Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 72

The spinning ring, the Divine Soul weapon, was in front of Kazuki. With the smoke creature no more, Kazuki took hold of it. Immediately, he felt that dense, pure power trying to clash with his. The power was overwhelming and brought with it a force of might that he could not handle.

The Divine Soul weapon trembled and shook violently as it tried to escape his grasp but Kazuki simply clamped down upon it. With his overwhelming strength, this weapon could only struggle in his hand.

Alutra flew over and gave Kazuki a bit of advice.

(It’s no use. A divine Soul weapon still has a piece of its owner’s soul fused with it. It will never acknowledge you and must be destroyed, otherwise, it will try and use the remainder of its power to destroy its enemies.)

Alutra reached forward and a golden flame extended from her hand and drilled into the depths of the glowing ring. The Divine Soul weapon shook even more violently and Kazuki felt an increasingly strong vibration roll through his hand and up his arm before the shaking suddenly stopped and the light from the Divine weapon faded to darkness.

(There, I have destroyed the last fragment. This weapon still contains Divine energy but it is a shell of its former self.)

The tiny furball hiding within Alutra’s cleavage suddenly popped out and began squeaking as if to celebrate.

Alutra grabbed it and nustled her cheek against it.

(Oh is my baby happy I beat that ugly smoke thing? Hehehe, so cute.)

With the enemies no more, everyone who had retreated reappeared. Kazuki could see that Lamia was visibly shaking but besides that, everyone seemed okay. With a thought, a rift appeared and everyone stepped through, reappearing in Glacious’s tiny world.

The moment they came through, Lamia’s knees buckled beneath her and she landed on her butt.


Nunully and Tsura rushed to her side but Lamia waved them away.

“I’m fine. I have never needed to use my fist to fight before. It was a lot.”

Kazuki handed her a strong drink.

“Chug it.”

Lamia didn’t hesitate to down the drink in a single go. Wiping her mouth on her sleeve, she took in a deep breath and her nerves began to calm. She stood up herself and she and Tsura walked over to the side where Tsura comforted her.

Besides her though, everyone else had a knowing look on their faces. There was a sort of electricity in the air as the adrenaline was still pumping. They had all just entered the 7th stage recently and after a single sparring session with one another, they went straight to battle and fought on equal footing with enemies that had clearly been at the Convergence stage for a lot longer. After fighting and winning their first battle at this stage, they were hyped as fuck.

Shin was shadow boxing and kicking imaginary opponents as he bragged and Tozu and Sam were flexing their bulging muscles in comparison with one another. Shaila, Sasai, and Triska were talking about the moves they pulled off and were discussing what they would do the next time enemies appear. Mei was bragging to Kimi about how she crushed an enemy with a single bite and other things.

Danny was going over the battle and pointing out things he should have seen or noticed earlier on. Everyone gradually made their way back to the table. There were still well over a hundred pizzas covering the table and Mei the ever glutton picked up a now cold slice and curiously took a bite. Her eyes went wide as she began chewing rapidly like a little monster.

Mei started eating and eating but she did not mention that the cold pizza was actually still good. Those from Earth knew why she was going crazy over pizza. Some of them liked it when it was still hot others when it was cold. Most could agree though, pizza was pizza. Even when it was cold it was still good.

They thought had already gotten their fill so they left the pizza alone but the Ancient beasts were different. Their true bodies were bigger than mountains. They mainly maintained these smaller human forms with magic but it was no lie that they could eat a mountain’s worth of food and just start to scratch the surface of their appetite.

Shaila the oh-so-curious one, saw Mei going crazy over the pizza and grabbed a cold slice.

“What’s the big deal?”


Shaila recognized Mei’s deviousness instantly.

(This is so good even when it’s cold. Mei is trying to eat everything before anyone else notices. You little devil, you think I’ll let you!)

Now it was Shaila who was shoving slice after slice into her mouth and she was barely chewing, and she swallowed it down whole. Soft moans escaped her lips. This was a tasting pleasure that could hardly be matched.

Tozu recognized those noises but he couldn’t correlate them with food.

“Honey, are you ok? Is it the food?”

Shaila and Mei’s eyes locked on with one another in a knowing way before Shaiula shook her head.

“No, the pezza is cold and is no good now.”

Tozu couldn’t understand why she was eating it then.

“But you are scarfing it all down.”

Shaila quickly came up with an excuse.

“Tha…That’s because Kazuki made it. it would be rude to waste his cooking after he went through the effort of making it for us. I’m simply not trying to be rude.”

Tozu actually bought that and grabbed a slice of cold pizza himself. Shaila immediately yelled at him.

“What are you doing!?”

Tozu was taken aback at first but explained.

“I don’t want you to suffer alone my dear. Your right, Kazuki made this for us, we should show our appreciation and finish what he made, even if it’s cold and no longer appetizing, I wont let it go to waste.”

Tozu went to take a bite and Shaila and Mei both yelled out.


It was too late. Tozu took a single bite and realized right away his wife was deceiving him but he couldn’t care less as the flavors hit his tongue all over. He also began to throw food into his face without hesitation. Sasai couldn’t understand his older brother, his sister, and the little pipsqueak.

“You guys are odd. Kazuki may have put effort into making the food but he wouldn’t be upset if we didn’t finish it. After all, we had to go fight for the survival of this Realm. What’s more important, Kazuki’s food or this Realm?”

Mei, Shaila, and Tozu all paused for a brief second as they were trying to decide which was more important. It was only for a split second of wavering but the three finally leaned toward the Realm. They didn’t answer verbally, as the pizza was too good. Sasai found this to be even weirder and began to wonder.

He looked at the ever-disappearing pizza and the threes wild eating and he himself became curious. He slowly reached forward to grab a slice but Shail quickly snatched it up. He found that to be weird and a little offensive but he let it go and reached for another slice but again before he could get it, little Mei inhaled deeply and the slice was sucked directly toward her face where she slammed her jaws down on it as if to murder it.

Sasai then got a little serious and reached forward with a bit of force and speed but this time it was his own brother that snatched it away.

“Sasai, we three will endure this burden, you just worry about yourself. There’s no need for your help.”

(Why are they acting so weird? Not only that, with each bite they release a soft moan or groan. There’s no suffering at all. They are purposely keeping me away…Has the pizza actually not lost flavor and is still delicious? That must be the only reason, why else would they act so off.)

Sasai realized this way too slowly and there was only a single slice left. His speed ramped up as the flow of magic accelerated and circulated through him. He aimed for the last slice and leaped forward warping the air around him as he went. His hand extended outward as he snatched at the final slice.


Just before he grabbed it, a blur flashed in front of him. It was the tiny red and black creature. Its speed was greater than Sasai’s as it flipped and grabbed the final slice with its tiny claws and then flipped away, landing on Alutra’s shoulder.

Sasai and the others were shocked at this speed. it was comparable to Shin’s. The only ones who were faster were Kazuki and Alutra and maybe Detra. The little furball celebrated with tiny squeaks here and there but just before it took a bite, Alutra grabbed it away with an even quicker speed and stuffed the entire piece into her mouth.

Everyone again was taken aback by this speed. After chewing, she swallowed before rubbing the little creature’s head.

“Thank you my little precious, that was delicious.”

Alutra had mistaken the slice for a gift, and the little creature was devastated as it began to cry out helplessly. Alutra saw this and smiled.

“Aww, my little precious is so happy to share with me that he’s crying tears of joy. How cute.”

She then patted its little head, and the little furball could only stop crying as it was absolutely dumbfounded.

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