Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 41

Detra was left almost speechless after Danny’s description.

“Can…Can such a thing really be made!? Is it possible!?”

Danny shrugged.

“I can not say for sure. After all just to build something of that size would require an amount of resources that I haven’t fully calculated but it should technically be possible. Kazuki’s power has reached an unbelievable stage. He should be able to materialize the metal alone. As for the source of power, I have some thoughts on it.”

Danny looked out of the nearby window and glanced at the artificial sun lighting this tiny world.

“We’ll need to create a core big enough to gather a planet’s worth of energy. Something that can do this continually to keep itself going for as long as possible. Something almost self-sustaining if you will. I still don’t have all of the details worked out, which is why I’d like Kazuki’s thoughts as well as Old Sid’s.”

(To create such a monstrosity, can we do it. No, we must do it, otherwise, this Realm will have to be sealed. I can’t let that happen.)

“Danny, if we build this, you think we can trap our enemies with it?”

Danny immediately shook his head.

“Yes and no. One of these planet-sized Golems would most likely be destroyed in a single strike if not two of them. This only makes sense with their power. However, what I’m proposing is not a single one but many. These Golems will surround our enemy the moment they detect them. With probability and luck, our foes will fall for our trap. That is the time when our side will unleash our combined auras upon them and destroy their souls in one fell swoop.”

Detra still couldn’t believe this could really be. Not only that but she found a flaw rather quickly.

“Danny even if we have a million of these, what’s to stop our enemies from using all of their power at once and tearing our entire Realm apart in an instant?”

“Simple, the bait. The whole reason they will come into our Realm in the first place is because of the divine energy leaking from Fera’s corpse. To them, it will be a treasure like you said. If they go all out right in the beginning they risk losing Fera’s body. They will want to obtain it or at least have it close enough in reach before they even think about going full force. This is also why the Golems is a good idea. Tell me Detra, if something that looks like a planet is flying toward you, would you use all of your abilities to destroy it or would you simply move out of the way, or even just use a bit of your power to destroy it?”

Detra was impressed Danny had thought this far ahead.

“I would simply move, there’s no reason to dirty my hands and destroy it unnecessarily.”

Danny nodded along.

“Exactly. Even if it’s filled with power that wouldn’t flip any alarms, after all, even worlds without life still have magical power of some level flowing around and through it. Even if our enemies saw through that and realized it was a weapon, would they fear it? We’ve all seen how powerful Fera was and she had just become a Demigod and had barely acquired divine energy yet the only thing physically strong enough to cause her bodily harm was Kazuki. No weapon in this Lower Realm could put so much as a scratch upon her flesh, what enemy Demigod would fear a Lower Realm weapon?”

Detra was starting to become more and more convinced by all of this.

Alutra though had a thought.

“Even if my nephew can create the shell of this planet-sized Golem, and you all can make a core with enough power to maintain it, aren’t they more complicated than that? Just taking a peek through Kauzki’s storage ring, the Golem in there is much more complex than what you are describing. The time to make something like that…when you finally finish one, won’t a million years have already passed?”

“Alutra, Kazuki said you had seen his memories.”

Alutra nodded. Orberus had shown everything he had recorded through Kauzki’s golden compass. She had witnessed too much.

“Since you have seen it then surely you know how good Kazuki is with his aura. I once tried to imitate one of his techniques. I split my aura multiple times forming something similar to hands and used his ancient hand-sign technique while trying to break through an incredibly tough barrier. I barely managed to break the barrier and call Detra Kazuki though can split his aura…by my estimates hundreds of thousands of times now. Imagine that, hundreds of thousands of hands working all at once, individually from one another. Something like that would shred my psyche but Kazuki can pull this off easily, right Kazuki?”

Kazuki was more than confident in his own abilities.

“It’s as Danny says Alutra. With my aura, I can cover many jobs at once. Not only with just doing the manual labor side but also magic as well. With detailed plans, I should be able to make one by myself and with help from Danny and Old Sid, it should get done that much quicker. Danny, this idea…This is good shit.”

Danny wasn’t done just yet and continued. He told them his idea for the trap and how to implement it.

Detra finished her tea and set it aside.

“So it’s agreed then. you will increase your friend’s strength as much as possible bringing them all to the 7th stage. You will also increase your own strength as much as possible. I will show you how to create a Tiny world so you have someplace to store the creatures you wish to spare after you destroy their worlds. The Golems will be made and the trap will be set according to Danny’s suggestion. Well…What are we waiting for?”

Detra’s aura began to fill the room and Kazuki quickly used his own aura to meet hers. Instead of a heavy pressure as usual, both auras were somewhat light and gentle. Detra took hold of Kazuki’s aura and escorted it inward and into her own Soul world. This was not something powerful experts did with one another. Just as Orberus had mentioned, doing something like this was incredibly dangerous. To let someone inside of your soul world was allowing one’s life to be in another’s hands.

Being inside of another’s soul world, if one had ill intentions, they could easily damage the person’s soul. Even if one was a true expert, to have someone in your soul world was just inviting disaster. So for Detra to allow Kazuki into her soul world, it was both intimate and showed just how much she trusted him.

Kazuki looked around and it was similar to his own Soul world. She had a tall soul tree that housed her soul. On the ground similar to her Tiny world, there was a sea of flowers. Kazuki didn’t understand this but he theorized this was just a representation of her soul or maybe parts of her soul. He couldn’t say for sure. Kazuki appeared inside her soul world with a figure similar to his real world appearance and so to did Detra though in here she was covered in flowers of different colors.

Seeing Kazuki stare at her body covered in precious flowers, she felt slightly embarrassed and flushed red.

(Stop staring; it’s rude.)

(Sorry, I was just surprised, you really do like flowers.)

Detra ignored Kauzki’s words and took him by the hand and placed his hand on her soul tree with her own hand over the top of his.

(Kazuki I’ll warn you right now, you may be stronger than me but if you peer into anything else besides my knowledge and experience in creating Tiny worlds, I will never forgive you. Do you understand what I mean?)

Kazuki knew how it felt when others witnessed his past without his permission. It was both violating and humiliating. He had allowed Danny to do it before but to him, Danny was like a brother by now and the two were helping to save one another. Sharing those things with his brother was nothing but having it forcefully taken from you was something entirely different. He would not betray the trust of an ally, of a friend. An enemy, though, that was an entirely different story.

(Detra, I will not look at what I’m not supposed to, believe me.)

Detra paused for a moment before nodding.

(I do believe you.)

Her eyes then began to glow, and so too did her soul tree. The very next moment, Kazuki could feel memories and experiences flowing from her soul tree, into his aura, and then into his very mind and soul. All at once, billions upon billions of inscriptions began to flood into his mind like a chaotic ocean. For a normal person, this amount of knowledge in a single instant would have caused their mind and body to explode. For Kazuki though, this much was nothing. Rather the more he took in, the more interested and curious he grew.

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