of what Orberus had said.

“A God wouldn’t just destroy this place. They all seem to have a high amount of pride and reputation. For them to destroy a Realm that is incomparably weaker than them, other Gods would end up looking down on them. Once other Gods begin to look down on you, it begins to invite challenge. Gods are constantly fighting for reputation and territory. If others think you’re that petty and that weak, they start looking for other weaknesses you may have. The point is, a God just wouldn’t destroy this place for no reason and even if he or she does hold such a reason, they would think twice as it could affect their standing in one of the Higher Realms.”

Kimi had another thought after Kazuki said all of that.

“If there really are such things as Gods, then surely one of them would be able to teleport us back to Earth right? If you close this Realm…if you seal it off, won’t that mean we will never be able to return home? Glacious said a powerful God might be able to get us home right? If we seal it, that will never happen. We can’t seal it. Kazuki, no matter what you have to keep this Realm or whatever open.”

Shin looked at Kimi as if she were crazy.

“What the fuck are you talking about Kimi. You saw what happened when Kazuki and Fera fought. We nearly all died again and again. Each time we barely managed to scrape by. Kazuki has already done so much to protect everyone here, you can’t seriously be expecting him to keep on protecting our asses forever. Sealing this Realm is the only thing that makes sense.”

Kimi felt like she was being attacked and the two started to argue loudly. Sam and Triska had to calm the two down before things really got out of hand.

“I’ll be upfront. I myself wish to keep this Realm open.”

Shin turned to Kazuki with a look of shock.

“Kazuki, you can’t actually be serious. I know you’re fucking strong but do you really think you can protect this Realm from the constant threats. Doesn’t this mean our Realm will always be under threat of destruction and that it can come at any time? What could possibly be so important that you would be willing to place us all in danger?”

Kazuki went quiet for a moment before he felt something within him just spill out.

“I never knew my real mother. For half of my life though there was a single woman I loved as a mother. Sephra. As a small orphan me and Kai had often wondered what it would be like to have parents. Father would be strong and handsome and mother would be kind and beautiful. She would love me and Kai with all of her heart and take care of us, protect us. When we met her, it was like something straight out of a sweet dream. Sephra, she was perfect in every way and I and brother were happy nearly every day.”

Kazuki’s voice held a deep sadness. It became really quiet as no one knew what to say. Asuna and Nunully both held him and the light in Kazuki’s eyes changed as he became angry.

“I thought when I killed Fera I would finally find some semblance of peace but even now…even now my heart burns with rage. How stupid, right? I should be happy knowing she’s locked away for life but this trauma won’t leave me. No matter how I try to ease my mind, no matter how I try and shake it up or drown it away, it’s always in the back, scratching, gnawing at me. I want to give this hatred up, but I…I can’t. I’m too weak to just let it go. I want the person responsible for ruining my life to pay. I want her to feel what I felt a million times over. Maybe…Maybe then I can be unshackled from my past. Until then…”

Kazuki shook his head, unwilling to finish his thought. Everyone though understood him on some level. After all, most of them had seen nearly all of his past memories. Many of them had witnessed through a Mind Frey these traumas Kazuki spoke of. They had seen a young happy child playing with his older brother, reading mountains of books, and being treated with the utmost kindness from Sephra. He had a sad beginning but when he was adopted by Lin and Sephra things turned around completely and he was touched by joy. That all came crashing down when Lin disappeared one day and then a little after that Sephra and Fera betrayed him and his brother.

Shin felt this the most. He also witnessed his family killed by someone whom he was close with. He really felt for Kazuki but at the same time, this didn’t concern just Kazuki but everyone in this Realm.

“Kazuki, think about what you’re saying. We are your friends and Asuna and Nunully are even more than that. Are you saying you can just put them in danger like that?”

Once more things became silent before it was Danny who spoke up.

“Shin I understand your point but at the same time, will it really be as dangerous as you believe?”

All eyes fell on Danny in confusion.

“What are you saying, of course it will be incredibly dangerous. You of all people should know this shit man. Don’t tell me that that new body of yours came with a rotten brain. Think clearly you ass hat.”

Danny ignored his rude comment and spoke his mind.

“Normally you would be right. Leaving our Realm open and exposed to outside danger would be incredibly risky and unsafe but you are forgetting, we have Kazuki and you all also have me.”

Everyone understood having Kazuki as a benefit but Danny. He was beyond intelligent, yes but his body was only at the 5th stage. They didn’t know what he could do to protect this Realm if true experts began to invade it.

“I can tell you all are looking down on me but that is fine. Because individuals have looked down on me in the past, it always left them in a dangerous spot and not me. I already have a few ideas on how to not only trap these incoming enemies but also on how to defend against them if their power gets out of control. As for Kazuki, the first thought I’m sure you all had was of course we have Kazuki he’s the strongest but it’s not just his strength that he’ll be utilizing.”

Danny pointed at Sam and Kimi and then to Asuna.

“Have you three already forgotten how you reached the stage you’re at now? Was it not Kazuki that got you to this high level? By sharing his memories, experiences, and even power, he got you all to a higher stage. Do you all believe this is the limit? Kazuki also said he received a magic blood orb with all of Glacious’s memories and he also tapped into Zephris’s memories as well. The knowledge inside of Kazuki, combined with his power, I’m saying there’s no reason why he can’t help all of us reach the 7th stage.”

When Danny spoke up to here, it was like lightning had struck them all at this realization. Even Kazuki himself hadn’t thought of this but this was true. He had received an unimaginable amount of experience and information from two of the best experts in this entire Realm. He knew exactly how to reach the Convergence stage and thinking about it, there was no reason he couldn’t help everyone there reach such a level. Such a thing wouldn’t normally be possible due to the fact that the information and power were unavailable along with the strength of the soul and more but Kazuki had everything needed.

Danny’s idea had changed everything in an instant.

(To make them all reach the 7th stage…I…I can do it.)

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