Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 71

No matter which way the two looked, Alutra and the smoke creature were completely surrounded from every angle.

Alutra had seen a good deal of Kazuki’s memories from Orberus, so she knew who was the cause of this red lightning. The smoke creature on the other hand had no fucking clue what was happening. He understood right away though that it was this red lightning that quelled both his and Alutra’s earlier attack and this told him how serious the situation was.

(This lightning nullified both my attack and this crazy woman’s. some of it was destroyed so there is still a path but it’s obvious I will be overwhelmed if I remain here for much longer.)

The smoke creature quickly tried to tear open the Realm and rush through a crack in the fabric of this place but found his power was being suppressed by the surrounding lightning.

(DAMN! I must cut through this lightning before anything else.)

The spinning ring of death increased in speed and became a blur as it flew towards the lightning with no delay. The moment this slowing ring came in contact with the lightning, the Realm started to get torn apart and hundreds of thousands of bolts of lightning were broken and destroyed.

The smoke creature smiled confidently seeing this but not even a second later its expression changed for the worse.

(What…What is this!)

After flying into the storm of red lightning and taking out hundreds of thousands of bolts, the glowing ring began to visibly slow. It went from being invisible to a hazy blur to a fully recognizable ring as it slowed to an almost crawl.

The smoke creature could feel that the divine energy within was almost lagging behind as he tried to crush his way through the lightning. Instinctively the smoke creature summoned his weapon back to his side and once he did he was shocked.

(What in the 7 realms of hell is this?)

The divine power coming from his weapon was somehow slowed and scattered all over. He didn’t know how or when this had happened but it was beyond dangerous for the power within to slow down. Any delay in its release, an off-timed attack could instantly lead to his own destruction.

(That lightning is dangerous. I must escape before it gets any closer.)

The smoke creature took his divine soul weapon and aimed for the empty space near him in an attempt to open a crack in this Realm and escape to a random one somewhere but to his dismay, Alutra came swinging down at him with her own Divine Soul weapon.

All the smoke creature could do was intercept her blow, otherwise the Realm would collapse and it would meet its demise that much quicker.


Once more their weapons met with full force and an explosive sound rang out in space. Again, before their power ripped the Realm in twain, it was suppressed at the moment of impact. The lightning inched further and further, shrinking the perimeter around the two, squeezing their fight into a smaller and smaller space.

Every time the smoke creature tried to escape, Alutra was on his ass. The little furball in her cleavage squeaked in excitement as it shook its tiny claw in defiance and cheer. Alutra as well held nothing back. With Kazuki telling her to go all out, she trusted in him and did just that. Her skills and power were on display. Using both of her hands to control her towering glaive, it moved in such a way that it almost looked like a haze on a mid-summer day. It was like an illusion was taking place before all as she slashed, twisted, swung, and thrust forward with a piercing blow again and again and again.

Alutra was relentless and this smoke creature was being overwhelmed to a point where Alutra’s strikes were stabbing into this creature. Were this smoke creature normal, surely it would have died long ago but because of its body’s unique properties, these blows passed through it time and again. This though did not mean that no harm was done.

Each strike delivered some of Alutra’s own divine energy. This tore away at the smoke creature’s own soul little by little until it was not so little anymore and the smoke creature felt its senses becoming dulled.


The smoke creature made one final attempt to escape. Its spinning ring of death came racing toward Alutra and as expected, Alutra made to defend herself but at the last second, the smoke creature changed the direction of its weapon and sent it spinning into its own body. Of course, this brought no harm to itself but it did tear a hole in the Realm. Alutra did not expect the creature to send its own weapon into itself and therefore didn’t try and stop it so she was caught off guard.


Golden flames erupted from her glaive and she fired these flames forward with a near speed of light. The golden flames became a beam of power and undeniable force as they aimed directly at the creature. Alutra knew her flames would not kill the creature. She had witnessed it through this entire fight. None of her attacks could destroy its body but she wasn’t aiming for that. Her attack may not be able to kill it but every time her attack landed, its smoke-like body would dissipate some.

If she could cause its body to dissipate, then she figured it would not be able to fully escape. After all, one would need their whole body if they were trying to leave or so her thoughts went.

These golden flames did what she intended them to do. The smoke creature dissipated slightly but her expectations were not met as it raced inside the crack in space.


Alutra was frustrated beyond belief but this frustration was flipped upside down the very next second as she witnessed the smoke creature appear directly inside of the raging storm of red lightning bolts.

She then noticed there was a thin layer of energy covering the crack in space where the smoke creature had just fled into. This energy, she recognized it right away; it was Kazuki’s.


A scream of terror echoed out inside of their heads as the smoke creature realized what had just happened. The red lightning crashed down upon him from every conceivable angle. The smoke creature could not avoid the lightning and suffered all of its undesirable power. Its body was being disintegrated and so to was its soul.

To the smoke creature’s absolute horror, this lighting contained power that could directly affect one’s soul. It felt its soul being torn apart in every way.


In a last desperate attempt, the spinning ring shot forward directly into the lightning storm. It quickly slowed as it was struck repeatedly by the lightning. At the same time, the smoke creature raced toward the ring and grabbed hold of it. The moment it touched the Divine Soul weapon, the rest of the smoke creature was disintegrated and it was destroyed.

Kazuki and Danny appeared in the raging storm near the weapon and with it, the lighting faded away and disappeared. Kazuki couldn’t help but smile.

(The enemy looked down on us way too much. Because of that, this simple plan worked to such an absurd degree. Good thinking Danny.)

Danny gave a slight nod.

(I only came up with the idea of cornering this monster. You were the one who came up with the crazy idea to let Alutra use her full powers.)

Kazuki shrugged.

(It became obvious during the fight that this bastard could not tap into the full potential of that weapon. If it could, we would have been dust long ago.)

Kazuki reached forward to pick up the ring and alarm bells went off in Alutra’s head.


Her warning came too late. The smoke creature’s soul raced out of the ring and pierced into Kazuki.

(Now that I’m inside your soul world it will be one-on-one. Who shall win, I who can control a Divine Soul weapon or this fucking brat who

The smoke creature’s words froze as it felt not just Kazuki’s aura but several others.

Kazuki smirked at the smoke creature.

(Did you think I’m that stupid to just grab an enemy’s weapon without thought or reason. Although I can deal with your soul on my own, it’s better to be safe than sorry.)

Inside Kazuki’s soul world was not just his aura but also Danny’s along with Sam, Shaila, Kimi, Lamia, Asuna, Nunully, and so on and so forth. All of his friends were with him. While Alutra was fighting, Kazuki and Danny had already come up with a few ideas on how to deal with this smoke creature. Kazuki and Danny both knew the moment the smoke creature was truly cornered, it would get desperate and may do just about anything.

The moment its body was disintegrated, Kazuki had sensed the smoke creature’s soul leap into the Divine Soul weapon. It was at that moment that he called everyone to place their auras into both him and Danny who was next to him. This way, even if the creature chose Danny instead to invade, Danny would be covered as well.

The smoke creature realized its mistake and how getting rid of the lightning was merely bait and it felt its last remaining hope vanish into the void.

Kazuki and everyone else had no discussion and waited no more. All at once they sent their auras into the smoke creature’s own soul and destroyed it there and then. The last of their enemies had fallen. The smoke creature was no more.

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Return of the Fallen

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